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Circulaire actuelle Co-op Food - Valable à partir du 09.12 au 18.12 - Page n° 13

Circulaire Co-op Food 09.12.2023 - 18.12.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

EXHILARATE ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Halauxifen, Florasulam and MCPA Ester GROUP: 2 & 4 PACKAGING: 1 x 0.8 kg of Exhilarate À and 2x7.5L Co-op MCPA Ester 600 RAINFAST: 2 hours REGISTERED CROPS: Spring wheat, durum wheat, winter wheat, barley APPLICATION RATE: 10 g/acre Exhilarate À + 189 ml/acre MCPA Ester 600 (80 acres/case) TANK MIX OPTIONS: Avant, Simplicity, Simplicity Go-Dri, Tandem, Axial, Everest 3.0 *Use any surfactant required for tank-mix partner. WATER VOLUME: Ground application only: 5-10 gal/acre STORAGE: Do not freeze KEY WEEDS CONTROLLED'" + Annual sow thistle + Barnyard grass + Canada fleabane + Canada thistle + Chickweed + Cleavers + Common ragweed + Cow cockle * Refer to product label for detailed rate and weed staging information PRO TIPS Dandelion Flixweed Green smartweed and Lady's thumb Hemp-nettle Kochia Lamb's-quarters Narrow-leaved hawk's-beard + Night-flowering catchfly + Perennial sow thistle + _Redroot pigweed + Round-leaved mallow + Scentless chamomile + Shepherd's purse + Stinkweed + Stork's-bill + Great rotational option when dealing with group 2 resistant broadleaf weed biotypes + Apply from 3-leaf stage to just prior to flag leaf emergence TANK MIX ORDER: Exhilarate A, grass control tank mix partner, MCPA Ester, any adjuvant or surfactant required. (Simplicity-Agral 90 (.25%v/v); Everest 3.0-Ag Surf or Agral 90 (25%v/v)) Velvetleaf Volunteer alfalfa Volunteer canola Volunteer flax White cockle Wild buckwheat Wild mustard BROADLEAF HERBICIDES | 13

Derniéres circulaires

EXHILARATE ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Halauxifen, Florasulam and MCPA Ester GROUP: 2 & 4 PACKAGING: 1 x 0.8 kg of Exhilarate À and 2x7.5L Co-op MCPA Ester 600 RAINFAST: 2 hours REGISTERED CROPS: Spring wheat, durum wheat, winter wheat, barley APPLICATION RATE: 10 g/acre Exhilarate À + 189 ml/acre MCPA Ester 600 (80 acres/case) TANK MIX OPTIONS: Avant, Simplicity, Simplicity Go-Dri, Tandem, Axial, Everest 3.0 *Use any surfactant required for tank-mix partner. WATER VOLUME: Ground application only: 5-10 gal/acre STORAGE: Do not freeze KEY WEEDS CONTROLLED'" + Annual sow thistle + Barnyard grass + Canada fleabane + Canada thistle + Chickweed + Cleavers + Common ragweed + Cow cockle * Refer to product label for detailed rate and weed staging information PRO TIPS Dandelion Flixweed Green smartweed and Lady's thumb Hemp-nettle Kochia Lamb's-quarters Narrow-leaved hawk's-beard + Night-flowering catchfly + Perennial sow thistle + _Redroot pigweed + Round-leaved mallow + Scentless chamomile + Shepherd's purse + Stinkweed + Stork's-bill + Great rotational option when dealing with group 2 resistant broadleaf weed biotypes + Apply from 3-leaf stage to just prior to flag leaf emergence TANK MIX ORDER: Exhilarate A, grass control tank mix partner, MCPA Ester, any adjuvant or surfactant required. (Simplicity-Agral 90 (.25%v/v); Everest 3.0-Ag Surf or Agral 90 (25%v/v)) Velvetleaf Volunteer alfalfa Volunteer canola Volunteer flax White cockle Wild buckwheat Wild mustard BROADLEAF HERBICIDES | 13

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