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Circulaire actuelle Co-op Food - Valable à partir du 26.12 au 30.11 - Page n° 15

Circulaire Co-op Food 26.12.2024 - 30.11.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

4 ! CIN ESTER 600 PNA: dt ACTIVE INGREDIENT: MCPA GROUP: 4 PACKAGING: 2 x 10 L, 115 Land 450L RAINFAST: 2 hours REGISTERED CROPS: Barley, established grasses and forage legumes (alfalfa, alsike and red clover), flax, oats, rye (spring, fall), bare ground, wheat (spring, winter, durum) APPLICATION RATE: Annual crops: 235-425 ml/acre (46-86 acres/case) Forage grass and pasture: 235-665 ml/acre (30-86 acres/case) KEY WEEDS CONTRSELER + Annual sow thistle + Biennial wormwood + Bluebur + Canada thistle + Cocklebur + Common plantain + Common ragweed + Corn spurry + Curled dock + Dandelion Field bindweed + Field horsetail + Fixweed + Giant ragweed + Goat's beard + Hedge bindweed + Hemp-nettle + Kochia + Lady'sthumb + Lamb's-quarters TANK MIX OPTIONS: Use tank-mix partners only when they are registered WATER VOLUME: Ground applicatio 5-10 gal/acre Aerial application: 3 gal/acre Leafy spurge + Oak-leaved goosefoot + Perennial sow thistle + Prickly lettuce + Purslane + Ragweed + Redroot pigweed + Russian knapweed Russian thistle + Shepherd's purse STORAGE: May be frozen TANK MIX ORDER: When used in a tank mix, consult product label(s) and use W.A.L.E.S guidelines. + Smartweed + Stinkweed + Sweet clover + Tartary buckwheat + Vetch + Wild mustards + Wild radish + Wild (annual) sunflower Please see label for additional pasture weeds controlled. *Refer to product label for detailed rate and weed staging information PROTIPS + For annual cereals and forage grasses, apply from the 3-leaf stage up to flag leaf + For flax, apply after 2 inches in height and prior to budding. For maximum crop safety, apply between 2-4 inches in height For forage legumes apply at the 1-2 trifoliate stage + May also be applied for vegetation management purposes on non-crop land + Allow7 days prior to harvesting forage + Maximum one application per year of this and other products containing the active ingredient MCPA/MCPB BROADLEAF HERBICIDES | 15

Derniéres circulaires

4 ! CIN ESTER 600 PNA: dt ACTIVE INGREDIENT: MCPA GROUP: 4 PACKAGING: 2 x 10 L, 115 Land 450L RAINFAST: 2 hours REGISTERED CROPS: Barley, established grasses and forage legumes (alfalfa, alsike and red clover), flax, oats, rye (spring, fall), bare ground, wheat (spring, winter, durum) APPLICATION RATE: Annual crops: 235-425 ml/acre (46-86 acres/case) Forage grass and pasture: 235-665 ml/acre (30-86 acres/case) KEY WEEDS CONTRSELER + Annual sow thistle + Biennial wormwood + Bluebur + Canada thistle + Cocklebur + Common plantain + Common ragweed + Corn spurry + Curled dock + Dandelion Field bindweed + Field horsetail + Fixweed + Giant ragweed + Goat's beard + Hedge bindweed + Hemp-nettle + Kochia + Lady'sthumb + Lamb's-quarters TANK MIX OPTIONS: Use tank-mix partners only when they are registered WATER VOLUME: Ground applicatio 5-10 gal/acre Aerial application: 3 gal/acre Leafy spurge + Oak-leaved goosefoot + Perennial sow thistle + Prickly lettuce + Purslane + Ragweed + Redroot pigweed + Russian knapweed Russian thistle + Shepherd's purse STORAGE: May be frozen TANK MIX ORDER: When used in a tank mix, consult product label(s) and use W.A.L.E.S guidelines. + Smartweed + Stinkweed + Sweet clover + Tartary buckwheat + Vetch + Wild mustards + Wild radish + Wild (annual) sunflower Please see label for additional pasture weeds controlled. *Refer to product label for detailed rate and weed staging information PROTIPS + For annual cereals and forage grasses, apply from the 3-leaf stage up to flag leaf + For flax, apply after 2 inches in height and prior to budding. For maximum crop safety, apply between 2-4 inches in height For forage legumes apply at the 1-2 trifoliate stage + May also be applied for vegetation management purposes on non-crop land + Allow7 days prior to harvesting forage + Maximum one application per year of this and other products containing the active ingredient MCPA/MCPB BROADLEAF HERBICIDES | 15

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