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Circulaire actuelle Farm Boy - Noël - Valable à partir du 24.11 au 30.11 - Page n° 9

Circulaire Farm Boy 24.11.2022 - 30.11.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

FARM BOY®" DIPPERS Struck by in-dip-cision? We have the solution! Our new variety boxes of fresh fan favourite dips are perfect for snacking and sharing. Choose from Mediterranean or Signature. ea 500-575 g FARM BOY“ NATURALS SMOKED HONEY HAMS Mini in sze, but mighty in flavour! Naturally smoked over wood chips for a deep smoky taste that's balanced with a touch of sweetness from honey! 7 D F DRE (eV S PETAZA FARM BOYM MINI FISH TACOS Our mini fish tacos are filled with tender fish, crisp veggies, herbs, and spices wrapped in a flourtorll. They cn be baked, fred, grlled, or microwaved for an easy app or snack. = 099 5 9 FARM BOY“ DOUBLE BAKED PITA CRACKERS Double baked for extra cunch, these crackers are a pantry staple for the holidays! Ideal for charcuterie boards, canapés, dipping, and more. 349 ea 1709 FARM BON" ROSETTE DE LYON SLICES Our popular salami collection is pre-sliced for your convenience! Ready to enjoy on charcuterie boards, sanduwiches, pizzas, and more! 7e ea 1259 FARM BOY DOUBLE CREAM BRIE Experience tin all its creamy glory by baking with drizzled honey or adding to a hot-pressed sandwich. Locally made in small batches in Ontario. … 799 ES 2009 FARM BOY BUTTERTARTS Deep pockets of gooey butter tart filling, are baked in crumbly shorterust pastry forthe most mouthwatering bite. A dassic Canadian treat. 6% 5409 man VALER PAU Chvéctite Sal ne À emo SRNLEA CHEESE! Rare Gin even sans FARM BOY" NEW YORK STYLE CHEESECAKES Our cheesecales are rich and dense, velvety smooth and decadent. Chocolate lovers will go wild forthe brounie base. SAVE $1.00 ea FARM BOY" RESERVE BLEND COFFEE BEANS Sourced from Rainforest Alliance farms and roasted using 100% renewable energy! Enjoy hints of sweet milk chocolate & toasted walnut.

FARM BOY®" DIPPERS Struck by in-dip-cision? We have the solution! Our new variety boxes of fresh fan favourite dips are perfect for snacking and sharing. Choose from Mediterranean or Signature. ea 500-575 g FARM BOY“ NATURALS SMOKED HONEY HAMS Mini in sze, but mighty in flavour! Naturally smoked over wood chips for a deep smoky taste that's balanced with a touch of sweetness from honey! 7 D F DRE (eV S PETAZA FARM BOYM MINI FISH TACOS Our mini fish tacos are filled with tender fish, crisp veggies, herbs, and spices wrapped in a flourtorll. They cn be baked, fred, grlled, or microwaved for an easy app or snack. = 099 5 9 FARM BOY“ DOUBLE BAKED PITA CRACKERS Double baked for extra cunch, these crackers are a pantry staple for the holidays! Ideal for charcuterie boards, canapés, dipping, and more. 349 ea 1709 FARM BON" ROSETTE DE LYON SLICES Our popular salami collection is pre-sliced for your convenience! Ready to enjoy on charcuterie boards, sanduwiches, pizzas, and more! 7e ea 1259 FARM BOY DOUBLE CREAM BRIE Experience tin all its creamy glory by baking with drizzled honey or adding to a hot-pressed sandwich. Locally made in small batches in Ontario. … 799 ES 2009 FARM BOY BUTTERTARTS Deep pockets of gooey butter tart filling, are baked in crumbly shorterust pastry forthe most mouthwatering bite. A dassic Canadian treat. 6% 5409 man VALER PAU Chvéctite Sal ne À emo SRNLEA CHEESE! Rare Gin even sans FARM BOY" NEW YORK STYLE CHEESECAKES Our cheesecales are rich and dense, velvety smooth and decadent. Chocolate lovers will go wild forthe brounie base. SAVE $1.00 ea FARM BOY" RESERVE BLEND COFFEE BEANS Sourced from Rainforest Alliance farms and roasted using 100% renewable energy! Enjoy hints of sweet milk chocolate & toasted walnut.

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