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Circulaire actuelle Food Basics - Fête des Mères - Valable à partir du 11.05 au 17.05 - Page n° 2

Circulaire Food Basics 11.05.2023 - 17.05.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

*IN STOCK POLICY: Food Basies+ offers an in-stocx guarantee for al items in its current flyer. we are temporariy out-of-stock on an advertised item in our current flyer, a Rain Check wil be issued with 10% off the advertised price of the item redeemable within 14 days from the date of issue. Rain Checks are not issued if the ad in the flyer states, “While Quantities Last”, “Special Buy” or “No Rain Chec#s”, or on in-store cooked BBQ Chicken and Hot Pizza, Beer, Cider and Wine, Independent Third Party Vendors, “Our Seafood Market" and “Our Buteher Shop by Nosso Taino”. Please see the Customer Service desk at your Food Basies for full details. For retail sale only; f there 1s a limit stated in the ad, Rain Checks up ta the stated limit may be issued. I there is no limit stated in the ad, we reserve the right to limit quantities to reasonable requirements. Limit: One Rain Check per housahold per iter per day. We reserve the right to limit purchases to reasonable requirements. Limits or some restrictions apply - details available in Store or at Certain prices and special offers advertised in our flyers may vary by area. For the flyer applicable to your area, go to or see the flyer at your local store. Some illustrations in this flyer do not necessary represent tems on sale and are for design onlj, We reserve the right to coméct any unintentional érrors that may oceur in the copy or in illustration. ss 1 Sang or sal res ar in compaon Lo ou require pts Prices are effective Thursday 8 am, through cosing Wednesday, Other exemptions may apply. “Cor least À other regular etall price. Commercial resale af or products à prohiieë, UNAUTHORIZED COPYING OF THIS FLVER IN ANY MEDIUM at” references are in comparison to {NCLUDING POSTING ONLINE) HOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF METRO ONTARIO INC. IS NOT PERMITTED. D15015D15

Derniéres circulaires

*IN STOCK POLICY: Food Basies+ offers an in-stocx guarantee for al items in its current flyer. we are temporariy out-of-stock on an advertised item in our current flyer, a Rain Check wil be issued with 10% off the advertised price of the item redeemable within 14 days from the date of issue. Rain Checks are not issued if the ad in the flyer states, “While Quantities Last”, “Special Buy” or “No Rain Chec#s”, or on in-store cooked BBQ Chicken and Hot Pizza, Beer, Cider and Wine, Independent Third Party Vendors, “Our Seafood Market" and “Our Buteher Shop by Nosso Taino”. Please see the Customer Service desk at your Food Basies for full details. For retail sale only; f there 1s a limit stated in the ad, Rain Checks up ta the stated limit may be issued. I there is no limit stated in the ad, we reserve the right to limit quantities to reasonable requirements. Limit: One Rain Check per housahold per iter per day. We reserve the right to limit purchases to reasonable requirements. Limits or some restrictions apply - details available in Store or at Certain prices and special offers advertised in our flyers may vary by area. For the flyer applicable to your area, go to or see the flyer at your local store. Some illustrations in this flyer do not necessary represent tems on sale and are for design onlj, We reserve the right to coméct any unintentional érrors that may oceur in the copy or in illustration. ss 1 Sang or sal res ar in compaon Lo ou require pts Prices are effective Thursday 8 am, through cosing Wednesday, Other exemptions may apply. “Cor least À other regular etall price. Commercial resale af or products à prohiieë, UNAUTHORIZED COPYING OF THIS FLVER IN ANY MEDIUM at” references are in comparison to {NCLUDING POSTING ONLINE) HOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF METRO ONTARIO INC. IS NOT PERMITTED. D15015D15

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