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Circulaire actuelle Fortinos - Valable à partir du 13.07 au 19.07 - Page n° 6

Circulaire Fortinos 13.07.2023 - 19.07.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

a proud CS CL LS Fresh Made Kebobs,.. . Carolina RBBQ chicken ÆMarinated in a zesty [BBQ sauce with BE 2 Oiresn vegetabies plain chicken unseasoned —.—. (Thai turkey BMarinated with coconut ÿ à milk, gingertspices with fresh vegetables. Honey Garlic Turkey With chunks of onion,g yellow pepper & HE h à as + ; Honey Garlic Chicken With chunks of/onion Miss 4 Sweet Chipotle chicken yellow pepper & pineapph _ Marinated in a sweet à plain beef > * D Chipote sauce with Chicken Shawarme ünseasoned D er vesctabies Blend of spices with onion, F LEA N yellow pepper and tomato. 7 : L si G ; "+ : Korean BBQ pork Foodland ». Chipotle beef Marinated with chilil pastel soy sauce, spices with] M larinated in a sweet rest) Ve tales chipotle sauce with fresh vegetables. 6° Fresh Meat Kebobs each 11 varieties Marinated in a zesty BBQ sauce with fresh vegetables. iel Tuna Kebob (Gp) previousiy frozen, with Sliced peppers and onions L | or Fresh Swordfish KL ZA w) “ Kebobs 1 722-% Ÿ 5 Dh Fresh Salmon! és 4 or Shrimp Kebob] previously frozen la eachl Vegetable Kebobs 599 Chunks of peppers, grape tomatoes, zucchini, red onion and mushrooms. 6°2 each 2pack Available at the Salad Bar FORT 5

Derniéres circulaires

a proud CS CL LS Fresh Made Kebobs,.. . Carolina RBBQ chicken ÆMarinated in a zesty [BBQ sauce with BE 2 Oiresn vegetabies plain chicken unseasoned —.—. (Thai turkey BMarinated with coconut ÿ à milk, gingertspices with fresh vegetables. Honey Garlic Turkey With chunks of onion,g yellow pepper & HE h à as + ; Honey Garlic Chicken With chunks of/onion Miss 4 Sweet Chipotle chicken yellow pepper & pineapph _ Marinated in a sweet à plain beef > * D Chipote sauce with Chicken Shawarme ünseasoned D er vesctabies Blend of spices with onion, F LEA N yellow pepper and tomato. 7 : L si G ; "+ : Korean BBQ pork Foodland ». Chipotle beef Marinated with chilil pastel soy sauce, spices with] M larinated in a sweet rest) Ve tales chipotle sauce with fresh vegetables. 6° Fresh Meat Kebobs each 11 varieties Marinated in a zesty BBQ sauce with fresh vegetables. iel Tuna Kebob (Gp) previousiy frozen, with Sliced peppers and onions L | or Fresh Swordfish KL ZA w) “ Kebobs 1 722-% Ÿ 5 Dh Fresh Salmon! és 4 or Shrimp Kebob] previously frozen la eachl Vegetable Kebobs 599 Chunks of peppers, grape tomatoes, zucchini, red onion and mushrooms. 6°2 each 2pack Available at the Salad Bar FORT 5

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