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Circulaire actuelle Fortinos - Valable à partir du 06.02 au 12.02 - Page n° 20

Circulaire Fortinos 06.02.2025 - 12.02.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

OL \A/, eS eA a] a) X ab Fortinos Turkey Meatballs e Thurs. Feb 6: 3pm — 7pm: Waterdown 1 e Fri. Feb 7: 3pm — 7pm: Plains Rd & Guelph Line “4! e Sat. Feb 8: 12noon - 4pm: Appleby Line & New st e Sun. Feb 9: 12noon — 4pm: Neyagawa & Lakeshore Made with fresh turkey, garlic, lemon & herbs. ght pn ten nvr Peedrale lal y TURKEY fo ra G Made with ree trey, MEATBALLS <p” “7 \ Coy ae ; | a | TURKEY ba E2> Ces ee aE MEATBALLS LP KS “SF AEB) BFA Gea ——=/ ONTARIO = = . = mi ~ : _ aa = ce) 2 : GO ian comfort food — pee eae UR ky oe Ra eis = Made with Ontario Turkey, e Seasoned with garlic, lemonjzest} & herbs ee ONLINE 21

Derniéres circulaires

OL \A/, eS eA a] a) X ab Fortinos Turkey Meatballs e Thurs. Feb 6: 3pm — 7pm: Waterdown 1 e Fri. Feb 7: 3pm — 7pm: Plains Rd & Guelph Line “4! e Sat. Feb 8: 12noon - 4pm: Appleby Line & New st e Sun. Feb 9: 12noon — 4pm: Neyagawa & Lakeshore Made with fresh turkey, garlic, lemon & herbs. ght pn ten nvr Peedrale lal y TURKEY fo ra G Made with ree trey, MEATBALLS <p” “7 \ Coy ae ; | a | TURKEY ba E2> Ces ee aE MEATBALLS LP KS “SF AEB) BFA Gea ——=/ ONTARIO = = . = mi ~ : _ aa = ce) 2 : GO ian comfort food — pee eae UR ky oe Ra eis = Made with Ontario Turkey, e Seasoned with garlic, lemonjzest} & herbs ee ONLINE 21

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