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Circulaire actuelle Longo's - Black Friday - Valable à partir du 10.11 au 23.11 - Page n° 13

Circulaire Longo's 10.11.2022 - 23.11.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

LOCALLY SOURCED WINNER, WINNER. CHICKEN DINNER! “We very much believe in the adage that ‘you are what you eat." 1think people across Ontario are more curious today about where their food is coming from, and organic aligns with many principles that are important to many people." -Nick Ahrens 4 MEET THE FARMER Nick Ahrens LOCATION Peterborough, Ontario WHY THEY ARE OUR PARTNER Nick Ahrens is a sixth Yorkshire Valley Farms Fresh 1 62? Organic Chicken Breast Fillets generation organic farmer. : He and his family raise LB or Scallopini organic chicken in Ontario, 3746/kg as well as growing organic SAVE $2/LB corn, soybeans and wheat, De Valley Farms which go into the or. [eh Orpanie Bonsies non-GMO all-grain foed for Chicken Thighs AB sde the chickens. SAVE $1/LB Yorkshire Valley Farms: Yorkshire Valley Farms 99 FRnn Dee 94 otre Vale Forms 99 Fra Orele Chicken Breasts 50 Frozen Organic Chicken Drumsticks Chicken Meatballs kg pkg OFF lkgpkg 800g pkg SAVE $5 $6.99 RETAIL SAVE $7 PRICES ON THIS PAGE EFFECTIVE FROM THURSDAY NOVEMBER 10°" TO WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 23%, 2022.

Derniéres circulaires

LOCALLY SOURCED WINNER, WINNER. CHICKEN DINNER! “We very much believe in the adage that ‘you are what you eat." 1think people across Ontario are more curious today about where their food is coming from, and organic aligns with many principles that are important to many people." -Nick Ahrens 4 MEET THE FARMER Nick Ahrens LOCATION Peterborough, Ontario WHY THEY ARE OUR PARTNER Nick Ahrens is a sixth Yorkshire Valley Farms Fresh 1 62? Organic Chicken Breast Fillets generation organic farmer. : He and his family raise LB or Scallopini organic chicken in Ontario, 3746/kg as well as growing organic SAVE $2/LB corn, soybeans and wheat, De Valley Farms which go into the or. [eh Orpanie Bonsies non-GMO all-grain foed for Chicken Thighs AB sde the chickens. SAVE $1/LB Yorkshire Valley Farms: Yorkshire Valley Farms 99 FRnn Dee 94 otre Vale Forms 99 Fra Orele Chicken Breasts 50 Frozen Organic Chicken Drumsticks Chicken Meatballs kg pkg OFF lkgpkg 800g pkg SAVE $5 $6.99 RETAIL SAVE $7 PRICES ON THIS PAGE EFFECTIVE FROM THURSDAY NOVEMBER 10°" TO WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 23%, 2022.

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