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Circulaire actuelle Peavey Mart - Valable à partir du 26.07 au 31.07 - Page n° 11

Circulaire Peavey Mart 26.07.2024 - 31.07.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

144°° Diamond Ranch Panel 10" x 5', 1” square tube horizontal rails Reg. 169.99 214345 CNT) SAVE 20% MIBRO SAVE 20% | Mibro Rope T-Posts Assonted sizes 8 Assorted brands options availoble & sizes ovoileble. Reg. 10.99-17.99 “Disco pps > roger prod ie cn D, 16° 9 ÉRBRM-TUFF 3-in-1 Poly Feeder ) 8lb capacity. Ensily hang, stand, or , place on the ground for convenient + use. Dent & rust proof material “E . sn keep food clean. A 3557498 esse SAVE $25 ÉRRM-TUFF 34% 3 Gallon Deluxe Hen Hydrator Keops water leon & con help prevent disease. Translucent bucket. Blue color provides UV protection lo prevent À ‘olgoe growih. A re 0 « 227 v LC Æ ET) Shop Online 24/7 SAVE 30% æ MYAREITZ SAVE $200 agräTronix Hardware Cloth 499°° re ne Asso sizes & options avoilble Reg. 14.99-279.99 Grain Tester AAg-mac plus grain ester. Direct reodlout for over 20 grains. Reg. 699.99 1011031 “Décountopphs 1 ag pieds oh Nat ch in alcon. Alor 14 day fr dan. SAVE $20 SAVE $290 Meur 2497 599% “7 14 Rustler Gate _ —{——7 Gate Closer/Opener Uflizes a choinlatch connecting Perfect for ranch syle Wbe gates system lo nchor he gate lo or ornamental driveway gaies. on exising fence post or exisfng panel system. Reg. 269.99 3506008 T1 SAVE $15_ CEEMwr SAVE $30 Easy o instal Reg. 889.99 202722 ŒE SAVE $5 399 4 499 89 ©. T-Post Pounder 26” Tractor Drawbar Hitch Pin 171bs of force. Category 1. 3/4" diameter. 3/4" xé-1/2". 23-1/2° lengih. Reg. 79.99 Reg. 13.99 Reg. 54.99 206758 293930 296157 SAVE $5 LT ET, SAVE $50 DER 449 9 -… 897 Baler Twine 2 Pack 28,000 minimum lengh. Extra UV stabilized. Softer, more supple Mine. Consistent 110lb knot strength. Reg. 49.99 295560 54°? Large Square Poly Baler Twine 4000 cn Anot strengh. 1000941 WEST, ET, 2 4, PEAVEY MART Baler Twine PowerFlo 12V Diaphragm Pump 2.2gpm. Flex mounting system, improved pressure swikchos & effcient vahe design Reg. 139.99 3538938 SAVE $50 399°° Bale Stack Cover 33! x 48. Heavy reinforced super tough por fobric wih slver/block finish, 200b/in tes srengh Reg. 449.99 29704 ORDER AT DS CRAN

Derniéres circulaires

144°° Diamond Ranch Panel 10" x 5', 1” square tube horizontal rails Reg. 169.99 214345 CNT) SAVE 20% MIBRO SAVE 20% | Mibro Rope T-Posts Assonted sizes 8 Assorted brands options availoble & sizes ovoileble. Reg. 10.99-17.99 “Disco pps > roger prod ie cn D, 16° 9 ÉRBRM-TUFF 3-in-1 Poly Feeder ) 8lb capacity. Ensily hang, stand, or , place on the ground for convenient + use. Dent & rust proof material “E . sn keep food clean. A 3557498 esse SAVE $25 ÉRRM-TUFF 34% 3 Gallon Deluxe Hen Hydrator Keops water leon & con help prevent disease. Translucent bucket. Blue color provides UV protection lo prevent À ‘olgoe growih. A re 0 « 227 v LC Æ ET) Shop Online 24/7 SAVE 30% æ MYAREITZ SAVE $200 agräTronix Hardware Cloth 499°° re ne Asso sizes & options avoilble Reg. 14.99-279.99 Grain Tester AAg-mac plus grain ester. Direct reodlout for over 20 grains. Reg. 699.99 1011031 “Décountopphs 1 ag pieds oh Nat ch in alcon. Alor 14 day fr dan. SAVE $20 SAVE $290 Meur 2497 599% “7 14 Rustler Gate _ —{——7 Gate Closer/Opener Uflizes a choinlatch connecting Perfect for ranch syle Wbe gates system lo nchor he gate lo or ornamental driveway gaies. on exising fence post or exisfng panel system. Reg. 269.99 3506008 T1 SAVE $15_ CEEMwr SAVE $30 Easy o instal Reg. 889.99 202722 ŒE SAVE $5 399 4 499 89 ©. T-Post Pounder 26” Tractor Drawbar Hitch Pin 171bs of force. Category 1. 3/4" diameter. 3/4" xé-1/2". 23-1/2° lengih. Reg. 79.99 Reg. 13.99 Reg. 54.99 206758 293930 296157 SAVE $5 LT ET, SAVE $50 DER 449 9 -… 897 Baler Twine 2 Pack 28,000 minimum lengh. Extra UV stabilized. Softer, more supple Mine. Consistent 110lb knot strength. Reg. 49.99 295560 54°? Large Square Poly Baler Twine 4000 cn Anot strengh. 1000941 WEST, ET, 2 4, PEAVEY MART Baler Twine PowerFlo 12V Diaphragm Pump 2.2gpm. Flex mounting system, improved pressure swikchos & effcient vahe design Reg. 139.99 3538938 SAVE $50 399°° Bale Stack Cover 33! x 48. Heavy reinforced super tough por fobric wih slver/block finish, 200b/in tes srengh Reg. 449.99 29704 ORDER AT DS CRAN

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