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Circulaire actuelle Peavey Mart - Valable à partir du 15.03 au 21.03 - Page n° 6

Circulaire Peavey Mart 15.03.2024 - 21.03.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

1497 7.1/4" Corded #7 [M 99 65 297 Circular Saw ‘14 Piece Drill u 2 3 Piece 8.8bs. 15 amp moior. 29/16" depih Bit Set Oscillating Set of cut capacity provide versaïilit. Du Shot chminotss he Includes 3 different oscillating Reg. 159.99 frustration of bit spinning in 1 aftachments. Allws adapter-free 1000077 he chuck use wih all major Dog. 29.99 oscillating tool brands CE Reg. 4299 1500017 ating L 4- 7 2: 7? (D à Grinder FRS Se 7 amp. 11,000rpm, Quick [\éblodes. ncludes change wheel releose. storage case. Reg. 109.99 og. 54.99 ; 488990 485034 | SAVE SA ] 4% sraniey SAVE $6 772722 SAVE $5 roK D Jo 167 Saw Blade Indudes 25! 16 & 12 topes. Multi-Screwdriver Multi-Function 5x 1/16" x 7/8". à Combo Pack 1500021 Ÿ Reg. 21.49 Le Tool Reg. 1.99 D Reg 1399 ù 411449 _ DT 14 muitoo! 1005274 437506 © © Ci . . ae y 1008255 32 Piece Shockwave" Elu M127" 12V Lithium-lon M127" Bare Multi-Tool Driver Bit Set Eug Cordless 2.0 Starter Kit Remove grout, sand & Increased wear resistance. Geomelric Includes battery & tackle other awkward jobs. design provides be shock absorption. F REDLTHIUM batery pack Reg. 139.99 Reg. 30.99 7 soc Reg. 139.99 449749 454682 3004169 (Bare tools do not include batteries. 148 99 , a 198 99 > 39 99 TOOLWAY M12T" FUEL Bare M187" High Output 12 Piece Punch 3° Compact Cut 3Ah Bañery 2 Pack & Chisel Set Off Tool Delisers fée porrer 2 ris includes 6 chisels, 4 pin Delivers mulii-material substantially cooler through heavy punches & 2 center punches. cuting capability. 4 applications. Reg. 56.99 Reg. 189.99 ee 810103654 Reg. 268.99 489306 1501881

Derniéres circulaires

1497 7.1/4" Corded #7 [M 99 65 297 Circular Saw ‘14 Piece Drill u 2 3 Piece 8.8bs. 15 amp moior. 29/16" depih Bit Set Oscillating Set of cut capacity provide versaïilit. Du Shot chminotss he Includes 3 different oscillating Reg. 159.99 frustration of bit spinning in 1 aftachments. Allws adapter-free 1000077 he chuck use wih all major Dog. 29.99 oscillating tool brands CE Reg. 4299 1500017 ating L 4- 7 2: 7? (D à Grinder FRS Se 7 amp. 11,000rpm, Quick [\éblodes. ncludes change wheel releose. storage case. Reg. 109.99 og. 54.99 ; 488990 485034 | SAVE SA ] 4% sraniey SAVE $6 772722 SAVE $5 roK D Jo 167 Saw Blade Indudes 25! 16 & 12 topes. Multi-Screwdriver Multi-Function 5x 1/16" x 7/8". à Combo Pack 1500021 Ÿ Reg. 21.49 Le Tool Reg. 1.99 D Reg 1399 ù 411449 _ DT 14 muitoo! 1005274 437506 © © Ci . . ae y 1008255 32 Piece Shockwave" Elu M127" 12V Lithium-lon M127" Bare Multi-Tool Driver Bit Set Eug Cordless 2.0 Starter Kit Remove grout, sand & Increased wear resistance. Geomelric Includes battery & tackle other awkward jobs. design provides be shock absorption. F REDLTHIUM batery pack Reg. 139.99 Reg. 30.99 7 soc Reg. 139.99 449749 454682 3004169 (Bare tools do not include batteries. 148 99 , a 198 99 > 39 99 TOOLWAY M12T" FUEL Bare M187" High Output 12 Piece Punch 3° Compact Cut 3Ah Bañery 2 Pack & Chisel Set Off Tool Delisers fée porrer 2 ris includes 6 chisels, 4 pin Delivers mulii-material substantially cooler through heavy punches & 2 center punches. cuting capability. 4 applications. Reg. 56.99 Reg. 189.99 ee 810103654 Reg. 268.99 489306 1501881

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