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Circulaire actuelle Peavey Mart - Valable à partir du 08.11 au 14.11 - Page n° 9

Circulaire Peavey Mart 08.11.2024 - 14.11.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

7°° SAVE LS SAVE LS > | Fuel Transfer VE (TR < Pumps Conventional y 44 44 Assoried Ps available 1 SAE 10W-30 Automatic Oil Stabilizer ROLE Motor Oil 946ml Transmission 3.78L EF Re porengar ca, sn Fluid 7.57L Enr dy " 1002588 dnieurs rien) pet Ford vehicles. Reg. 59.99 - . Rag. 5999 193420 MOTOR on an ARTE 10718WR cl Qu Femal ” Vare SAVE $10 Qiérua SAVE $30 Mobil SAVE $210 GrgoMaster 96” 109" 199 ISO 32 Hydraulic Delvac 15W-40 : Aluminum Tri-Fold Oil 18.9L 1300$ Oil 18.9L Loading Ramp Oustanding wear Sootiscosiy control br Webi 69 x 45°. 1500 capociy performance designed {greater engine efficiency, pese Reg. 409.99 1 meet the high long engine & oil if. 1002213 nes 1 Sr Ÿ Reg. 106.99 Fe SAVE $15 Delvac 15W-40 13005 Oil 3.78L 3557690 Reg. 45.99 . 30.99 se F! IL L- RITE SAVE $15 Hopkins. SAVE 10% HarvestÈG rave SAVE $300 WESTEEL= fress MONS 5 4°? GES El Buiaries 1 A999° Assorted size avaloble. Assoried oplons vaïable > Rag. 1599-29.99 Reg. 79.99:299.99 PEAVEY Magnetic Round Trailer Wa Single Wall Flat Top Fuel Tank SSSR ranxQ Towing Light Kit 99 galln. 20.7" H x 29.3" W x 47.4" LIncreases structural rigidity & decreases fuel sloshing. Consists 20 wire harness with Ce} EE) sondord for vire S of à hauvy gg ton sl on ends pra vehicle trailer _ HS load, light connector. # Donmemmnimer + one =. TS ts 152625 FA SAVE 99” Die > f A — 12° T-Dolh LT md 300lb load capaciy. Reg. 29.99 3538756 ex SAVE $30 go) SAVE $50 gi) SAVE $130 éathertast 6" Tri-Dolly ons Co Euro 99 99 99 491783 Reg. 16.99 …… . d . Limited to exitingiventory. No 48” Farm Jack H 20 Ton Hydraulic Portable Garage SAVE 25% Da Adiuscble lop amp H Bottle Jac 10 Wx8 Hx 20 D. e duty al steel frame levis can be moved to Co with Hhermo-se powder cooted finish resists ust 29°? any posion on he upright a & corrosion, 3 layer rip stop polyehylene UV sea standard fr lamping nn ln s protcad fobrc 50001b Ratchet Strap purposes. Ling ronge Fited with safety valve to Reg. 529.99 2 «25 en dt din 41/2" 0 47". 600 Hfing re re le 3000990 / Double} had. copociy Reg.299.99 | Reg. 39.99 RP LE 11707 l 172084 = ue

Derniéres circulaires

7°° SAVE LS SAVE LS > | Fuel Transfer VE (TR < Pumps Conventional y 44 44 Assoried Ps available 1 SAE 10W-30 Automatic Oil Stabilizer ROLE Motor Oil 946ml Transmission 3.78L EF Re porengar ca, sn Fluid 7.57L Enr dy " 1002588 dnieurs rien) pet Ford vehicles. Reg. 59.99 - . Rag. 5999 193420 MOTOR on an ARTE 10718WR cl Qu Femal ” Vare SAVE $10 Qiérua SAVE $30 Mobil SAVE $210 GrgoMaster 96” 109" 199 ISO 32 Hydraulic Delvac 15W-40 : Aluminum Tri-Fold Oil 18.9L 1300$ Oil 18.9L Loading Ramp Oustanding wear Sootiscosiy control br Webi 69 x 45°. 1500 capociy performance designed {greater engine efficiency, pese Reg. 409.99 1 meet the high long engine & oil if. 1002213 nes 1 Sr Ÿ Reg. 106.99 Fe SAVE $15 Delvac 15W-40 13005 Oil 3.78L 3557690 Reg. 45.99 . 30.99 se F! IL L- RITE SAVE $15 Hopkins. SAVE 10% HarvestÈG rave SAVE $300 WESTEEL= fress MONS 5 4°? GES El Buiaries 1 A999° Assorted size avaloble. Assoried oplons vaïable > Rag. 1599-29.99 Reg. 79.99:299.99 PEAVEY Magnetic Round Trailer Wa Single Wall Flat Top Fuel Tank SSSR ranxQ Towing Light Kit 99 galln. 20.7" H x 29.3" W x 47.4" LIncreases structural rigidity & decreases fuel sloshing. Consists 20 wire harness with Ce} EE) sondord for vire S of à hauvy gg ton sl on ends pra vehicle trailer _ HS load, light connector. # Donmemmnimer + one =. TS ts 152625 FA SAVE 99” Die > f A — 12° T-Dolh LT md 300lb load capaciy. Reg. 29.99 3538756 ex SAVE $30 go) SAVE $50 gi) SAVE $130 éathertast 6" Tri-Dolly ons Co Euro 99 99 99 491783 Reg. 16.99 …… . d . Limited to exitingiventory. No 48” Farm Jack H 20 Ton Hydraulic Portable Garage SAVE 25% Da Adiuscble lop amp H Bottle Jac 10 Wx8 Hx 20 D. e duty al steel frame levis can be moved to Co with Hhermo-se powder cooted finish resists ust 29°? any posion on he upright a & corrosion, 3 layer rip stop polyehylene UV sea standard fr lamping nn ln s protcad fobrc 50001b Ratchet Strap purposes. Ling ronge Fited with safety valve to Reg. 529.99 2 «25 en dt din 41/2" 0 47". 600 Hfing re re le 3000990 / Double} had. copociy Reg.299.99 | Reg. 39.99 RP LE 11707 l 172084 = ue

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