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Circulaire actuelle Peavey Mart - Valable à partir du 28.11 au 05.12 - Page n° 2

Circulaire Peavey Mart 28.11.2024 - 05.12.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

BLACK FRIDAY 16°? 50 Piece Screwdriver Set Mode with durable & rebable d L be assé UPS 3571869 FA pe NE No further dccunt Cannes be combnned min cher cle 29° QE 54 Piece YA Hex Key Set Crohed for precision & durobily, making it ideal for DIY projects. Reg. 49.99 3571870 XX Men's & Women's Pullover Hoodies ES 00700003 Men's sizes M-2XL EMEATE 3570868-75 SAVE $10 7 ee A | CES CREER LTEEE Se WSPA1B. Lo 707) Reg. 39.99 Ps ) BERNE SAVE $2 99 Charging Cables 10°, Compatible with iPhone 5 & up, Pod, Android devices, tablets & other digial devices. Reg 11.99 1011508-10 Pr Mvenag SAVE 25% ù 2025 Calendars Assorted oplions available. Reg. 9.99-27.99 es further discount Connor be combened math other offers F0 ton Le anus ep Pod bons oc SAVE 25% Airomé Candle Warmers, Waxes & Oils No fuoher dicunt Connat be combaned mi char her “Dacoues opples à reguio prced ans ny No further ducount Connot be combined with other oflers SAVE 25% FES Soaps 10oz Assond options available Reg. 11.99-34.99 No further discount Cannot be combined wih cther oflees Drscourt opples 1 regulo prced does ony. SAVE 15% SAVE 15% Décor Rugs Indudes à 3-pieco gift sot & Joz or 3,402 Working ” Honds or Hachhy Foot Lotion. 1302718, 400739-40, 69996667 Q No herther discount Connot be combaned mih other ces Man Bar O'Keeffe's Skincare Reg. 12.99-24.99 Eh eo PE eq Llpohrnle de Hickory Farms Gift Sets S AVE Assorted flavours availoble. A LONCO NE ENS ES VAT CR 27 RE A ET LAC TREATESS rss ba gr Bebe Pope haseh en gt venope lie Apt THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28 TO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2024 YOUR CHOICE pli LOTS PTT LOT] PTE EL Te " CE POTT NN ECS PER EX 10 1 }] 615 Lumen Focusing Headlamp DEC OU PRET RTS) LEE Li LS SAVE LEM MaxVac 100 Vacuum Sealer PPT EE PULL PEL" PAZ LR SAVE SA D _—_— eY read ue cs ÉCÉPEAATAEEES SAVE 15% Harvest Goodness Dog & Cat Food + Assorted sizes & oprons croilable a Rog. 14.99-43.99 PEAVEY arcat QUECIY SAVE 15% Wild or Wet BL 2 Ci ed Assonted sixes & epons avoiloble Reg. 1.996499 be No hrther dacours Cornet be cormbored mh oûber cer Discount open to regular prced dem enr SAVE 25% Pet Toys Assorted brand & {ii CE CU mn SAVE $15 ICT EI ETIE PEAVEY 29°? 2A 6/12V GTR OUTTE ES LEP PRET CREER overchorging & extend born life 4499 cd CARRE RE CE ES pli SAVE o D'OTUTENTA Ou LUE) 2 LLENMALIEILrS LPC LPS Reg. 59.99 (2 CRE CES le Popcorn SAVE PPT creer 1012879, 3511885, C7: CR mOn. Crete COTES Small CEIQUESS Astoned bronds 8 opéons PTE he 2 Pt nl lle helene el CRE RTE ETS SAVE LES 100% Canadian Owned & Operated 99 SAVE Lt 10 Calendars Avoiloble in horte, farm & dinosaur, Reg. 49.99 CDs LR Ts ue s DRE CERTES SAVE $5 147 FR a Tin 2loz. 4 osorted desigrs. 3 Rovours, une, he cheddor & coramel Reg. 19.99 601043 No further discount Connot be combenee with other chers Leman 1 euting memory. Ro ro Dci SAVE $2 (4 Merci Chocolates 400g ETS - mer (No hrher discount Connet be combined sh cher chers. Lemaod 19 emstrg imeentory No rœn checks SAVE 20% "1 279 Festive Moments HERSHEYS No Eicher dou Carnot be comboned wh cher cles Led © curry meriory No rom chats YOUR CHOICE ] 57 SAVE Coffee or Coci Holiday Gift Set A 12 osorted Rovours. 25 7] =, Reg. 19.99 f | nus chocclate bor ssorment Reg. 16.99 75053 1503314, 15 No frther dcount Cannot be combomed ah otbee chers Lime 19 exahrg inventony, No rain chocs SAVE 15% Ferrero Chocolates Assorted Rovours avasoble Reg. 16,99-29.99 1 $2 19°? Orca Beverages 12 Pack ‘Aveslable in ginger bee, root beer or somaporillo Reg. 21.99 3547049-51 No hurther discount. Connot be combined with other chers. Lime 1 euthng enter, No ou dec Per dc Crabe carbon Re tree Do ref des. Dosrenteutles mel mind her seb

Derniéres circulaires

BLACK FRIDAY 16°? 50 Piece Screwdriver Set Mode with durable & rebable d L be assé UPS 3571869 FA pe NE No further dccunt Cannes be combnned min cher cle 29° QE 54 Piece YA Hex Key Set Crohed for precision & durobily, making it ideal for DIY projects. Reg. 49.99 3571870 XX Men's & Women's Pullover Hoodies ES 00700003 Men's sizes M-2XL EMEATE 3570868-75 SAVE $10 7 ee A | CES CREER LTEEE Se WSPA1B. Lo 707) Reg. 39.99 Ps ) BERNE SAVE $2 99 Charging Cables 10°, Compatible with iPhone 5 & up, Pod, Android devices, tablets & other digial devices. Reg 11.99 1011508-10 Pr Mvenag SAVE 25% ù 2025 Calendars Assorted oplions available. Reg. 9.99-27.99 es further discount Connor be combened math other offers F0 ton Le anus ep Pod bons oc SAVE 25% Airomé Candle Warmers, Waxes & Oils No fuoher dicunt Connat be combaned mi char her “Dacoues opples à reguio prced ans ny No further ducount Connot be combined with other oflers SAVE 25% FES Soaps 10oz Assond options available Reg. 11.99-34.99 No further discount Cannot be combined wih cther oflees Drscourt opples 1 regulo prced does ony. SAVE 15% SAVE 15% Décor Rugs Indudes à 3-pieco gift sot & Joz or 3,402 Working ” Honds or Hachhy Foot Lotion. 1302718, 400739-40, 69996667 Q No herther discount Connot be combaned mih other ces Man Bar O'Keeffe's Skincare Reg. 12.99-24.99 Eh eo PE eq Llpohrnle de Hickory Farms Gift Sets S AVE Assorted flavours availoble. A LONCO NE ENS ES VAT CR 27 RE A ET LAC TREATESS rss ba gr Bebe Pope haseh en gt venope lie Apt THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28 TO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2024 YOUR CHOICE pli LOTS PTT LOT] PTE EL Te " CE POTT NN ECS PER EX 10 1 }] 615 Lumen Focusing Headlamp DEC OU PRET RTS) LEE Li LS SAVE LEM MaxVac 100 Vacuum Sealer PPT EE PULL PEL" PAZ LR SAVE SA D _—_— eY read ue cs ÉCÉPEAATAEEES SAVE 15% Harvest Goodness Dog & Cat Food + Assorted sizes & oprons croilable a Rog. 14.99-43.99 PEAVEY arcat QUECIY SAVE 15% Wild or Wet BL 2 Ci ed Assonted sixes & epons avoiloble Reg. 1.996499 be No hrther dacours Cornet be cormbored mh oûber cer Discount open to regular prced dem enr SAVE 25% Pet Toys Assorted brand & {ii CE CU mn SAVE $15 ICT EI ETIE PEAVEY 29°? 2A 6/12V GTR OUTTE ES LEP PRET CREER overchorging & extend born life 4499 cd CARRE RE CE ES pli SAVE o D'OTUTENTA Ou LUE) 2 LLENMALIEILrS LPC LPS Reg. 59.99 (2 CRE CES le Popcorn SAVE PPT creer 1012879, 3511885, C7: CR mOn. Crete COTES Small CEIQUESS Astoned bronds 8 opéons PTE he 2 Pt nl lle helene el CRE RTE ETS SAVE LES 100% Canadian Owned & Operated 99 SAVE Lt 10 Calendars Avoiloble in horte, farm & dinosaur, Reg. 49.99 CDs LR Ts ue s DRE CERTES SAVE $5 147 FR a Tin 2loz. 4 osorted desigrs. 3 Rovours, une, he cheddor & coramel Reg. 19.99 601043 No further discount Connot be combenee with other chers Leman 1 euting memory. Ro ro Dci SAVE $2 (4 Merci Chocolates 400g ETS - mer (No hrher discount Connet be combined sh cher chers. Lemaod 19 emstrg imeentory No rœn checks SAVE 20% "1 279 Festive Moments HERSHEYS No Eicher dou Carnot be comboned wh cher cles Led © curry meriory No rom chats YOUR CHOICE ] 57 SAVE Coffee or Coci Holiday Gift Set A 12 osorted Rovours. 25 7] =, Reg. 19.99 f | nus chocclate bor ssorment Reg. 16.99 75053 1503314, 15 No frther dcount Cannot be combomed ah otbee chers Lime 19 exahrg inventony, No rain chocs SAVE 15% Ferrero Chocolates Assorted Rovours avasoble Reg. 16,99-29.99 1 $2 19°? Orca Beverages 12 Pack ‘Aveslable in ginger bee, root beer or somaporillo Reg. 21.99 3547049-51 No hurther discount. Connot be combined with other chers. Lime 1 euthng enter, No ou dec Per dc Crabe carbon Re tree Do ref des. Dosrenteutles mel mind her seb

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