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Circulaire actuelle Peavey Mart - Valable à partir du 28.11 au 05.12 - Page n° 8

Circulaire Peavey Mart 28.11.2024 - 05.12.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

PAT: IT) V'ARTERAESERSE 9997 Starting at 56 1 /mo weth sic) 9500/12,000W = Generator (m1 Durable soel frome. Elecric start. Shock & fre prevention for soler operation. Reg. 1299.99 3523619 No lvrther discount Cannot be combened mit other oflers SAVE $400 G SAVE 20% 99 Energizer Fuel Pumps & Tanks 7 9 GASSEDÉ Asso bronds,sizes & options avoloble Reg. 64.99-1,799.99 Starting at 549/m0 with affirm n k 3500W Quiet J Inverter Generator Tr Keol for RV, home, or jobsite use. 2 212cc OHV engine with 6bp. Reg. 1,199.99 3503606 Fr 3 L {11 SAVE $4 NTUFF SAVE 15% VE Arial 20°? © 4 ice Melters & Salt 3.5kg-40kg Assorted brands & options avoiloble. 15.7"H 12 cv. f. copoci, s Duty Shovel Durable poly consuction \ Hacey duty plosic 1c00p 8 a deons up quickly. +0lid hordwood oh handle. Î passée Reg. 579.99 - Reg. 2499 l'oem 3539629 és À 373895 ee” . ei æ 44" Tow Behind Lown Sweeper HE Eosy dumping design eliminates the need 10 get of ie troctor 10 dump debris 393030 Reg. 649.99 499.99 IN furher dont. Cannot be combined th ter hors No Huthar dacount. Cannet be combined wi other chers No huther count Connat be combined with her chers Sdocion may very “Decoun opgher 1 rogdar prced ems on SAVE 40% min gt SAYE 30% <a SAVE 40% ranx SA $20 re Acta DT ei 14 14 Reg 199-599 Formula 3000 Latitude , il il 36" Snow Pusher Fr Wiper Blades Î | Ecosse Lomé { Avciloble in 16°-24 : 5. 4 moko the big jobs saser Reg. 2499 î Reg. 69.99 13102-10, 95 ( 372474 No further discount. Connot be combined wifi cther célers. “Discount opples 2 regur priced ms oo. No fer discount. Connat be combsned with her cfers No furher dicount Connat be combined with other chers No further discount, Comnot be combined wih ciher offers TETE Assorted options availoble. Reg. 79.99-299.99 CCE (CT tE SOU C LUE TS CE ue ee da 225% Dee YOUR CHOICE vel nagement SAVE $; RS Accessories s P ] 999 -vY à L 2 PR ‘ à 20° or 25° Jumper Cables 100% copper. Reg. 18999 3567585-86 PEAVEY Assorted options available LL E. # Ne irher dicaunt Conner be combrned ssh other ofees Reg. 34.99-399.99 Ù 4 Sion moy vor. Docu apple D rgnos rd Los ny No ua dissunt. Connot be combined vah her les. SAVE $ 5o Mobil SAE 500 ER 49 mn 19 MI Full Synthetic 4.73L 50001b Ratchet Strap à Avotabe in OW 20 s B à 3 Z x 25: Heon dy duig > PSE sw Re 99 CES 337667. 69,71,76 1e XX No ares cout, Connt be combined wih cher cs No her discount Comte combined wi char fe. SAVE 20% SAVE $20 Hr'CKz0N Lucas Oil 155ml-3.78L 2. 1 299 ns Assorted options available 1 > hs Reg. 12.99-65.99 » ë = Ratchet Straps 4 Pack 24 LÀ 1 x 107. FO0Ïb max capociiy. Light 5 = duty raïchet fe-down comes with F > = block vinyl covered hooks. | en lun! — 172104 PT D PO Lo ot No are dcsnt. Cnnot be combined vi cher les. SAVE 30% SAVE $17 HR'CK30oN Curt Ball Mounts ] 599 : Assorted sizes & options avoiloble Reg. 21.99-29999 À Va | x Hitch Organizer SZ Designed for securely storing — un 4 pins. He om FSU ds Can colin ik her SAVE 40% HOCEY SAVE 50% Steering Wheel ee 299 A & Seat Covers re Assorted sixes & options ovodable Rog. 28.99-209.99 Green/White Tarp 30” x 40” ) UM proicted for optimum long be. Wiaterproof & special reinlorced 10 be hecvy duty. Reg. 279.99 3533589 Green/White Tarp 40” x 60” Re Aa further discount, Conte combined môh cher fes 3533590 Reg. 509.99 254,99 Ssocias moy ver “Dour cpl 0 roguos pond ds ul No fucber discount. Cannet be combined ah cer cn. AU EMAUTICETS

PAT: IT) V'ARTERAESERSE 9997 Starting at 56 1 /mo weth sic) 9500/12,000W = Generator (m1 Durable soel frome. Elecric start. Shock & fre prevention for soler operation. Reg. 1299.99 3523619 No lvrther discount Cannot be combened mit other oflers SAVE $400 G SAVE 20% 99 Energizer Fuel Pumps & Tanks 7 9 GASSEDÉ Asso bronds,sizes & options avoloble Reg. 64.99-1,799.99 Starting at 549/m0 with affirm n k 3500W Quiet J Inverter Generator Tr Keol for RV, home, or jobsite use. 2 212cc OHV engine with 6bp. Reg. 1,199.99 3503606 Fr 3 L {11 SAVE $4 NTUFF SAVE 15% VE Arial 20°? © 4 ice Melters & Salt 3.5kg-40kg Assorted brands & options avoiloble. 15.7"H 12 cv. f. copoci, s Duty Shovel Durable poly consuction \ Hacey duty plosic 1c00p 8 a deons up quickly. +0lid hordwood oh handle. Î passée Reg. 579.99 - Reg. 2499 l'oem 3539629 és À 373895 ee” . ei æ 44" Tow Behind Lown Sweeper HE Eosy dumping design eliminates the need 10 get of ie troctor 10 dump debris 393030 Reg. 649.99 499.99 IN furher dont. Cannot be combined th ter hors No Huthar dacount. Cannet be combined wi other chers No huther count Connat be combined with her chers Sdocion may very “Decoun opgher 1 rogdar prced ems on SAVE 40% min gt SAYE 30% <a SAVE 40% ranx SA $20 re Acta DT ei 14 14 Reg 199-599 Formula 3000 Latitude , il il 36" Snow Pusher Fr Wiper Blades Î | Ecosse Lomé { Avciloble in 16°-24 : 5. 4 moko the big jobs saser Reg. 2499 î Reg. 69.99 13102-10, 95 ( 372474 No further discount. Connot be combined wifi cther célers. “Discount opples 2 regur priced ms oo. No fer discount. Connat be combsned with her cfers No furher dicount Connat be combined with other chers No further discount, Comnot be combined wih ciher offers TETE Assorted options availoble. Reg. 79.99-299.99 CCE (CT tE SOU C LUE TS CE ue ee da 225% Dee YOUR CHOICE vel nagement SAVE $; RS Accessories s P ] 999 -vY à L 2 PR ‘ à 20° or 25° Jumper Cables 100% copper. Reg. 18999 3567585-86 PEAVEY Assorted options available LL E. # Ne irher dicaunt Conner be combrned ssh other ofees Reg. 34.99-399.99 Ù 4 Sion moy vor. Docu apple D rgnos rd Los ny No ua dissunt. Connot be combined vah her les. SAVE $ 5o Mobil SAE 500 ER 49 mn 19 MI Full Synthetic 4.73L 50001b Ratchet Strap à Avotabe in OW 20 s B à 3 Z x 25: Heon dy duig > PSE sw Re 99 CES 337667. 69,71,76 1e XX No ares cout, Connt be combined wih cher cs No her discount Comte combined wi char fe. SAVE 20% SAVE $20 Hr'CKz0N Lucas Oil 155ml-3.78L 2. 1 299 ns Assorted options available 1 > hs Reg. 12.99-65.99 » ë = Ratchet Straps 4 Pack 24 LÀ 1 x 107. FO0Ïb max capociiy. Light 5 = duty raïchet fe-down comes with F > = block vinyl covered hooks. | en lun! — 172104 PT D PO Lo ot No are dcsnt. Cnnot be combined vi cher les. SAVE 30% SAVE $17 HR'CK30oN Curt Ball Mounts ] 599 : Assorted sizes & options avoiloble Reg. 21.99-29999 À Va | x Hitch Organizer SZ Designed for securely storing — un 4 pins. He om FSU ds Can colin ik her SAVE 40% HOCEY SAVE 50% Steering Wheel ee 299 A & Seat Covers re Assorted sixes & options ovodable Rog. 28.99-209.99 Green/White Tarp 30” x 40” ) UM proicted for optimum long be. Wiaterproof & special reinlorced 10 be hecvy duty. Reg. 279.99 3533589 Green/White Tarp 40” x 60” Re Aa further discount, Conte combined môh cher fes 3533590 Reg. 509.99 254,99 Ssocias moy ver “Dour cpl 0 roguos pond ds ul No fucber discount. Cannet be combined ah cer cn. AU EMAUTICETS

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