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Circulaire actuelle Peavey Mart - Valable à partir du 06.12 au 12.12 - Page n° 7

Circulaire Peavey Mart 06.12.2024 - 12.12.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

Assored brends & oprons available. Reg. 16.99-159.99 “Discount opplies to regular price iems on. Booster Cables ‘Assorted opions availoble. Reg. 14.99-189 99 2567583-87 AVE 15% Air Compressor | Tools & Accessories Î y Assorted brands & oprions available, ==. ( » À “Discount applis to regular price es on. SAVE $30 69°° Adjustable Swivel Roller Shop Stool Adiustable seat height from 23-1/4" to 29-3/4". 360° svivel set & roling costers for extra mobility. Reg. 99.99 3571287 R 15 Dcks DEWALT SA 179% from 1-5/16" to SAVE 40% SAVE $5 SAVE $10 21 34° 395 50001b Ratchet Strap Raïchet Strap Mobil Motor 2x 15 Oil 4.73L Reg. 36.99 Î 195708 14 Gallon Wet/Dry Vacuum éhp. Durable rubberized ‘costers on the front & large rear wheels. Large buitin e fenk drain makes it easy to remove liquid picked up Reg. 219.99 3524884 SAVE 20% SAVE $80 10 Piece Jumbo Wrench Set Features 12 point design patte Lo help prevent fostening | damage & increcse | orgue. Sizes range ll Reg. 239.99 461523 Ô À TS PEAVEY MART 6 Wheel Shop Creeper 36” in length. Fuly podded bench for your Bock & heodrest for added cushioning Reg. 59.99 11727 349% 3499 Starting at $31/mo with affirm) Industrial Workbench 53° W x 25.59 D x 38° H. 1.5 Hick rubberwood top. Surdy 1.3mm 0.05" steel frame. Hidden hook & eye construction. 330lb ‘weight capacity per shell. Reg. 459.99 458188 TON A AC/DC 225/125 , { Stick Weld Es Site (É Leu | Sy FER TM SAVE $30 NU Le 2x7. Reg. 39.99 $300 CET 999 YOUR CHOICE C2 LEE TANT EE CRE, form, shop & home use. Reg. 1299.99 253684 w— SAVE $30 599 Fuel Transfer Ro 12 hose, manuel nozzle, 18 conductor wire & telescopic sed sucion pipe. Reg. 629.99 193507 CRE EI PET C. Fog-Free Safety Glasses 3566933 Reg. 49.99 3557664-66 SAVE $250 Auto Shelter Instant Garage® 20 Lx 10 Wx8"H Excellent storage solution for 58 … motorcycles, ATV, trailers, laum & garden equipment & other buk storage. Reg. 599.99 : = . 243790 $140 $150 999 299% £ j—— 20 Ton Hydraulic Bottle Jade Operaies manual} or with an air compressor. Air hose can swivel in any direction. Fited wih safety vale to prevent overloading. Reg. 239.99 11707 Engine Hoist | 40001b capacity. P Adiustable liffing arm 2 Ton Folding | mu VAR Find out more at

Derniéres circulaires

Assored brends & oprons available. Reg. 16.99-159.99 “Discount opplies to regular price iems on. Booster Cables ‘Assorted opions availoble. Reg. 14.99-189 99 2567583-87 AVE 15% Air Compressor | Tools & Accessories Î y Assorted brands & oprions available, ==. ( » À “Discount applis to regular price es on. SAVE $30 69°° Adjustable Swivel Roller Shop Stool Adiustable seat height from 23-1/4" to 29-3/4". 360° svivel set & roling costers for extra mobility. Reg. 99.99 3571287 R 15 Dcks DEWALT SA 179% from 1-5/16" to SAVE 40% SAVE $5 SAVE $10 21 34° 395 50001b Ratchet Strap Raïchet Strap Mobil Motor 2x 15 Oil 4.73L Reg. 36.99 Î 195708 14 Gallon Wet/Dry Vacuum éhp. Durable rubberized ‘costers on the front & large rear wheels. Large buitin e fenk drain makes it easy to remove liquid picked up Reg. 219.99 3524884 SAVE 20% SAVE $80 10 Piece Jumbo Wrench Set Features 12 point design patte Lo help prevent fostening | damage & increcse | orgue. Sizes range ll Reg. 239.99 461523 Ô À TS PEAVEY MART 6 Wheel Shop Creeper 36” in length. Fuly podded bench for your Bock & heodrest for added cushioning Reg. 59.99 11727 349% 3499 Starting at $31/mo with affirm) Industrial Workbench 53° W x 25.59 D x 38° H. 1.5 Hick rubberwood top. Surdy 1.3mm 0.05" steel frame. Hidden hook & eye construction. 330lb ‘weight capacity per shell. Reg. 459.99 458188 TON A AC/DC 225/125 , { Stick Weld Es Site (É Leu | Sy FER TM SAVE $30 NU Le 2x7. Reg. 39.99 $300 CET 999 YOUR CHOICE C2 LEE TANT EE CRE, form, shop & home use. Reg. 1299.99 253684 w— SAVE $30 599 Fuel Transfer Ro 12 hose, manuel nozzle, 18 conductor wire & telescopic sed sucion pipe. Reg. 629.99 193507 CRE EI PET C. Fog-Free Safety Glasses 3566933 Reg. 49.99 3557664-66 SAVE $250 Auto Shelter Instant Garage® 20 Lx 10 Wx8"H Excellent storage solution for 58 … motorcycles, ATV, trailers, laum & garden equipment & other buk storage. Reg. 599.99 : = . 243790 $140 $150 999 299% £ j—— 20 Ton Hydraulic Bottle Jade Operaies manual} or with an air compressor. Air hose can swivel in any direction. Fited wih safety vale to prevent overloading. Reg. 239.99 11707 Engine Hoist | 40001b capacity. P Adiustable liffing arm 2 Ton Folding | mu VAR Find out more at

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