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Circulaire actuelle Safeway - Valable à partir du 08.09 au 14.09 - Page n° 12

Circulaire Safeway 08.09.2022 - 14.09.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

249 279 ROGERS Brown, Yellow or lcing Sugar 1kg 6°° COMPLIMENTS COMPLIMENTS SUN-MAID California 1°° Graham Crumb Pie 32 9 Shortening Raisins 750 g Shelis 170 g All Vegetable 454 g DIAMOND Instant MINI CRUSH Fruit Egg Noodies 400 g, Jelly Jar 1.4 kg or KOSA Seaweed S'ANNG AT DAN-D PAK Peanut STARTNG AT Crispy Original or 7 COMPLIMENTS 7 FRANK'S Red Hot 99 Nori Cracker 700 g. 2 / $ Hot & Spicy 36 & Fancy Molasses Seasoning Blends available in selected available in selected 6758 1538 stores only, stores only e © |) sn | COMPLIMENTS 2 7 $ Silver Hills Bread 4 WEIGHT WATCHERS Sauces selected Dempster’s English 430-6808 Bread 450 g, Tortillas varieties 350-450 mL Muffins 6 pk En 529ea 6-8 pk or Bagels 6 pk * QNTLA CRC 32 COMPLIMENTS Tortillas 272-3408 NS He 349 ea 322 Eee Eire SWIPE 5 SAVE 6<2 7° COMPLIMENTS Strawberry or Raspberry Jam 1L 8°? + CATELLI Le be. VILLAGGIO Bread 600-675 g or Buns 6-8 pk or Dempsters Tortillas 7° 10 pk $ Buy 2 or more 8“? PANACHE Maple 2 /. DEL MONTE Fruit 3.49 1 for 3.99 ea Syrup 500 mL. Cups 4 pk RMAT FAMILIAL COMPLIMENTS or BEST BUY BEEMAID Classic 4 99 Post Family Size 2 44 Canned Fruit Honey 500 & Cereal 340-725 g 398 mL. | } " < 8 1 z E £ F4 COMPLIMENTS CATELLI Pasta 900 g 5 99 Parmesan Cheese 48 9 or Mutti Pasta 5 99 JUST SAUCE Pasta 6 99 CANOLA HARVEST 2508 680 mL Sauce 580 mL Canola Oil 1,42 L em ALLENS COMPLIMENTS Tomato Paste CAMPBELL'S 88: 156 mL Buy 1 for 327? ALLEN'S Vinegar 3/ 999 Chunky Soup 10/ $5 COMPLIMENTS White or Pickling 4 L Si5 mL Noodies 85 g GREEN GIANT Vegetables 341-398 mL or COMPLIMENTS Flavoured Tuna 85 g 17° 3/ 798 CAMPBELL'S Broth 900 mL. or Concentrated 4°? SPAM Luncheon 1 Dis Broth 250 mL Meat 340 g 177-2278 RECIPES, STORIES, TIPS & TRICKS and more, all at or SEEME Te)

Derniéres circulaires

249 279 ROGERS Brown, Yellow or lcing Sugar 1kg 6°° COMPLIMENTS COMPLIMENTS SUN-MAID California 1°° Graham Crumb Pie 32 9 Shortening Raisins 750 g Shelis 170 g All Vegetable 454 g DIAMOND Instant MINI CRUSH Fruit Egg Noodies 400 g, Jelly Jar 1.4 kg or KOSA Seaweed S'ANNG AT DAN-D PAK Peanut STARTNG AT Crispy Original or 7 COMPLIMENTS 7 FRANK'S Red Hot 99 Nori Cracker 700 g. 2 / $ Hot & Spicy 36 & Fancy Molasses Seasoning Blends available in selected available in selected 6758 1538 stores only, stores only e © |) sn | COMPLIMENTS 2 7 $ Silver Hills Bread 4 WEIGHT WATCHERS Sauces selected Dempster’s English 430-6808 Bread 450 g, Tortillas varieties 350-450 mL Muffins 6 pk En 529ea 6-8 pk or Bagels 6 pk * QNTLA CRC 32 COMPLIMENTS Tortillas 272-3408 NS He 349 ea 322 Eee Eire SWIPE 5 SAVE 6<2 7° COMPLIMENTS Strawberry or Raspberry Jam 1L 8°? + CATELLI Le be. VILLAGGIO Bread 600-675 g or Buns 6-8 pk or Dempsters Tortillas 7° 10 pk $ Buy 2 or more 8“? PANACHE Maple 2 /. DEL MONTE Fruit 3.49 1 for 3.99 ea Syrup 500 mL. Cups 4 pk RMAT FAMILIAL COMPLIMENTS or BEST BUY BEEMAID Classic 4 99 Post Family Size 2 44 Canned Fruit Honey 500 & Cereal 340-725 g 398 mL. | } " < 8 1 z E £ F4 COMPLIMENTS CATELLI Pasta 900 g 5 99 Parmesan Cheese 48 9 or Mutti Pasta 5 99 JUST SAUCE Pasta 6 99 CANOLA HARVEST 2508 680 mL Sauce 580 mL Canola Oil 1,42 L em ALLENS COMPLIMENTS Tomato Paste CAMPBELL'S 88: 156 mL Buy 1 for 327? ALLEN'S Vinegar 3/ 999 Chunky Soup 10/ $5 COMPLIMENTS White or Pickling 4 L Si5 mL Noodies 85 g GREEN GIANT Vegetables 341-398 mL or COMPLIMENTS Flavoured Tuna 85 g 17° 3/ 798 CAMPBELL'S Broth 900 mL. or Concentrated 4°? SPAM Luncheon 1 Dis Broth 250 mL Meat 340 g 177-2278 RECIPES, STORIES, TIPS & TRICKS and more, all at or SEEME Te)

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