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Circulaire actuelle Thrifty Foods - Valable à partir du 16.01 au 22.01 - Page n° 9

Circulaire Thrifty Foods 16.01.2025 - 22.01.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

Cheetos 170-285 g Tostitos Tortilla Chips 205-300 g (Excludes Simply) or Smartfood Popcorn 150-2209 23®© Starbucks Dare K-Cup Bear Paws Pods 168-240 g or 24 Pack Wagon Wheels or Coffee 315-360 g 793-907 g 322 Christie wa Snacking Crackers gi Selected 175-200 g ES 72 27 DM E PA Whistler ETC 99 ; Kit Kat, Compiments [ (64 1 os Smarties Tablet Bars 13° de sp or Aero 100 g Coca-Cola ph Valentine's P Que Soft Drinks | À Minis Sue il 30 Pack Chewy Bars CET Club Pack While 935-960 g Supplies Last GROCERY 5° ( ETS Pam Cooking Sprays 113-170 g {Excluding Non-GMO Panache and Organi Extra Olive il OR 1FOR 2.49 ic) 47° Betty Crocker ES a = A ce 54 Cereal Selected Compliments Varieties Jam 210-525 g Selected Compliments RÉ Asparagus Tips 341 mL or Artichoke Hearts 398 ml Peanut Butter 1kg 57€» Hershey's vH Silver Hills Chi Sauces | Bread 200-270 g or | Selected | 430-680 gor Compliments | arieties | Natural Bakery | Pie Filling 341-380 mt Ki | Rye 900 g Selected, 540 mt Brunswick Cake, | Sardine Fillets Cookie, 92-100 Brownie or LS Bisquick Mix 263 9-13 kg Selected or Compliments sous, LA Baking as Qi | Cocos 2279 CM 0: Friskies or _— Fancy Feast 77° Cat Food | 85-156 g Glad Tall Kitchen Catchers 28-52 Pack or Compostable Bags 10 Pack Pé +97 Seot Eà Compliments in ee 4 799 sen Detergent es pl Tissue 147-2.03L ee ns 12=24 or Sunlight [ié0ree0me = Double Rolls Al-Purpose AK nan Cleaner panqen 650 mi-12L, 3: Shower Cleaner E 538-680 g or Puck 100 g, Selected

Derniéres circulaires

Cheetos 170-285 g Tostitos Tortilla Chips 205-300 g (Excludes Simply) or Smartfood Popcorn 150-2209 23®© Starbucks Dare K-Cup Bear Paws Pods 168-240 g or 24 Pack Wagon Wheels or Coffee 315-360 g 793-907 g 322 Christie wa Snacking Crackers gi Selected 175-200 g ES 72 27 DM E PA Whistler ETC 99 ; Kit Kat, Compiments [ (64 1 os Smarties Tablet Bars 13° de sp or Aero 100 g Coca-Cola ph Valentine's P Que Soft Drinks | À Minis Sue il 30 Pack Chewy Bars CET Club Pack While 935-960 g Supplies Last GROCERY 5° ( ETS Pam Cooking Sprays 113-170 g {Excluding Non-GMO Panache and Organi Extra Olive il OR 1FOR 2.49 ic) 47° Betty Crocker ES a = A ce 54 Cereal Selected Compliments Varieties Jam 210-525 g Selected Compliments RÉ Asparagus Tips 341 mL or Artichoke Hearts 398 ml Peanut Butter 1kg 57€» Hershey's vH Silver Hills Chi Sauces | Bread 200-270 g or | Selected | 430-680 gor Compliments | arieties | Natural Bakery | Pie Filling 341-380 mt Ki | Rye 900 g Selected, 540 mt Brunswick Cake, | Sardine Fillets Cookie, 92-100 Brownie or LS Bisquick Mix 263 9-13 kg Selected or Compliments sous, LA Baking as Qi | Cocos 2279 CM 0: Friskies or _— Fancy Feast 77° Cat Food | 85-156 g Glad Tall Kitchen Catchers 28-52 Pack or Compostable Bags 10 Pack Pé +97 Seot Eà Compliments in ee 4 799 sen Detergent es pl Tissue 147-2.03L ee ns 12=24 or Sunlight [ié0ree0me = Double Rolls Al-Purpose AK nan Cleaner panqen 650 mi-12L, 3: Shower Cleaner E 538-680 g or Puck 100 g, Selected

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