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Circulaire actuelle Co-op Food - Valable à partir du 22.09 au 28.09 - Page n° 1

Circulaire Co-op Food 22.09.2022 - 28.09.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

as \ Co-op Beef Premium À Rib Oven Roast or | Grilling Steaks | V Cut by Your Local Butcher: Ib } Aged 14 Days Value Pack nu Orchard Run l > Red, Green or Black ! Gala Apples ep Seedless Grapes L r T + Produce of Western Canada Lt Produce of Caliomia È é « à Canada Commercial Grade No. 1 Grade : Co-op Gold Cheese = ù 700-800 a! \ 6 FIRST2 © =— | re — iX € { ES Maple Leaf | Natural Selections 150-175q } | V tof di | = SN = PA F L de White or Whole Susg ä Wheat Bread Purex Bathroom Tissue Baked by Your Local Baker Package of 30 Jumbo or 12 Mega Rolls or Sliced or Unsliced SpongeTowels Ultra or UltraPRO Package of 6 Double Rolls 450q DairylandSourCream | Coca-Cola or =\22À\ 450-500 mor Cottage Cheese 5009 | “= Pr 1 + um Re Canada Dry oducts Selected Varieties | A 6x222mLor6x710mL Deryl j £ a Dir, Lj us TI / er . net 1111177 é = ee Fe) EE Campbell's Soup ee - S CA] Se) Cream of Mushroom, Tornato, À, rs à Lu A Een NE 7 à " Chicken | Parmesan | Visit food.ers for more recipes enr Ra nr

as \ Co-op Beef Premium À Rib Oven Roast or | Grilling Steaks | V Cut by Your Local Butcher: Ib } Aged 14 Days Value Pack nu Orchard Run l > Red, Green or Black ! Gala Apples ep Seedless Grapes L r T + Produce of Western Canada Lt Produce of Caliomia È é « à Canada Commercial Grade No. 1 Grade : Co-op Gold Cheese = ù 700-800 a! \ 6 FIRST2 © =— | re — iX € { ES Maple Leaf | Natural Selections 150-175q } | V tof di | = SN = PA F L de White or Whole Susg ä Wheat Bread Purex Bathroom Tissue Baked by Your Local Baker Package of 30 Jumbo or 12 Mega Rolls or Sliced or Unsliced SpongeTowels Ultra or UltraPRO Package of 6 Double Rolls 450q DairylandSourCream | Coca-Cola or =\22À\ 450-500 mor Cottage Cheese 5009 | “= Pr 1 + um Re Canada Dry oducts Selected Varieties | A 6x222mLor6x710mL Deryl j £ a Dir, Lj us TI / er . net 1111177 é = ee Fe) EE Campbell's Soup ee - S CA] Se) Cream of Mushroom, Tornato, À, rs à Lu A Een NE 7 à " Chicken | Parmesan | Visit food.ers for more recipes enr Ra nr

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