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Circulaire actuelle Peavey Mart - Valable à partir du 26.07 au 31.07 - Page n° 10

Circulaire Peavey Mart 26.07.2024 - 31.07.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

ANKA PIPE FITTINGS + Can be used on paly pipe, clear or See eee + No took required + Non corrosive - made from extremely durable, high quality poteble materiols + Fibergles renforced nylon 2 Ésy love ruche, ae piece rg RE Leok Free - unique coptive sel threoding nut 3.99-26.49 ‘+ UV Stobilized - for above ground or below grade applications less “applis do = _e Designed for use with al ID (inside diameter) rated pipe regular price ms on. SAVE 15% Filtrete SAVE 15% Liquid Storage Zz. Fe 2 ] 99? re Reg. 199.99-1,099.99 Fe - | 3/4hp Self-Priming 7 À © RS Ce | Garden hose adopler included. 1” intake & discharge 17gpm max flow at 5' suction li. See online for Full ssoriment. “Discount applis lo regular priced items æ SAVE 15% ZKidde SAVE $10 Filtrete Fire Extinguishers Furnace Filters 5 ] 2999 S dcrta ‘Assorted options “ avalcble Ponder 100% Natural Pa TOR TERT Î Water Treatment 10L 6 L. k Reduces organic mater, a E aquatic weeds & algae. Produces clean, clear var For ponds, | SKU Description Reg. Sale Be | 1000050 SEC 31.99 2699 299851 | 1000051 I-A:lOBC 3499 28.99 ben 3529120 Kihen2Pak 6299 529 {D RE UT Le RL SAVE 10% Raïnfresh SAVE $10 fWAGAN SAVE $10 DELECTRYX SAVE $15 @PG PIESREN Water Filters ee mm 297 377 44° Assorted options Pan 1000 Lumen Solar 4000 Lumen LED 15,000 Lumen LED Utility Bulb feu Wall Mount Light Security Yard Light Perfect for small warchouses, goroges, Aulo on at night & auto off Power coated cluminurn workspaces, atics & elsewhere. after 5 hours. Recharges Dusk 10 dawn light sensor. Direct wire. Foldable & easy to install. Medium Deananise | ss rl 10 co nu ee regular price lens on, F4 3504997 900 af Hg corsroge. Reg. 59.99 à SAVE 10% 10% > ss? red A LA Assorted sizes available. À Reg. 1.69-15.99 SAVE $2 PROTORCH YOUR CHOICE Æ€ZAST SAVE $70 Coleman 8, si priced ions nb SAVE 30% evrrél 25V Lighted +4 Male Plug Reg. 13.99 459299 125V Lighted Female Plg 459300 Reg. 16.99 11.89 8° 15% 199% 9 Propane Camping G32 355 Lumen 50% 100W Solar Charging Cylinder 16.40z Flashlight or FL19 Kit with Stand Com ba isiecl on porte 330 Len Headlamp Perfect for cobins, racreoñonol propane appliances, Both are impact resislant, weather resistant vehicles, remote power, backup heaters or torches & indhde a ltime warronÿy. power, 12V battery Reg. 10.99 Reg 31.39 charging & more 589030 3530106, 110 A Reg. 249.99 3529983 100% Canadian Owned & Operated

Derniéres circulaires

ANKA PIPE FITTINGS + Can be used on paly pipe, clear or See eee + No took required + Non corrosive - made from extremely durable, high quality poteble materiols + Fibergles renforced nylon 2 Ésy love ruche, ae piece rg RE Leok Free - unique coptive sel threoding nut 3.99-26.49 ‘+ UV Stobilized - for above ground or below grade applications less “applis do = _e Designed for use with al ID (inside diameter) rated pipe regular price ms on. SAVE 15% Filtrete SAVE 15% Liquid Storage Zz. Fe 2 ] 99? re Reg. 199.99-1,099.99 Fe - | 3/4hp Self-Priming 7 À © RS Ce | Garden hose adopler included. 1” intake & discharge 17gpm max flow at 5' suction li. See online for Full ssoriment. “Discount applis lo regular priced items æ SAVE 15% ZKidde SAVE $10 Filtrete Fire Extinguishers Furnace Filters 5 ] 2999 S dcrta ‘Assorted options “ avalcble Ponder 100% Natural Pa TOR TERT Î Water Treatment 10L 6 L. k Reduces organic mater, a E aquatic weeds & algae. Produces clean, clear var For ponds, | SKU Description Reg. Sale Be | 1000050 SEC 31.99 2699 299851 | 1000051 I-A:lOBC 3499 28.99 ben 3529120 Kihen2Pak 6299 529 {D RE UT Le RL SAVE 10% Raïnfresh SAVE $10 fWAGAN SAVE $10 DELECTRYX SAVE $15 @PG PIESREN Water Filters ee mm 297 377 44° Assorted options Pan 1000 Lumen Solar 4000 Lumen LED 15,000 Lumen LED Utility Bulb feu Wall Mount Light Security Yard Light Perfect for small warchouses, goroges, Aulo on at night & auto off Power coated cluminurn workspaces, atics & elsewhere. after 5 hours. Recharges Dusk 10 dawn light sensor. Direct wire. Foldable & easy to install. Medium Deananise | ss rl 10 co nu ee regular price lens on, F4 3504997 900 af Hg corsroge. Reg. 59.99 à SAVE 10% 10% > ss? red A LA Assorted sizes available. À Reg. 1.69-15.99 SAVE $2 PROTORCH YOUR CHOICE Æ€ZAST SAVE $70 Coleman 8, si priced ions nb SAVE 30% evrrél 25V Lighted +4 Male Plug Reg. 13.99 459299 125V Lighted Female Plg 459300 Reg. 16.99 11.89 8° 15% 199% 9 Propane Camping G32 355 Lumen 50% 100W Solar Charging Cylinder 16.40z Flashlight or FL19 Kit with Stand Com ba isiecl on porte 330 Len Headlamp Perfect for cobins, racreoñonol propane appliances, Both are impact resislant, weather resistant vehicles, remote power, backup heaters or torches & indhde a ltime warronÿy. power, 12V battery Reg. 10.99 Reg 31.39 charging & more 589030 3530106, 110 A Reg. 249.99 3529983 100% Canadian Owned & Operated

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