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Circulaire actuelle Real Canadian Superstore - Noël - Valable à partir du 03.11 au 09.11 - Page n° 23

Circulaire Real Canadian Superstore 03.11.2022 - 09.11.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

$ optimum” Thecdore SE Pingle November 3 to 16, 2022 Exclusive offer on designer eyewear for PC Optimum'" ul Te ÉAC CUCACLCOE CS RTC CNT ACTU EC I Coach & Hugo Insiders Report” The PC Insiders Report Holiday Edition is here. EPESE MEAT & SEAFOOD SWEET TREATS OPTICAL s199 for a complete pair of single vision eyeglasses s299 for a complete pair of progressive vision glasses optimum: 10,000° When you spend $50 or more on Joe Fresh apparel* That's a SO value to use anywhere you can spend PC Optimum* points! November 3 - 9 | In-Store + Online GET UP TO HOLIDAY INSIDERS 300,000® “roi mon MOBILE SHOP Get a quote We’Il match Pa CUT OU ET AUTO show us a lower advertised price! we ad match against. We reserve the right to limit the quantity D purchase to 4 units per Ad Matched item purchased at a competitor's price, regardless of varit S full explanation for details. Lin information and in an acceptable format. . We’ll match prices if you show us a lower advertised CRTC CITE (CAO LE do Let pa da olpa ele (ol ER UE TIR ur tee Tele CRE Le Re) ET ol) non-identical brands or other special offer types, see The competitor's advertisement, whether printed or digital, must be complete with all necessary available for lety. Prices and offers effective from Thursday, November 3rd to Wednesday, November 9th, 2022 unless otherwise stated. E F1 [+ | Please see in-store or online at for your particular store‘s hours. Customer Relations: 1-866-596-RCSS (7277) CIUUEINTUUT SUPERSTORE

Derniéres circulaires

$ optimum” Thecdore SE Pingle November 3 to 16, 2022 Exclusive offer on designer eyewear for PC Optimum'" ul Te ÉAC CUCACLCOE CS RTC CNT ACTU EC I Coach & Hugo Insiders Report” The PC Insiders Report Holiday Edition is here. EPESE MEAT & SEAFOOD SWEET TREATS OPTICAL s199 for a complete pair of single vision eyeglasses s299 for a complete pair of progressive vision glasses optimum: 10,000° When you spend $50 or more on Joe Fresh apparel* That's a SO value to use anywhere you can spend PC Optimum* points! November 3 - 9 | In-Store + Online GET UP TO HOLIDAY INSIDERS 300,000® “roi mon MOBILE SHOP Get a quote We’Il match Pa CUT OU ET AUTO show us a lower advertised price! we ad match against. We reserve the right to limit the quantity D purchase to 4 units per Ad Matched item purchased at a competitor's price, regardless of varit S full explanation for details. Lin information and in an acceptable format. . We’ll match prices if you show us a lower advertised CRTC CITE (CAO LE do Let pa da olpa ele (ol ER UE TIR ur tee Tele CRE Le Re) ET ol) non-identical brands or other special offer types, see The competitor's advertisement, whether printed or digital, must be complete with all necessary available for lety. Prices and offers effective from Thursday, November 3rd to Wednesday, November 9th, 2022 unless otherwise stated. E F1 [+ | Please see in-store or online at for your particular store‘s hours. Customer Relations: 1-866-596-RCSS (7277) CIUUEINTUUT SUPERSTORE

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