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Circulaire actuelle Réno-Dépôt - Valable à partir du 09.02 au 15.02 - Page n° 6

Circulaire Réno-Dépôt 09.02.2023 - 15.02.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

3599 Bi SAVE $25 99 (ate ((SoundSmart all was 28:99 * ] was $449 SOUNDBOARD PANEL on, JuMao sTERLADDER Fibre d. Bive, a ceases: «s — . 43445081 (259797) tip JA”, ‘sip tootpeds. GSSuRAS OSE ; seso3 ae “Sound Smarwv)) EA one = SAVE $30 C7 7 | 2159. Govanized see , wos $489 1.38 x 12 R22 FIBERGLASS INSULATION su31004 134292 comes 10 999, “THERMAL SHIELD” Formaldehyde tree, fre resistant, mold resistant, thermally efficient ‘SUBFLOOR PANELS Covers 48.96 19 ft 15°47" x 55°, S4435725 (132680 hex covees 80 5g. Paeer, Onrzs00s (isan ‘A-10-PACK FLAT CASINGS Proved MOF x2ie WALL PANEL WALL PANEL cemcxrar O Look of real * Look of real concrete or brick BASEBOARDS born wood ‘ eur, — WW" x 3102" x 12, aise. anapsosnus ernazz2H5 oor7sees c1638 onesie . be 3 56.99 px i : ; a 105 i ea =| $290... was $424 was S479 pnp “LINCOLN PARK” “LINCOLN PARK® 20", 01806001 MOULDED PANEL DOOR BIFOLD DOOR Premed MOF Pres MOF or7s0r3 1008s Cerra) fa Cee) a a Ee Ee ty METRIE METRE METRIE $239 RECIPROCATING SAW BATTERY & CHARGER STARTER KIT 00275790 t00127 st) 0440 CIRCULAR SAW IMPACT ORIVER onars733 conta cozrsees n0027h 179 $239 fit was $279 ORILL/IMPACT 2-PIECE TOOL COMBO KIT Includes bag, charger and battery [eel] co was S499 $459 ‘W2" CORDLESS DRILL IMPACT ORIVER PNEUMATIC. be Teggronks Beacrees frammcionen J It . charger and battery Orives 5/8" to 2° _—? 00 2TI8R sna7sees 1242 19036205 283900; SS ¥) BOSCH metabomma 3 $25 SAVE $90 SAVE $15. 999 (ae $99 yar 2499 (aie was 64-99 was $99 was 39-99 *VERSASTACK™ WET/DRY VACUUM ALL-PURPOSE HAMMER STACKABLE Accesteries included. 20-92, 02274041 280884 TOOLBOX eas00 OMe 13°, coznene9 79447) ks bi] Ce Sy

Derniéres circulaires

3599 Bi SAVE $25 99 (ate ((SoundSmart all was 28:99 * ] was $449 SOUNDBOARD PANEL on, JuMao sTERLADDER Fibre d. Bive, a ceases: «s — . 43445081 (259797) tip JA”, ‘sip tootpeds. GSSuRAS OSE ; seso3 ae “Sound Smarwv)) EA one = SAVE $30 C7 7 | 2159. Govanized see , wos $489 1.38 x 12 R22 FIBERGLASS INSULATION su31004 134292 comes 10 999, “THERMAL SHIELD” Formaldehyde tree, fre resistant, mold resistant, thermally efficient ‘SUBFLOOR PANELS Covers 48.96 19 ft 15°47" x 55°, S4435725 (132680 hex covees 80 5g. Paeer, Onrzs00s (isan ‘A-10-PACK FLAT CASINGS Proved MOF x2ie WALL PANEL WALL PANEL cemcxrar O Look of real * Look of real concrete or brick BASEBOARDS born wood ‘ eur, — WW" x 3102" x 12, aise. anapsosnus ernazz2H5 oor7sees c1638 onesie . be 3 56.99 px i : ; a 105 i ea =| $290... was $424 was S479 pnp “LINCOLN PARK” “LINCOLN PARK® 20", 01806001 MOULDED PANEL DOOR BIFOLD DOOR Premed MOF Pres MOF or7s0r3 1008s Cerra) fa Cee) a a Ee Ee ty METRIE METRE METRIE $239 RECIPROCATING SAW BATTERY & CHARGER STARTER KIT 00275790 t00127 st) 0440 CIRCULAR SAW IMPACT ORIVER onars733 conta cozrsees n0027h 179 $239 fit was $279 ORILL/IMPACT 2-PIECE TOOL COMBO KIT Includes bag, charger and battery [eel] co was S499 $459 ‘W2" CORDLESS DRILL IMPACT ORIVER PNEUMATIC. be Teggronks Beacrees frammcionen J It . charger and battery Orives 5/8" to 2° _—? 00 2TI8R sna7sees 1242 19036205 283900; SS ¥) BOSCH metabomma 3 $25 SAVE $90 SAVE $15. 999 (ae $99 yar 2499 (aie was 64-99 was $99 was 39-99 *VERSASTACK™ WET/DRY VACUUM ALL-PURPOSE HAMMER STACKABLE Accesteries included. 20-92, 02274041 280884 TOOLBOX eas00 OMe 13°, coznene9 79447) ks bi] Ce Sy

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