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Circulaire actuelle Sobeys - Pâques - Valable à partir du 06.04 au 12.04 - Page n° 19

Circulaire Sobeys 06.04.2023 - 12.04.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

NEW Look, SAME Tasty Recipe! DA9 names BA49 Erin _— BLUE for Cats Is Now 7 Tate DE COTE ET] pe 0 when you buy 2 L px - an ® = Es BLUE Tastefuls (KL D F7 oc À) Fe EP y LE À z + 10 ES 49 o COMPLIMENTS ZIPLOC Bags Compostable Plates, 10-90 pk off Bowis or Napkins 20°° Eye UT BLUE Tastefuis Dry Cat Food 22 kg when you buy 2 when you buy 2 TIDE Zero when you buy 2 Laundry 34 L or DOWNY or GAIN FINISH Dish Tabs COMPLIMENTS 20“ Scent Booster 14 9 40-60 pk or 6 99 ARM & HAMMER 2/$6 Disinfecting Wipes Beads 752 Jet-Dry 946 mL Laundry 142-163 L 35 pk LS when you buy 2 , £ 48 ja SA sàl COTE A) 49 "=" ENFAMIL A+ 6 Li PAMPERS Super Powder Tubs NESTLÉ Gerber 3 299 Econo Ps 40°° 550-663 g Snacks 42155g |. JOHNSONS Baby Toïetries Diapers 88-174 ph selected 379 ea 400-600 mL or 6238 ou pol L'ORÉAL Hair Expert Hair Care OPA EE] or OLAY Hand and Body Lotion 502 mL. ALWAYS or _ comueNTs % or Complete and 99 TAMPAX Period 99 DEGREE Deodorant 79 Hand Soap 340 mL. Active Hydration Care 20-120 pk or Antiperspirant or Foaming Hand off_ 56-502 mL selected selected 48-85 g selected Soap 250 mL es © æ F pare Dove (3 { ET : when you buy 2 L £ PANTENE Hair Care or Styling Products or COLGATE Elixir CREST Toothpaste or DOVE Hair Care COMPLIMENTS Le E CONS EE A 99 Whitening, Fresh 49 ORAL-B Toothbrushes 4 355 mL or S 99 Cotton Pads 125 pk Boost or Charcoal or Floss 70-120 mL. 98-355 mL or 142-200 g or Makeup Remove Wipes 25 pk selected 80 mL selected or lea selected selected Only available at Pharmacy Locations Le when you buy 2 # TT DA when you buy 2 when you buy 2 1505 DOPOETET A) NICORETTE Gum or TYLENOL Pain Lozenges 80-105 pk Relief 40-200 pk Of coLo-Fx Of. or QuickMist or OZ REACTINE Extra Of. or MOTRIN 10° % : 45-60 pk % NICODERM 7 pk % Strength 10 mg % Muscle & Body selected off selected 40 or 48 pk 40 pk selected! TYLENOL [ae 1417120 when you buy 2 TYLENOL or | JON 75%: | € Mon SCENE+ TODAY, smmuncrmaun | Du to proniné

Derniéres circulaires

NEW Look, SAME Tasty Recipe! DA9 names BA49 Erin _— BLUE for Cats Is Now 7 Tate DE COTE ET] pe 0 when you buy 2 L px - an ® = Es BLUE Tastefuls (KL D F7 oc À) Fe EP y LE À z + 10 ES 49 o COMPLIMENTS ZIPLOC Bags Compostable Plates, 10-90 pk off Bowis or Napkins 20°° Eye UT BLUE Tastefuis Dry Cat Food 22 kg when you buy 2 when you buy 2 TIDE Zero when you buy 2 Laundry 34 L or DOWNY or GAIN FINISH Dish Tabs COMPLIMENTS 20“ Scent Booster 14 9 40-60 pk or 6 99 ARM & HAMMER 2/$6 Disinfecting Wipes Beads 752 Jet-Dry 946 mL Laundry 142-163 L 35 pk LS when you buy 2 , £ 48 ja SA sàl COTE A) 49 "=" ENFAMIL A+ 6 Li PAMPERS Super Powder Tubs NESTLÉ Gerber 3 299 Econo Ps 40°° 550-663 g Snacks 42155g |. JOHNSONS Baby Toïetries Diapers 88-174 ph selected 379 ea 400-600 mL or 6238 ou pol L'ORÉAL Hair Expert Hair Care OPA EE] or OLAY Hand and Body Lotion 502 mL. ALWAYS or _ comueNTs % or Complete and 99 TAMPAX Period 99 DEGREE Deodorant 79 Hand Soap 340 mL. Active Hydration Care 20-120 pk or Antiperspirant or Foaming Hand off_ 56-502 mL selected selected 48-85 g selected Soap 250 mL es © æ F pare Dove (3 { ET : when you buy 2 L £ PANTENE Hair Care or Styling Products or COLGATE Elixir CREST Toothpaste or DOVE Hair Care COMPLIMENTS Le E CONS EE A 99 Whitening, Fresh 49 ORAL-B Toothbrushes 4 355 mL or S 99 Cotton Pads 125 pk Boost or Charcoal or Floss 70-120 mL. 98-355 mL or 142-200 g or Makeup Remove Wipes 25 pk selected 80 mL selected or lea selected selected Only available at Pharmacy Locations Le when you buy 2 # TT DA when you buy 2 when you buy 2 1505 DOPOETET A) NICORETTE Gum or TYLENOL Pain Lozenges 80-105 pk Relief 40-200 pk Of coLo-Fx Of. or QuickMist or OZ REACTINE Extra Of. or MOTRIN 10° % : 45-60 pk % NICODERM 7 pk % Strength 10 mg % Muscle & Body selected off selected 40 or 48 pk 40 pk selected! TYLENOL [ae 1417120 when you buy 2 TYLENOL or | JON 75%: | € Mon SCENE+ TODAY, smmuncrmaun | Du to proniné

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