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Circulaire actuelle Sobeys - Ramadan - Valable à partir du 07.03 au 13.03 - Page n° 8

Circulaire Sobeys 07.03.2024 - 13.03.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

Perfectiy g00d fruits an vegpies that wOUId normally go to waste are CRETE Cm LOOP Cold Pressed Juices selected varieties CUS CET Eee exsy to peel making CENTS Etre) ter PARLE tartness Of CEST Sumo Oranges product f USA 1 5 9H CCSN = < ? COMPLIMENTS Lemons WRI) product of Spain 2 Ib bag 79 Asparagus product of Mexico no 1 grade 8.BO/Kg V 7 Sweet Potatoes or Sweet Large Green Kiwi Potato purple sin white flesh| Sweet Onions product of product of Canada 390/Kg Mexico 5.49/K6 fancy grade 136 kg bag DOLE Chopped Salad Kits 270-3478 À product of Pomegranates 1<° product of israel 4 TS 2 Asian Yellow Pears TETE 2) Green or Red Leaf Lettuce product of China 328/kg product of USA or Mexico 549 ns. S/SGET Fruit 120-140 g 378 * _ Prepared Fresh Daily Roasters or BBQ Grillers assorted sixes Fr À “À 2 Le 1722 PE. 1922 12°. 6 pot Ceramic 5° pot Bouquet Bouquet T /

Derniéres circulaires

Perfectiy g00d fruits an vegpies that wOUId normally go to waste are CRETE Cm LOOP Cold Pressed Juices selected varieties CUS CET Eee exsy to peel making CENTS Etre) ter PARLE tartness Of CEST Sumo Oranges product f USA 1 5 9H CCSN = < ? COMPLIMENTS Lemons WRI) product of Spain 2 Ib bag 79 Asparagus product of Mexico no 1 grade 8.BO/Kg V 7 Sweet Potatoes or Sweet Large Green Kiwi Potato purple sin white flesh| Sweet Onions product of product of Canada 390/Kg Mexico 5.49/K6 fancy grade 136 kg bag DOLE Chopped Salad Kits 270-3478 À product of Pomegranates 1<° product of israel 4 TS 2 Asian Yellow Pears TETE 2) Green or Red Leaf Lettuce product of China 328/kg product of USA or Mexico 549 ns. S/SGET Fruit 120-140 g 378 * _ Prepared Fresh Daily Roasters or BBQ Grillers assorted sixes Fr À “À 2 Le 1722 PE. 1922 12°. 6 pot Ceramic 5° pot Bouquet Bouquet T /

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