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Circulaire actuelle Co-op Food - Valable à partir du 08.06 au 14.06 - Page n° 5

Circulaire Co-op Food 08.06.2023 - 14.06.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

CO-OP 03 Week 24 Medium FARM FRESH PRODUCE Lemons Imported 21b (907 g) Grape Snacking Tomatoes Greenhouse Grown Produce of Western Canada Red Potatoes Produce of Western Canada Canada No. 1 S1b (2.27 kg) 11.00/g Asparagus Produce of Western Canada Canada No.1 SALE | Mann's Snap Peas | À Produce ofU.S.A. Ye) ke j "Ta Ten { = 9 ©) \ A | Taylor Farms Chopped RE Salad Kits ettuce Produce of U.S.A Produce of U.S.A ml Selected Varieties No. 1 Grade 315-3%6g SALE - \ | Organic Mushrooms + À Te \ V2 1 "WholeWhiteorMiniBellaMushrooms, Ch } 2 ÿ A} 5 Produce of Western Canada PS ca 9) FIV 2219 Organic ; Organic Cauliflower Avocados F , Produce of U.S.A. Hass Variety OT No. 1 Grade Imported L . Blooming Beauty Bouquet DJ VE 3 2:...L: PC 4 Brocolli Supreme Salad #7 Chicken Breast Tenders Sold Individually Look for more FLORAL SHOP DJ \R 3 (EE Seasonal Arrangement National Best FRESH FROM OUR DELI Made In-store A, 22 < Flatbread Pizza Hydrangea 6-inch Pot Grow in Western Canada

Derniéres circulaires

CO-OP 03 Week 24 Medium FARM FRESH PRODUCE Lemons Imported 21b (907 g) Grape Snacking Tomatoes Greenhouse Grown Produce of Western Canada Red Potatoes Produce of Western Canada Canada No. 1 S1b (2.27 kg) 11.00/g Asparagus Produce of Western Canada Canada No.1 SALE | Mann's Snap Peas | À Produce ofU.S.A. Ye) ke j "Ta Ten { = 9 ©) \ A | Taylor Farms Chopped RE Salad Kits ettuce Produce of U.S.A Produce of U.S.A ml Selected Varieties No. 1 Grade 315-3%6g SALE - \ | Organic Mushrooms + À Te \ V2 1 "WholeWhiteorMiniBellaMushrooms, Ch } 2 ÿ A} 5 Produce of Western Canada PS ca 9) FIV 2219 Organic ; Organic Cauliflower Avocados F , Produce of U.S.A. Hass Variety OT No. 1 Grade Imported L . Blooming Beauty Bouquet DJ VE 3 2:...L: PC 4 Brocolli Supreme Salad #7 Chicken Breast Tenders Sold Individually Look for more FLORAL SHOP DJ \R 3 (EE Seasonal Arrangement National Best FRESH FROM OUR DELI Made In-store A, 22 < Flatbread Pizza Hydrangea 6-inch Pot Grow in Western Canada

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