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Circulaire actuelle Foodland - Valable à partir du 30.01 au 05.02 - Page n° 3

Circulaire Foodland 30.01.2025 - 05.02.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

| 100% FRESH ( LOUE mg SET BOLTHOUSE FARMS ORGANIC Whole White Matchstix Carrots or Cremini Mushrooms product of USA 284 g me Canada no 1 grade 6.S3Rg CLS cote 1.439 AE À - D = 4° 249 Large Navel Oranges 299 1» Large Red Kent pou Cote Re er product of USA, Meroeco or Prepared Fresh Daily Spain SAV nr) of Peru In-Store Cored Pineapples SAUSAGE OF THE MONTH HOT JAMBALAYA LES ELA) A Là LOCAL MEAT EXPERT 6 OO mapue Lear or 9Q couumenrs Ready Crisp Sliced Meats Bacon 65-375£ selected varieties 175 g D " 3 4°° OT vi ERA y SWISS CHALET pote goes Eye of Round Roasts cut by your meat 9g Family Size cut by your 5” DE Meat Pies selected _. fre Canada AAA grade beet m4 meat expert from Canada varieties 650.655 g AAA grade beef 19.82/kg (CT Es, RAISED TS - È 2 Li nn. 7, LI pos by à die prédect ram bus 1301. 25e De prodect 3 itendeé, 204 De prodoct des not me yuus EC UIEONL pos C3 present Le product and sect 204 we ml provide yes wEd De appropriate emborsement Res boes 299, 18e foodland.caivalue-Myer far Setaës NE ETR : LEE CNET < Pork Side Ribs Cent C2 39 Family Favourites 99 MATLAWS 99 Portion Removed Boxed & Breaded Stuffed Clams or 4 eut by your met expert ONTARIO RAISED AIR-CHILLED Sealood 330-700 £ Scallops 425 £ TOR Boneless Skiniess Chicken Breasts Ÿ Arslatie at 6 most stores LT IN-STORE bu % es aÆTn Lad CNE (nl . Dn11599 —— (ES ŒD = ae Roland Sub Mie cour 5 TeT Pastries 4 pk 215-400 & 150-170 £ Donuts 320-500 £ (eo 1 cn COPAIN any2 529 _— ne: 499 Re Toppings selected COMPLIMENTS S° Cream Styte Pies 260-375 g, 6° Cheesacakes NS5-250% Feta Cheese 200 £ 136-975 g or Dessert Half Cakes 415-800 g SUMMER FRESH 12 OWN Dried Mango or Snack°n Go Hummus Mini Chicken Wraps RE Nut Mixes Snacks #3 £ Ranch, Chipotie or Sweet Chi 110 g 1 128-1408 Scene’ 1000 #5 =$10 OF FREE GROCERIES °°

| 100% FRESH ( LOUE mg SET BOLTHOUSE FARMS ORGANIC Whole White Matchstix Carrots or Cremini Mushrooms product of USA 284 g me Canada no 1 grade 6.S3Rg CLS cote 1.439 AE À - D = 4° 249 Large Navel Oranges 299 1» Large Red Kent pou Cote Re er product of USA, Meroeco or Prepared Fresh Daily Spain SAV nr) of Peru In-Store Cored Pineapples SAUSAGE OF THE MONTH HOT JAMBALAYA LES ELA) A Là LOCAL MEAT EXPERT 6 OO mapue Lear or 9Q couumenrs Ready Crisp Sliced Meats Bacon 65-375£ selected varieties 175 g D " 3 4°° OT vi ERA y SWISS CHALET pote goes Eye of Round Roasts cut by your meat 9g Family Size cut by your 5” DE Meat Pies selected _. fre Canada AAA grade beet m4 meat expert from Canada varieties 650.655 g AAA grade beef 19.82/kg (CT Es, RAISED TS - È 2 Li nn. 7, LI pos by à die prédect ram bus 1301. 25e De prodect 3 itendeé, 204 De prodoct des not me yuus EC UIEONL pos C3 present Le product and sect 204 we ml provide yes wEd De appropriate emborsement Res boes 299, 18e foodland.caivalue-Myer far Setaës NE ETR : LEE CNET < Pork Side Ribs Cent C2 39 Family Favourites 99 MATLAWS 99 Portion Removed Boxed & Breaded Stuffed Clams or 4 eut by your met expert ONTARIO RAISED AIR-CHILLED Sealood 330-700 £ Scallops 425 £ TOR Boneless Skiniess Chicken Breasts Ÿ Arslatie at 6 most stores LT IN-STORE bu % es aÆTn Lad CNE (nl . Dn11599 —— (ES ŒD = ae Roland Sub Mie cour 5 TeT Pastries 4 pk 215-400 & 150-170 £ Donuts 320-500 £ (eo 1 cn COPAIN any2 529 _— ne: 499 Re Toppings selected COMPLIMENTS S° Cream Styte Pies 260-375 g, 6° Cheesacakes NS5-250% Feta Cheese 200 £ 136-975 g or Dessert Half Cakes 415-800 g SUMMER FRESH 12 OWN Dried Mango or Snack°n Go Hummus Mini Chicken Wraps RE Nut Mixes Snacks #3 £ Ranch, Chipotie or Sweet Chi 110 g 1 128-1408 Scene’ 1000 #5 =$10 OF FREE GROCERIES °°

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