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Circulaire actuelle Foodland - Valable à partir du 29.02 au 06.03 - Page n° 1

Circulaire Foodland 29.02.2024 - 06.03.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

99 sir CASHMERE Q99 LE Em tone Card 812=24 roll, SPONGE TOWELS 3-48 rolls or SCOTTIES 6 pie { PHILADELPHIA Groom of Mieshronm or Vgstae Son 24 _ Cream Choose 221-250 £ ARE LEE LEENNN VD rer SPEND $50 OR MORE, GET WHEN YOU nus LOAD THIS OFFER TOUTE - 1500 ae = s : or at F: s EXCLUSIVE Card mt be registered. ttes raid ant prntadie ts be lsadet Febreary 29 - March 6. 2804 at 28 fondant locations ie Ontaris Meme quatpng porche murt be made a à sage Dransactiee. Ofler meit be lsaded 13 ragatarné Scene. Card prior 1e Daeux tee Spentag 558 08 or more awards oniy one 506 Scene. ponts sletment Let | after per Scene. Cars Other cuctodes SR PR ne Ne nm |] OFFER AVAILABL me sonner ap, GR Eu on pr par ur D ae reg, GE rer, FEB 29-MAR 6, 2024 ag ape, errant caps 2 ar aus dar A tn Écran Lan Lt 0 ot we some cam an condins 4 28% Ur ab Cond. Gr mbct changea merde Sean QRcodete re wie! ace Totem Las Pres Pope so one Less y abs Cant crent (éonnlaad or epen te app

99 sir CASHMERE Q99 LE Em tone Card 812=24 roll, SPONGE TOWELS 3-48 rolls or SCOTTIES 6 pie { PHILADELPHIA Groom of Mieshronm or Vgstae Son 24 _ Cream Choose 221-250 £ ARE LEE LEENNN VD rer SPEND $50 OR MORE, GET WHEN YOU nus LOAD THIS OFFER TOUTE - 1500 ae = s : or at F: s EXCLUSIVE Card mt be registered. ttes raid ant prntadie ts be lsadet Febreary 29 - March 6. 2804 at 28 fondant locations ie Ontaris Meme quatpng porche murt be made a à sage Dransactiee. Ofler meit be lsaded 13 ragatarné Scene. Card prior 1e Daeux tee Spentag 558 08 or more awards oniy one 506 Scene. ponts sletment Let | after per Scene. Cars Other cuctodes SR PR ne Ne nm |] OFFER AVAILABL me sonner ap, GR Eu on pr par ur D ae reg, GE rer, FEB 29-MAR 6, 2024 ag ape, errant caps 2 ar aus dar A tn Écran Lan Lt 0 ot we some cam an condins 4 28% Ur ab Cond. Gr mbct changea merde Sean QRcodete re wie! ace Totem Las Pres Pope so one Less y abs Cant crent (éonnlaad or epen te app

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