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Circulaire actuelle Foodland - Valable à partir du 13.02 au 19.02 - Page n° 3

Circulaire Foodland 13.02.2025 - 19.02.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

| 100% FRESH GUOONee Rg ra EU 12° Bulk Red Onions Broccoli Bunches dans RC # product of Canada ce PRODUCT OF CANAD 5 4 SAVE 50° 5% za Romaine Hearts product of USA or Mexico 3pk 349 Red or Black Piums COMPLIMENTS pre Cantaloupe # product of Chile Gala, Mcintosh, Ambrosia or Red Delicious product of Costa Rica 10 1 grade 75%/kg Canada fancy grade 1.38 kg = 5 on 1] D. à / En, 49 99 FARMS Chicken 99 Top Sirloin Roasts Bacon, Ultimate eut by your meat expert FLETCHER'S Frankfurters or Meat from Canada AM grade rt Cottage Rolls 7 E%kg Sticks 300-900 g beet 242Vkg FE Ag bed M2 BUE VA ‘e Picnic Pork Shoulder Roasts { ’ Le d: VE 222 > |49É Qu Û AE) COMPLIMENTS Pork Loin Centre Cut Chops 1 1492 sz: comPumEnTs 99 Chicken Strips, Famity Size cut by your meat expert 11.00Kg Nr mré 577" Boxed Turkey Roast Nuggets, Burgers or U À 4 n°4 ETES OP TS 1 pou boy à ge prodect rom our 181€. 258 Me prodect 2 tended, 204 De prodoct does RO me yuus EEE LIENS. pos Can present De product aude 16e and we md pravide jou mt De appropriate reinborsement Eesvicboes 95h 1e far Setaès 1ke Popcorn Chicken 700 £ > NT SE) [alla 11)1 LE] LED eus £ : DR s LR = j Lobster Tails 10°: : cn 75 Er mme 399 Shrimp Rings 312 £ Previousy Frazen Turkey 4504 Aoilable at 3 \ i Avosbie at most stores + most stores ErreStelle 8, Eos Ê SICULCLUN vRE STELLE Feta, Halloumi, Bocconcini, 899 :z: PanacHE 99 Feta Cubes 200 £. alian Sliced Meats Crembled Feta 150 £ or selected 100 € Ricetta 415 £ LOTADELA nn An [00 4 EPSON TE) 4°2 MASTRO Cooked Sliced Italian Meats selected 125-175 g PILLER'S Salami selected varieties Aeaiabie at 4 most stores Le ES di 8 770 Lu Le LUE à ne Topped Hummus or Regular Hummus or Traditional Salad Sandwich Dips 227-260 £ Trio Pack 800 £ Scene’ 1000 #5 =$10 OF FREE GROCERIES °°

| 100% FRESH GUOONee Rg ra EU 12° Bulk Red Onions Broccoli Bunches dans RC # product of Canada ce PRODUCT OF CANAD 5 4 SAVE 50° 5% za Romaine Hearts product of USA or Mexico 3pk 349 Red or Black Piums COMPLIMENTS pre Cantaloupe # product of Chile Gala, Mcintosh, Ambrosia or Red Delicious product of Costa Rica 10 1 grade 75%/kg Canada fancy grade 1.38 kg = 5 on 1] D. à / En, 49 99 FARMS Chicken 99 Top Sirloin Roasts Bacon, Ultimate eut by your meat expert FLETCHER'S Frankfurters or Meat from Canada AM grade rt Cottage Rolls 7 E%kg Sticks 300-900 g beet 242Vkg FE Ag bed M2 BUE VA ‘e Picnic Pork Shoulder Roasts { ’ Le d: VE 222 > |49É Qu Û AE) COMPLIMENTS Pork Loin Centre Cut Chops 1 1492 sz: comPumEnTs 99 Chicken Strips, Famity Size cut by your meat expert 11.00Kg Nr mré 577" Boxed Turkey Roast Nuggets, Burgers or U À 4 n°4 ETES OP TS 1 pou boy à ge prodect rom our 181€. 258 Me prodect 2 tended, 204 De prodoct does RO me yuus EEE LIENS. pos Can present De product aude 16e and we md pravide jou mt De appropriate reinborsement Eesvicboes 95h 1e far Setaès 1ke Popcorn Chicken 700 £ > NT SE) [alla 11)1 LE] LED eus £ : DR s LR = j Lobster Tails 10°: : cn 75 Er mme 399 Shrimp Rings 312 £ Previousy Frazen Turkey 4504 Aoilable at 3 \ i Avosbie at most stores + most stores ErreStelle 8, Eos Ê SICULCLUN vRE STELLE Feta, Halloumi, Bocconcini, 899 :z: PanacHE 99 Feta Cubes 200 £. alian Sliced Meats Crembled Feta 150 £ or selected 100 € Ricetta 415 £ LOTADELA nn An [00 4 EPSON TE) 4°2 MASTRO Cooked Sliced Italian Meats selected 125-175 g PILLER'S Salami selected varieties Aeaiabie at 4 most stores Le ES di 8 770 Lu Le LUE à ne Topped Hummus or Regular Hummus or Traditional Salad Sandwich Dips 227-260 £ Trio Pack 800 £ Scene’ 1000 #5 =$10 OF FREE GROCERIES °°

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