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Circulaire actuelle Fortinos - Valable à partir du 13.02 au 19.02 - Page n° 7

Circulaire Fortinos 13.02.2025 - 19.02.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

Friday - Sunday: 7am-11am_ *All combos come with a medium coffee bacon or sausage & egg sandwich or bacon & 99 peameal bacon & egg 99 bacon & egg croissant English muffin combo ,_ hashbrown bagel combo 4 on brioche combo or breakfast wrap combo acl ac! eacl each large ripelavocado™ product of Israel or Turkey no. 1 grade product of Mexico prepared in store = cA < ; a ‘ Ae organic blueberries y small red grapefruit product of Chile, or organic avocado ‘omelette/pizza mix each 170g 400 8 yin Sez J rare eae “ selectedjvarieti frozen} Fortinos pork or turkey Johnsonville. rounds, breakfast or breakfast sausage breakfast sausages Oktoberfest sausages selected varieties selected varieties frozen 300/350 g 250/375 g 3758 cs Se Ke Leaf fully oe Maple Lodge or Zabiha breakfast sausage Lou's peameal bacon Halal chicken bacon Maple Leaf Patties or links sliced or smoked selected varieties Ready Crisp bacon 9 375/454 g 3758 65¢ FORT 6

Friday - Sunday: 7am-11am_ *All combos come with a medium coffee bacon or sausage & egg sandwich or bacon & 99 peameal bacon & egg 99 bacon & egg croissant English muffin combo ,_ hashbrown bagel combo 4 on brioche combo or breakfast wrap combo acl ac! eacl each large ripelavocado™ product of Israel or Turkey no. 1 grade product of Mexico prepared in store = cA < ; a ‘ Ae organic blueberries y small red grapefruit product of Chile, or organic avocado ‘omelette/pizza mix each 170g 400 8 yin Sez J rare eae “ selectedjvarieti frozen} Fortinos pork or turkey Johnsonville. rounds, breakfast or breakfast sausage breakfast sausages Oktoberfest sausages selected varieties selected varieties frozen 300/350 g 250/375 g 3758 cs Se Ke Leaf fully oe Maple Lodge or Zabiha breakfast sausage Lou's peameal bacon Halal chicken bacon Maple Leaf Patties or links sliced or smoked selected varieties Ready Crisp bacon 9 375/454 g 3758 65¢ FORT 6

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