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Circulaire actuelle FreshCo - Valable à partir du 20.02 au 26.02 - Page n° 4

Circulaire FreshCo 20.02.2025 - 26.02.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

Red Prince Apples Product of Ontario Canada Extra Fancy Seedless Navel Oranges Product of USA or Morocco 3.28/kg Pommes, orange LA . N p : A |] Î # il sé E L ë a La e Pl mn ss M Roma Tomatoes 11) Product of Mexico No. 1 Grade 4.39/kg Tomates € ee 2. me) w x, | | PS 5 Field Red Peppers Yellow or White Product of Mexico Red Seedless Grapes Flesh Nectarines Avocados 5 pk Broccoli Crowns Product of Peru Product of Chile Product of Mexico Product of No. 1 Grade No. 1 Grade Kiwi Fruit 600 g Mexico or USA 8.80/kg 439/%k8 Product of Greece Iceberg Lettuce Mini Seedless Product of Cucumbers 6 pk Mexico or USA Product of Ontario No. 1 Grade The Little Potato Canada No. 1 Compliments Company Grape Tomatoes Whole White or Mini Potatoes Clementines 3 lb 2838 Brown Mushrooms 6808 Product of Morocco Product of Mexico 2278 Product of Canada 1.36k8 or Canada Product of Ontario Canada No. 1 Clémentines Concombres, tomate situe, champignons Pommes de terre Fresh Beef Back Ribs 17.61/kg co cn SCHNEIDERS Janes Ultimates Breaded or Battered Fish Best Buy Grilled Frozen 530-615 g EE Schneiders Bologna Chicken Breast Pan Sear Fish 375-5008 Strips Frozen 750 g Frozen 500 5408 Tre Stelle Ricotta 475 g or = TS ris ne TZ Maple Leaf Natural TT mpster Tortillas KY1T1 . rated Cheese 125 & Selections 175 8 ST 272-340 g Villaggio Bread Castello Blue Marcangelo Salami Hostess Snack 550-675 g or 125 8 or Cakes 202-231 g Buns 6-8 pk Havarti 200 g Tortillss, gâteaux-collation Pain. petits pains Variété de fromage salam

Red Prince Apples Product of Ontario Canada Extra Fancy Seedless Navel Oranges Product of USA or Morocco 3.28/kg Pommes, orange LA . N p : A |] Î # il sé E L ë a La e Pl mn ss M Roma Tomatoes 11) Product of Mexico No. 1 Grade 4.39/kg Tomates € ee 2. me) w x, | | PS 5 Field Red Peppers Yellow or White Product of Mexico Red Seedless Grapes Flesh Nectarines Avocados 5 pk Broccoli Crowns Product of Peru Product of Chile Product of Mexico Product of No. 1 Grade No. 1 Grade Kiwi Fruit 600 g Mexico or USA 8.80/kg 439/%k8 Product of Greece Iceberg Lettuce Mini Seedless Product of Cucumbers 6 pk Mexico or USA Product of Ontario No. 1 Grade The Little Potato Canada No. 1 Compliments Company Grape Tomatoes Whole White or Mini Potatoes Clementines 3 lb 2838 Brown Mushrooms 6808 Product of Morocco Product of Mexico 2278 Product of Canada 1.36k8 or Canada Product of Ontario Canada No. 1 Clémentines Concombres, tomate situe, champignons Pommes de terre Fresh Beef Back Ribs 17.61/kg co cn SCHNEIDERS Janes Ultimates Breaded or Battered Fish Best Buy Grilled Frozen 530-615 g EE Schneiders Bologna Chicken Breast Pan Sear Fish 375-5008 Strips Frozen 750 g Frozen 500 5408 Tre Stelle Ricotta 475 g or = TS ris ne TZ Maple Leaf Natural TT mpster Tortillas KY1T1 . rated Cheese 125 & Selections 175 8 ST 272-340 g Villaggio Bread Castello Blue Marcangelo Salami Hostess Snack 550-675 g or 125 8 or Cakes 202-231 g Buns 6-8 pk Havarti 200 g Tortillss, gâteaux-collation Pain. petits pains Variété de fromage salam

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