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Circulaire actuelle Independent - Valable à partir du 27.02 au 05.03 - Page n° 4

Circulaire Independent 27.02.2025 - 05.03.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

Dr (red 7 ES Er BACON s — PC: FROZEN NO NAME" VEGETABLES WHITE VINEGAR Guess * “ = » 4 VINAIGRE BLANC CES commente} SANS NOM" 2 20 tite inegar SPC ’ porn ta vcscre blane La d 32 = LANTIC SUGAR SEACTEO VARENES 2x0 venue | | | gammes SUJET SUCTE gran 2/S" CLEAR, pacs A RE LAVE-GLACE ” — Independent CUSTOMER RELATIONS 1-6315. VISIT FOR STORE HOURS. Quastities and/or selection 6 fees may be mited ad may not be availabe in ll sees. oc prodoct avmlabäliy at your store please contact Customer Petations at ie abone phone momber Vo Ranchecks DA Sutsté On Garance Mers cr wire ques are adverses 2 int Advertise reg prima and prod! select (veut, co, pattes, ie) May Ar ba store lei, le ae et ct 1) sf Besse on ea 0 MSG ex phetograghn Prcig. AN reerences Lo "Save. Was, Mon, Saving, 6." 1 in comparison our ou reg prices. Coupons must Be presente and dem at Br 6 purchase Agile taxes, ges, 1 emireemental sunchanges ave extra. Mo sales Lo na cutets. @/'* Te tademas, serice mas ed logos Gsgiayeé in Des Myer are Vademas 0 Las he and oPers AA rigts reserved © 22S Loblans he MasterCard and Pre MasterCard Brand Mark are reptered Fademass an PayPass 4 à Fademk cf MasterCard tematonal icrperated Presents Cuice Bark à Bcensee cms. PC Dpbrusi* program à praviéed by President Cnoce Services Pc. Prades Croce Francal MasrCars 6 pronded by Presdent s Croce Bart Prsdets Coce Francal personal arc sareces are grande y be Gr! bang ro Sep Franco 8. Presdents Croce FC Franc and Presdnes Choice Francia register rademas cf Labs bc cadenas sed under cence Ve reserve Be it lei Quarts Queens PC OPTIRM reset ae ai arabe 1 vai PC Option pra member. onde te opt 6 à PC pin” member sen. or ce mages M Cash value See pournôtpendentncer ca er a program tas ich redemçén resticions Minimum redemçon 10000 posts. These or cannot be cond ma any er cours, GaCours 0 promis and 10 admet on previus purchases. Ve reserve Lo mad cr cancel Pese cflers want noce. Proc! rally may var D sr. Wie sugphes Last Wa resere D gt a lent Quarts “acte De pots pce when you spend De qualéng Go amouré (ne Gale participa pendant categories) befre Las an ae demon 2 af coupon scouts ar dede i à ge Hasachon "Va or er dur er mc D price wi De D same far ON PC Optun* 28 non-PC pt” members. Tases aphcabie ne purchase amcust ter dscourts. PC Open * member pig no applicable on price Path pros for parut res aperatg under De LobkanS nc. baser OUTDOOR/SEASOAL: Fer your local So ours and Ar à lt of Your Independent Gincer Incas Pat DU a D D VON FE C8 Can Pains MSA Quantites and/or selection of Bems may be imited and may act be available in a stores. OA season bem he Ur and garden) muy or be arabe at sect sta cons. Peas Check ur local star kr pr, D Er DA Et us om a np Ranch May De alle Kr Al GK Bees encSe Dean Den 0e Where QUES A ES 2 Le D reserve De 8 to sk le fran eguientBen 1 beu prog à rancheck, Adrertsed regular ricing and product selection (voor, colour, parier, ty) may vary by stone location. A references ox Dyer DS Wa Tone compare 1 ur an pa prices, Svings cn ems aGrerésed wii yer may vary by store Ia. CoLOONS Ms De eus ar rRGeeSES 2 bre purchase Ve are ac CES 10508 fes based on era or maps 1 ypogaghy or photo AGoicabe aus, GG. ar Poerenmenta surcharges are era Me sales D td xs ©)" The Fademats, serre maris and logos Solar es y are trademarks cf bles re. an oers, A gts réserves CAS Lablans be. FPRICE DROP of said n-sure at partcaing cators betueen February 27 - ch 19, 2025 betre gite Las and ue Quarts Last Of apps on sect products. ir mar be modes and canceled miout ace. See i-sr for a tal YIG BACK cghemem ca are nt baie 10 ar ports base On TU PEFC

Dr (red 7 ES Er BACON s — PC: FROZEN NO NAME" VEGETABLES WHITE VINEGAR Guess * “ = » 4 VINAIGRE BLANC CES commente} SANS NOM" 2 20 tite inegar SPC ’ porn ta vcscre blane La d 32 = LANTIC SUGAR SEACTEO VARENES 2x0 venue | | | gammes SUJET SUCTE gran 2/S" CLEAR, pacs A RE LAVE-GLACE ” — Independent CUSTOMER RELATIONS 1-6315. VISIT FOR STORE HOURS. Quastities and/or selection 6 fees may be mited ad may not be availabe in ll sees. oc prodoct avmlabäliy at your store please contact Customer Petations at ie abone phone momber Vo Ranchecks DA Sutsté On Garance Mers cr wire ques are adverses 2 int Advertise reg prima and prod! select (veut, co, pattes, ie) May Ar ba store lei, le ae et ct 1) sf Besse on ea 0 MSG ex phetograghn Prcig. AN reerences Lo "Save. Was, Mon, Saving, 6." 1 in comparison our ou reg prices. Coupons must Be presente and dem at Br 6 purchase Agile taxes, ges, 1 emireemental sunchanges ave extra. Mo sales Lo na cutets. @/'* Te tademas, serice mas ed logos Gsgiayeé in Des Myer are Vademas 0 Las he and oPers AA rigts reserved © 22S Loblans he MasterCard and Pre MasterCard Brand Mark are reptered Fademass an PayPass 4 à Fademk cf MasterCard tematonal icrperated Presents Cuice Bark à Bcensee cms. PC Dpbrusi* program à praviéed by President Cnoce Services Pc. Prades Croce Francal MasrCars 6 pronded by Presdent s Croce Bart Prsdets Coce Francal personal arc sareces are grande y be Gr! bang ro Sep Franco 8. Presdents Croce FC Franc and Presdnes Choice Francia register rademas cf Labs bc cadenas sed under cence Ve reserve Be it lei Quarts Queens PC OPTIRM reset ae ai arabe 1 vai PC Option pra member. onde te opt 6 à PC pin” member sen. or ce mages M Cash value See pournôtpendentncer ca er a program tas ich redemçén resticions Minimum redemçon 10000 posts. These or cannot be cond ma any er cours, GaCours 0 promis and 10 admet on previus purchases. Ve reserve Lo mad cr cancel Pese cflers want noce. Proc! rally may var D sr. Wie sugphes Last Wa resere D gt a lent Quarts “acte De pots pce when you spend De qualéng Go amouré (ne Gale participa pendant categories) befre Las an ae demon 2 af coupon scouts ar dede i à ge Hasachon "Va or er dur er mc D price wi De D same far ON PC Optun* 28 non-PC pt” members. Tases aphcabie ne purchase amcust ter dscourts. PC Open * member pig no applicable on price Path pros for parut res aperatg under De LobkanS nc. baser OUTDOOR/SEASOAL: Fer your local So ours and Ar à lt of Your Independent Gincer Incas Pat DU a D D VON FE C8 Can Pains MSA Quantites and/or selection of Bems may be imited and may act be available in a stores. OA season bem he Ur and garden) muy or be arabe at sect sta cons. Peas Check ur local star kr pr, D Er DA Et us om a np Ranch May De alle Kr Al GK Bees encSe Dean Den 0e Where QUES A ES 2 Le D reserve De 8 to sk le fran eguientBen 1 beu prog à rancheck, Adrertsed regular ricing and product selection (voor, colour, parier, ty) may vary by stone location. A references ox Dyer DS Wa Tone compare 1 ur an pa prices, Svings cn ems aGrerésed wii yer may vary by store Ia. CoLOONS Ms De eus ar rRGeeSES 2 bre purchase Ve are ac CES 10508 fes based on era or maps 1 ypogaghy or photo AGoicabe aus, GG. ar Poerenmenta surcharges are era Me sales D td xs ©)" The Fademats, serre maris and logos Solar es y are trademarks cf bles re. an oers, A gts réserves CAS Lablans be. FPRICE DROP of said n-sure at partcaing cators betueen February 27 - ch 19, 2025 betre gite Las and ue Quarts Last Of apps on sect products. ir mar be modes and canceled miout ace. See i-sr for a tal YIG BACK cghemem ca are nt baie 10 ar ports base On TU PEFC

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