La demande doit comporter entre 2 et 50 caractères

Circulaire actuelle Longo's - Valable à partir du 30.01 au 05.02 - Page n° 2

Circulaire Longo's 30.01.2025 - 05.02.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

Ocean Prime Frozen Raw Wild à Argentina Shrimp M-15ct, 4549 pkg y | 7 Longo's Fresh Sweet À Fresh Cara Cara Oranges rh dr aa 49 Product of U.S.A. " 32949 3pack BAKED IN-STORE. Cashmere Double Roll 2448 rolls or Bertoll Extra Cashmere Ultra Luxe Virgin Olive Oil ra ae rolls 750mL Organic or or Sponge Towels IL Original Ultra 6-12 rolls Me 127 Gray Ridge Large White Eggs r PNA 7 12 pack re Longots Essentials M Lt Beatrice Milk Country Churned Butter Essentials Brea 2%, 1% or skim 6759 pkg AL bag 454g pkg WE’VE LOCKED DOWN PRICES ON EVERYDAY ITEMS. For online flyer, store hours and store locations, We reserve the right to limit quantities. We are diligent in proofing our flyers but unintentional DEEE SCESTEEN LE OCT EE TETE OT EE EEE COR or illustration purposes only. Savings refer to Longo® regular prices. Prices vary by location. (EAX) @LongosMarkets

Ocean Prime Frozen Raw Wild à Argentina Shrimp M-15ct, 4549 pkg y | 7 Longo's Fresh Sweet À Fresh Cara Cara Oranges rh dr aa 49 Product of U.S.A. " 32949 3pack BAKED IN-STORE. Cashmere Double Roll 2448 rolls or Bertoll Extra Cashmere Ultra Luxe Virgin Olive Oil ra ae rolls 750mL Organic or or Sponge Towels IL Original Ultra 6-12 rolls Me 127 Gray Ridge Large White Eggs r PNA 7 12 pack re Longots Essentials M Lt Beatrice Milk Country Churned Butter Essentials Brea 2%, 1% or skim 6759 pkg AL bag 454g pkg WE’VE LOCKED DOWN PRICES ON EVERYDAY ITEMS. For online flyer, store hours and store locations, We reserve the right to limit quantities. We are diligent in proofing our flyers but unintentional DEEE SCESTEEN LE OCT EE TETE OT EE EEE COR or illustration purposes only. Savings refer to Longo® regular prices. Prices vary by location. (EAX) @LongosMarkets

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