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Circulaire actuelle M&M Food Market - Valable à partir du 06.03 au 12.03 - Page n° 9

Circulaire M&M Food Market 06.03.2025 - 12.03.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

Slow Cooked Beef Pot Roast Also svailsbie, DUT EE + Mini Chocolate ETS 6 PIECES 200 g 5999 SAVE *3 Mini Chocolate Peanut Butter Cakes L'EST IT DOTE Blossoms 2 PORTIONS 239 g - Bumble Blossoms 2 PORTIONS 230 g RON7 ;L"e LT TR x DIET ECC TTC © Ice Cream Cookie Apple Blossoms Sandwichés Al disceuntéd prices of prodacts within this flyer are excleshié to members of the MBM Foo$ Market Rewerts program Simply present yeur mémbership cmd ce sige us for a free membeeship in store er anne, to t8ke adrantsge of these aeclusive offers. Produets and prices say vary by régis. Limits 6e rastrietions may æply. Products may notbe enactty 25 shown. Special pricing end promolices are mot val st MEM Food Market Express and othe ron-traditiena s4sces, as they Pork Pot Roast 1 CUT UT TES Blueberry Bliss Cheezecake offer a limited range of prodects. Same ilustratices in &is flyer do not necessarby represent iles on sale and are for design on. Me reserve de righé to correct BEST say errors. Commerchal resale of our products is prohbited. Trace-marks, service marks and logos displayed in this fer are trade-marks ot MEM Met Snops Ltd. MANAGED and etsars Any cuplcation (achoding pesting salira] withaut the written consent of MM Ment Shaps Lie. |s probibitee. ©2025 MM Heat Shops Ltd. “Tradereark of Caliac Canada. Us9d unéar license. COMPANIES u ere srare

Slow Cooked Beef Pot Roast Also svailsbie, DUT EE + Mini Chocolate ETS 6 PIECES 200 g 5999 SAVE *3 Mini Chocolate Peanut Butter Cakes L'EST IT DOTE Blossoms 2 PORTIONS 239 g - Bumble Blossoms 2 PORTIONS 230 g RON7 ;L"e LT TR x DIET ECC TTC © Ice Cream Cookie Apple Blossoms Sandwichés Al disceuntéd prices of prodacts within this flyer are excleshié to members of the MBM Foo$ Market Rewerts program Simply present yeur mémbership cmd ce sige us for a free membeeship in store er anne, to t8ke adrantsge of these aeclusive offers. Produets and prices say vary by régis. Limits 6e rastrietions may æply. Products may notbe enactty 25 shown. Special pricing end promolices are mot val st MEM Food Market Express and othe ron-traditiena s4sces, as they Pork Pot Roast 1 CUT UT TES Blueberry Bliss Cheezecake offer a limited range of prodects. Same ilustratices in &is flyer do not necessarby represent iles on sale and are for design on. Me reserve de righé to correct BEST say errors. Commerchal resale of our products is prohbited. Trace-marks, service marks and logos displayed in this fer are trade-marks ot MEM Met Snops Ltd. MANAGED and etsars Any cuplcation (achoding pesting salira] withaut the written consent of MM Ment Shaps Lie. |s probibitee. ©2025 MM Heat Shops Ltd. “Tradereark of Caliac Canada. Us9d unéar license. COMPANIES u ere srare

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