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Circulaire actuelle M&M Food Market - Valable à partir du 27.02 au 05.03 - Page n° 12

Circulaire M&M Food Market 27.02.2025 - 05.03.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

Double Chocolate Fudge Brownie Cake Extreme Caramel Cake Le na Le — Cheesecake $19°° LL Chocolate Chunk Cream Bars ‘AI disceunted prices of prodacts win thés Ayer are exclusive to members of the MEM Food Market Rewæds program. Simely present your membersbip card or sige up for à tro membership in store gr onêne, to tan advantagn of these eeclusiue offers. Products and prices say vary by region. Lims ae rstricsions may api. Products may not a exactiy 34 shoun. Spacial pricing and promotines ara mot valid a MEM Food Markat Exprass and othor non-traditional st0ens, 35 Bey offer a limited rage of products, Some ilustratioes in tés Mur do not mocasser y represent itenes on 88e and are Los dasign on. We résrue ba right he correct sy errors, Commercial resale of our prouacts is prohBited, Trads-marks, service marks and logos displayod in this Ayar are trade-marks ci MEM Mat Saop3 Li sed oters. Army éuplistian (inchading pesting caline) withsut the written consent of M&M Meat Shops Lie is probibiteel D2025 MM Meat Shops LIU. ‘12°, Sa K de LemoniciousTM Lemon Squares MANAGED COMPANES ONE

Double Chocolate Fudge Brownie Cake Extreme Caramel Cake Le na Le — Cheesecake $19°° LL Chocolate Chunk Cream Bars ‘AI disceunted prices of prodacts win thés Ayer are exclusive to members of the MEM Food Market Rewæds program. Simely present your membersbip card or sige up for à tro membership in store gr onêne, to tan advantagn of these eeclusiue offers. Products and prices say vary by region. Lims ae rstricsions may api. Products may not a exactiy 34 shoun. Spacial pricing and promotines ara mot valid a MEM Food Markat Exprass and othor non-traditional st0ens, 35 Bey offer a limited rage of products, Some ilustratioes in tés Mur do not mocasser y represent itenes on 88e and are Los dasign on. We résrue ba right he correct sy errors, Commercial resale of our prouacts is prohBited, Trads-marks, service marks and logos displayod in this Ayar are trade-marks ci MEM Mat Saop3 Li sed oters. Army éuplistian (inchading pesting caline) withsut the written consent of M&M Meat Shops Lie is probibiteel D2025 MM Meat Shops LIU. ‘12°, Sa K de LemoniciousTM Lemon Squares MANAGED COMPANES ONE

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