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Circulaire actuelle No Frills - Valable à partir du 06.03 au 12.03 - Page n° 7

Circulaire No Frills 06.03.2025 - 12.03.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

OUR BRANDS :;:. ©Q EE mozzarelle mozzarells NO NAME* CHELSE SHREDS 209 « CHEESE BARS «09 nc oran 102 où barre du bamage tr . BLUEBERRI BLEUETS if Quantities and/or selec nce items or when quant advertised as limited. We reserve the right to limit purchase quantities requirements. See instore for details. We are not obligated to sel items based on errors or misprints (Le. “Save”, "Was”,"1/2Price”,etc.)are in comparison to our own regular prices. Regular pricingand savings on items shown may le taxes, fees, deposits, recycling or environmental surcharges are extra. Coupons must be presented and redeemed at time of purchase. mum'w, Scan your PC Optimum"" app or swipe your card to get Members Pricing or points. See instore for details. PEFC UNOFRILLS 2:10" nunons 1-266-08-smu2 (76453) pp and no ngs clair

OUR BRANDS :;:. ©Q EE mozzarelle mozzarells NO NAME* CHELSE SHREDS 209 « CHEESE BARS «09 nc oran 102 où barre du bamage tr . BLUEBERRI BLEUETS if Quantities and/or selec nce items or when quant advertised as limited. We reserve the right to limit purchase quantities requirements. See instore for details. We are not obligated to sel items based on errors or misprints (Le. “Save”, "Was”,"1/2Price”,etc.)are in comparison to our own regular prices. Regular pricingand savings on items shown may le taxes, fees, deposits, recycling or environmental surcharges are extra. Coupons must be presented and redeemed at time of purchase. mum'w, Scan your PC Optimum"" app or swipe your card to get Members Pricing or points. See instore for details. PEFC UNOFRILLS 2:10" nunons 1-266-08-smu2 (76453) pp and no ngs clair

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