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Circulaire actuelle No Frills - Valable à partir du 20.02 au 26.02 - Page n° 17

Circulaire No Frills 20.02.2025 - 26.02.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

2 Financial® Earn PC Optimum" points for banking and now interest on your savings Save your savings The no monthly fee PC Money” Account Earn 3.5% LATE ET) your savings" *Annualied rate, cakulated daily & poid monthiy. Conditions and exclusions appty to aîl offers and benefits. THREE NEW WAYS WE'RE KEEPING BUDGETS HAPPY \i7 s X 2 + s n ” FRESH ” {f your produce isn't fresh, GUARANTEE we/l replace AND refundit. * s + s RAIN We’Il honour a current flyer deal CHECK if we’re sold out, plus give you 10% + (pts) back in PC Optimum'" points. Le Jon \ Deals from the past Nrmes A ÉD eee PAL ion Pe Rai

2 Financial® Earn PC Optimum" points for banking and now interest on your savings Save your savings The no monthly fee PC Money” Account Earn 3.5% LATE ET) your savings" *Annualied rate, cakulated daily & poid monthiy. Conditions and exclusions appty to aîl offers and benefits. THREE NEW WAYS WE'RE KEEPING BUDGETS HAPPY \i7 s X 2 + s n ” FRESH ” {f your produce isn't fresh, GUARANTEE we/l replace AND refundit. * s + s RAIN We’Il honour a current flyer deal CHECK if we’re sold out, plus give you 10% + (pts) back in PC Optimum'" points. Le Jon \ Deals from the past Nrmes A ÉD eee PAL ion Pe Rai

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