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Circulaire actuelle Peavey Mart - Valable à partir du 23.01 au 02.02 - Page n° 15

Circulaire Peavey Mart 23.01.2025 - 02.02.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

SAVE 20% Chuckit! & Kong Pet Toys Assorted options avolable OZ: “Discount applis to regular price items on. 27% ONE 25” x 21"Cuddler Pet Bed MN Consructed vrih supporie raised sides & 100% | soh polyester ing Rog. 34.99 3569541 Limited to existing inventory No roin check. SAVE 25% Feeders & Waterers Assoried brands & oplons available ab “Discount opplies to regulor price items on. SAVE 50% Pet Sherpa Hoodies & Puffer @ Coats Assorted colours sizes & options available. SKU 3572486-505 3572506-525 Reg. Sale 29 1499 3999 1999 Hoodies Puffer Coais Selection may vor. Limited to existing inventory. No rain check 449% 10’ x 10’ x 6” Dog Kennel Rust resistant galvanized steel construction, modular pre-assembled panels & center broce for abiliy. Weghts 1861, Reg. 599.99 3571442 PEAVEY MART SAVE 10% (ŒHAN SAVE $5 ur SAVE 25% SAVE $20 4 SAVE 25% raamiens 269 279 Weil à Single Suets 3 À°° @S29) Farm Pro Feeders IC itta Assorted bronds & options available 7 Assored options Mealworm Finch Festival Reg. 2793.49 Milk Pail 1 ne Cake 40z Bird Seed Bird Feeder Re LR, Provides a high-protein 3.63kg = A: Holds up to 5lb of —— & energy-rich poultry À Ingredients: Nyjer î mixed & sunflower seed. snack. Seed & Fine Black Oil ZT) Reg. 5499 Reg. 2.99 Sunflower chips. 1010959 er ee ses Mn # D ons = sn SAVE $2 catit SAVE $5 C Heartland Harvest Heartland Harvest 99 99 Cat Food 20Ïb Dog Food 201b-401b Oflrs cos & kitens Mode wih quality : bo vholcme aurisn ingredients & no arficial Creamy Lickable ge Dog Food they need o rive. AN colours or avors. Cat Treat LEA iofi Serve on a dish or feed your cat DE L 1 & osty coated Œn sy Date Rog_ Sole | from he kbe, Nourol, Do Se :00h deliver oubtanding Sr ë LUE js # 7 2 7 tasty & full of essential nutrients, Alovor & variely lo make ini et # # chick lavour . mealtimes your wil sku Description Reg. Sdle 3566778 HohPownaob 4799 4299 | Rad pg 0158 Cr er 3568281 Chicken 20 3099 2599 3566280 HighEnergy40b 51.49 46.49 | 3520308 Fag 4199 3566282 Fish 20lb 33.49 2849 3572634 Complete Beef 40b 47.99 42.99 263998 3572636 Fish 40lb 61.49 56.49 3572635 Complete Lamb 40lb 49.99 44.99 ] 04°? Heartland Harvest Heartland Harvest Wet Dog Food 14.50z Avaïloble in Complete Adu, High Energy, High Protein, Puppy, Beef or Lamb. & 32° Harvest Goodness Bone & Joint Dog Food 18kg Dog Treats 4lb Reg.2452 D > Assoned options availoble SAS D ss Reg. 13.49 BR 3572643-46 Ë HEARTLAND EXCLUSIVETO HARVEST PEAVEY MART Der ne Tr Eee ee Aidé in reducing he inflammation for your dog 225890 Harvest 43% Cat Harvest Goodness Urinary Tract Health h #aveat Cat Food 18kg mare With low ash & low magnesium | À for cots with a history of urinary trot infections 226029 rterms Find out more at

SAVE 20% Chuckit! & Kong Pet Toys Assorted options avolable OZ: “Discount applis to regular price items on. 27% ONE 25” x 21"Cuddler Pet Bed MN Consructed vrih supporie raised sides & 100% | soh polyester ing Rog. 34.99 3569541 Limited to existing inventory No roin check. SAVE 25% Feeders & Waterers Assoried brands & oplons available ab “Discount opplies to regulor price items on. SAVE 50% Pet Sherpa Hoodies & Puffer @ Coats Assorted colours sizes & options available. SKU 3572486-505 3572506-525 Reg. Sale 29 1499 3999 1999 Hoodies Puffer Coais Selection may vor. Limited to existing inventory. No rain check 449% 10’ x 10’ x 6” Dog Kennel Rust resistant galvanized steel construction, modular pre-assembled panels & center broce for abiliy. Weghts 1861, Reg. 599.99 3571442 PEAVEY MART SAVE 10% (ŒHAN SAVE $5 ur SAVE 25% SAVE $20 4 SAVE 25% raamiens 269 279 Weil à Single Suets 3 À°° @S29) Farm Pro Feeders IC itta Assorted bronds & options available 7 Assored options Mealworm Finch Festival Reg. 2793.49 Milk Pail 1 ne Cake 40z Bird Seed Bird Feeder Re LR, Provides a high-protein 3.63kg = A: Holds up to 5lb of —— & energy-rich poultry À Ingredients: Nyjer î mixed & sunflower seed. snack. Seed & Fine Black Oil ZT) Reg. 5499 Reg. 2.99 Sunflower chips. 1010959 er ee ses Mn # D ons = sn SAVE $2 catit SAVE $5 C Heartland Harvest Heartland Harvest 99 99 Cat Food 20Ïb Dog Food 201b-401b Oflrs cos & kitens Mode wih quality : bo vholcme aurisn ingredients & no arficial Creamy Lickable ge Dog Food they need o rive. AN colours or avors. Cat Treat LEA iofi Serve on a dish or feed your cat DE L 1 & osty coated Œn sy Date Rog_ Sole | from he kbe, Nourol, Do Se :00h deliver oubtanding Sr ë LUE js # 7 2 7 tasty & full of essential nutrients, Alovor & variely lo make ini et # # chick lavour . mealtimes your wil sku Description Reg. Sdle 3566778 HohPownaob 4799 4299 | Rad pg 0158 Cr er 3568281 Chicken 20 3099 2599 3566280 HighEnergy40b 51.49 46.49 | 3520308 Fag 4199 3566282 Fish 20lb 33.49 2849 3572634 Complete Beef 40b 47.99 42.99 263998 3572636 Fish 40lb 61.49 56.49 3572635 Complete Lamb 40lb 49.99 44.99 ] 04°? Heartland Harvest Heartland Harvest Wet Dog Food 14.50z Avaïloble in Complete Adu, High Energy, High Protein, Puppy, Beef or Lamb. & 32° Harvest Goodness Bone & Joint Dog Food 18kg Dog Treats 4lb Reg.2452 D > Assoned options availoble SAS D ss Reg. 13.49 BR 3572643-46 Ë HEARTLAND EXCLUSIVETO HARVEST PEAVEY MART Der ne Tr Eee ee Aidé in reducing he inflammation for your dog 225890 Harvest 43% Cat Harvest Goodness Urinary Tract Health h #aveat Cat Food 18kg mare With low ash & low magnesium | À for cots with a history of urinary trot infections 226029 rterms Find out more at

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