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Circulaire actuelle Peavey Mart - Valable à partir du 23.01 au 02.02 - Page n° 4

Circulaire Peavey Mart 23.01.2025 - 02.02.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

IE OTIEC { DAY, FEBRUARY 2, 20 Too Masrer $ A $ A ÉRBM-TUFF $ 5 ÉRBM-TUFF $ 5 104 Piece TG In-Line Oiler 1 Quart 1 Quart Plastic 3 Piece Socket Felt Pad Set Cleor body. Screw-On Feeder Base _æ Adapters Providing invisible Reg. 7.79 Poultry Jar Ro 59 COR Includes 1/4", 3/8" ps under 3529771 Reg. 4.49 244507 & ee ss rs miture legs. 244508 s DD | sons CAE mn | ce 9 56 "56 =-$6 ga $7 $8 LE 9.5W A19 250 Lumen Freezer Jars Y Home Seal LED Bulbs COB Worklight 236ml 3 Pack Di in Insulati Reg. 7.99 Reg. 9.99 Dishwasher safe. High impact TBS handle. Foam 120z 3522408, 495883 193687 Reg. 8.99 Raïchet lock mechanism. Seal gops & 3506795 Reg. 8.99 cracks up to 1”. 402054 Reg. 1299 2571444 $ raamess $ Mechanie in $ WORKGREM, $ IRWIN $ HARVESTÉEAR 8 8 “059 9 FN S10 “# PEAVEY Wooden Double Mechanic In a 12 Piece Paint 4" Handi Clamp Men's Pocket T-Shirts Wall Suet Cake Feeder © A Bottle 4oz Brush Set Reg. 15.99 Available in black, 2 standard suet coke Treoïs up to 40 gallon A] Ergonomic handles. 3512982 grey & navy. copaciy. Ecsyt fil. 2-eycle or 4cycle =] Reg. 14.99 Sizes ML Reg. 9.99 engines. & | 3571573 = Style 202-2151 3533945 Reg. 13.49 3505919 = 3527752-66 Reg. 17.99 HARVESTÉSEAR e PPG PIIESREE $12 ‘#1 e* $14 Se 14 $14 PEAVEY ne Men's T-Shirts a | 10-1/2" Mukti-Function D Et 6000 Lumen Standard Filter + D 2 Pack Fencing Plier RD Tool Folding Utility Light Dust Bag AAssorted colours With vinyl grip. 14 fundions. 4 adiustable panel. 8-10 gallons. ‘available. Sizes M-2XL Reg. 19.99 Reg. 19.99 Standard medium h Reg. 22.99 Style 202-2153. 402514 3568225 base. : 3556889 3527736-51 Reg. 19.99 ae Les Reg. 1999 3569218 à 20 1515 771515 #17 "518 % Camp Chef Pellets 4 Station Copi él High Energy Pesnut Black Oxide ; Rubberired oat | juet 12 Pack it Set ( sive Tape rss options available. [454 Holds up to 1.71b À Source of protein. 19 piece. Can drill | 4" x 5. Seals & repairs Reg. 19.99 RAR | bird seed. Li up roof < Reg. 29.99 +R into plastic, wood H | lecks. Block or clear. for easy Filing. syaee Sur € & metal. P | Reg. 19.99 “Discount applis to regular price items on. Reg. 19.99 3533937 Reg. 19.99 3522460 301554, 3572049 $ ] ToourecH Fur 12 Piece File Set Reg. 26.99 20067 519 ok Pressure Washer Soap 1 Gallon For ea, house/siding or degreasing. Reg. 27.99 254031-33 $ PROFUSION 2 2 SEASONAL CLEARANCE 1500W L Compact Heater 2 heot sehings wilh cdjustable Iermosto. Reg. 29.99 323808 == Limited lo existing inventory. No roin check. 524 5000 Lumen LED Barn Light Soft white, bright white or daylight colour selectable. Reg. 39.99 3571409 595 750We 1500W Shop Heater 3 seing: fon onby, high heat, low het Reg. 39.99 601003

IE OTIEC { DAY, FEBRUARY 2, 20 Too Masrer $ A $ A ÉRBM-TUFF $ 5 ÉRBM-TUFF $ 5 104 Piece TG In-Line Oiler 1 Quart 1 Quart Plastic 3 Piece Socket Felt Pad Set Cleor body. Screw-On Feeder Base _æ Adapters Providing invisible Reg. 7.79 Poultry Jar Ro 59 COR Includes 1/4", 3/8" ps under 3529771 Reg. 4.49 244507 & ee ss rs miture legs. 244508 s DD | sons CAE mn | ce 9 56 "56 =-$6 ga $7 $8 LE 9.5W A19 250 Lumen Freezer Jars Y Home Seal LED Bulbs COB Worklight 236ml 3 Pack Di in Insulati Reg. 7.99 Reg. 9.99 Dishwasher safe. High impact TBS handle. Foam 120z 3522408, 495883 193687 Reg. 8.99 Raïchet lock mechanism. Seal gops & 3506795 Reg. 8.99 cracks up to 1”. 402054 Reg. 1299 2571444 $ raamess $ Mechanie in $ WORKGREM, $ IRWIN $ HARVESTÉEAR 8 8 “059 9 FN S10 “# PEAVEY Wooden Double Mechanic In a 12 Piece Paint 4" Handi Clamp Men's Pocket T-Shirts Wall Suet Cake Feeder © A Bottle 4oz Brush Set Reg. 15.99 Available in black, 2 standard suet coke Treoïs up to 40 gallon A] Ergonomic handles. 3512982 grey & navy. copaciy. Ecsyt fil. 2-eycle or 4cycle =] Reg. 14.99 Sizes ML Reg. 9.99 engines. & | 3571573 = Style 202-2151 3533945 Reg. 13.49 3505919 = 3527752-66 Reg. 17.99 HARVESTÉSEAR e PPG PIIESREE $12 ‘#1 e* $14 Se 14 $14 PEAVEY ne Men's T-Shirts a | 10-1/2" Mukti-Function D Et 6000 Lumen Standard Filter + D 2 Pack Fencing Plier RD Tool Folding Utility Light Dust Bag AAssorted colours With vinyl grip. 14 fundions. 4 adiustable panel. 8-10 gallons. ‘available. Sizes M-2XL Reg. 19.99 Reg. 19.99 Standard medium h Reg. 22.99 Style 202-2153. 402514 3568225 base. : 3556889 3527736-51 Reg. 19.99 ae Les Reg. 1999 3569218 à 20 1515 771515 #17 "518 % Camp Chef Pellets 4 Station Copi él High Energy Pesnut Black Oxide ; Rubberired oat | juet 12 Pack it Set ( sive Tape rss options available. [454 Holds up to 1.71b À Source of protein. 19 piece. Can drill | 4" x 5. Seals & repairs Reg. 19.99 RAR | bird seed. Li up roof < Reg. 29.99 +R into plastic, wood H | lecks. Block or clear. for easy Filing. syaee Sur € & metal. P | Reg. 19.99 “Discount applis to regular price items on. Reg. 19.99 3533937 Reg. 19.99 3522460 301554, 3572049 $ ] ToourecH Fur 12 Piece File Set Reg. 26.99 20067 519 ok Pressure Washer Soap 1 Gallon For ea, house/siding or degreasing. Reg. 27.99 254031-33 $ PROFUSION 2 2 SEASONAL CLEARANCE 1500W L Compact Heater 2 heot sehings wilh cdjustable Iermosto. Reg. 29.99 323808 == Limited lo existing inventory. No roin check. 524 5000 Lumen LED Barn Light Soft white, bright white or daylight colour selectable. Reg. 39.99 3571409 595 750We 1500W Shop Heater 3 seing: fon onby, high heat, low het Reg. 39.99 601003

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