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Circulaire actuelle Peavey Mart - Valable à partir du 09.01 au 19.01 - Page n° 14

Circulaire Peavey Mart 09.01.2025 - 19.01.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

SAVE $150 349°° 1/2hp Shallow Well Jet Pump & 5.8 Gallon Tank System Ideal for use in shallow well applications less than 25°. 1-1/4” NPT suction & 1” NP discharge. 30/50 pressure switch, PUMP can be set for use with 115 or 230 volts. INDUSTRIAL Rog. 499.99 285074 SAVE $50 129°° 1/2hp Transfer Pump Ecsy swikh & a durable butin motor. Reg. 179.99 3514945 <« Si Not soched in al locations. Limited to existing inventoy. No rai check. SAVE 30% SAVE 10% 37 et Safety Seal Extension Cord /Assorted brands & Water resistant. Locks options available. cordks together. Use indoor or outdoor. Reg. 5.99 320136 Reg. 0.79-47.49 SAVE $2 99 Clean & Protect + Clean Care Softener Salt 18.1kg Reduces iron & mineral build-up on baihroom ftures & iles. Helps extend sohener fe, vhile cleaning it 8. remoing hard waler mineras, Reg. 11.99 234507 SAVE $40 599? 12V Thermoplastic Submersible Utility Pump 1800 gph. 1-1/4 MPT discharge with gorden hoss adoplr. Removes water 10 within 1/8” of surface. Reg. 99.99 3514946 Not stocke in al loctions. Limited o œxising inventoy. No roi check. SAVE 25% s Smoke, CO Alarms & Fire Extinguishers Assoried options availoble. Reg. 17.99-124.99 € Kidde SAVE CU) 7997 ing at $49/mo with affifr\ NE) UT Moiutcs CÉREAEEET on salt & woter by only regenerating DRE EEE DRE EC PR EEE) SAVE 20% 9” Caulking Gun Caulking, Sealants {Assorted brands available. & Silicones HAE Gares El a ménur | Selection may von D en “Discount applis oregulor price items on. “Discount applis 1 regulor price em on SAVE 15% CENTURY" SAVE 20% SELECTRYX SAVE 20% HEAT ji 3 en pan Gsai Roof De-lcing Cables ; leater Cords tension Cords ÉAMAA _Assorted lengihs available Wiz Light Bulbs Availeble in 10” 8 25 lengihs. AAssorld sizes 8 ES Reg 5699-1199 Assorted bulb types, was, Reg. 14.99-16.99 prions available. 323581, 91-93, & colours avolable. 44153, 39, Reg 2002313 3569220 We unis ‘ue Dani entre muy Ne ru cs nas né SAVE $5 SetEcrryx SAVE $20 @PGPSRES SAVE $15 SLNEDACE SAVE $30 SLNFDRDE 99 es 99 99 99 7 1200 Lumen LED 10,000 Lumen 2 1000 Lumen LED Gooseneck Solar Wall Light Portable Work Light LED COB Bulb Solar Motion Light Close gooseneck sconce & Adjustable light head aims siondard medium screw | Mounts easily to both flat & ‘on odjusiable pivot. light in any direction. base, 85W (500W | comer surfaces. Adjustable Automatic from Reg. 24.99 incandescent equivalent. H lamp heods for optimal dusk 10 dawn. 3505742 Reg. 59.99 | F lighting coverage. Reg. 129.99 3563439 F| Reg. 74.99 3529932 é a | 493343 F Limited lo existing inventery No roin cheks.

SAVE $150 349°° 1/2hp Shallow Well Jet Pump & 5.8 Gallon Tank System Ideal for use in shallow well applications less than 25°. 1-1/4” NPT suction & 1” NP discharge. 30/50 pressure switch, PUMP can be set for use with 115 or 230 volts. INDUSTRIAL Rog. 499.99 285074 SAVE $50 129°° 1/2hp Transfer Pump Ecsy swikh & a durable butin motor. Reg. 179.99 3514945 <« Si Not soched in al locations. Limited to existing inventoy. No rai check. SAVE 30% SAVE 10% 37 et Safety Seal Extension Cord /Assorted brands & Water resistant. Locks options available. cordks together. Use indoor or outdoor. Reg. 5.99 320136 Reg. 0.79-47.49 SAVE $2 99 Clean & Protect + Clean Care Softener Salt 18.1kg Reduces iron & mineral build-up on baihroom ftures & iles. Helps extend sohener fe, vhile cleaning it 8. remoing hard waler mineras, Reg. 11.99 234507 SAVE $40 599? 12V Thermoplastic Submersible Utility Pump 1800 gph. 1-1/4 MPT discharge with gorden hoss adoplr. Removes water 10 within 1/8” of surface. Reg. 99.99 3514946 Not stocke in al loctions. Limited o œxising inventoy. No roi check. SAVE 25% s Smoke, CO Alarms & Fire Extinguishers Assoried options availoble. Reg. 17.99-124.99 € Kidde SAVE CU) 7997 ing at $49/mo with affifr\ NE) UT Moiutcs CÉREAEEET on salt & woter by only regenerating DRE EEE DRE EC PR EEE) SAVE 20% 9” Caulking Gun Caulking, Sealants {Assorted brands available. & Silicones HAE Gares El a ménur | Selection may von D en “Discount applis oregulor price items on. “Discount applis 1 regulor price em on SAVE 15% CENTURY" SAVE 20% SELECTRYX SAVE 20% HEAT ji 3 en pan Gsai Roof De-lcing Cables ; leater Cords tension Cords ÉAMAA _Assorted lengihs available Wiz Light Bulbs Availeble in 10” 8 25 lengihs. AAssorld sizes 8 ES Reg 5699-1199 Assorted bulb types, was, Reg. 14.99-16.99 prions available. 323581, 91-93, & colours avolable. 44153, 39, Reg 2002313 3569220 We unis ‘ue Dani entre muy Ne ru cs nas né SAVE $5 SetEcrryx SAVE $20 @PGPSRES SAVE $15 SLNEDACE SAVE $30 SLNFDRDE 99 es 99 99 99 7 1200 Lumen LED 10,000 Lumen 2 1000 Lumen LED Gooseneck Solar Wall Light Portable Work Light LED COB Bulb Solar Motion Light Close gooseneck sconce & Adjustable light head aims siondard medium screw | Mounts easily to both flat & ‘on odjusiable pivot. light in any direction. base, 85W (500W | comer surfaces. Adjustable Automatic from Reg. 24.99 incandescent equivalent. H lamp heods for optimal dusk 10 dawn. 3505742 Reg. 59.99 | F lighting coverage. Reg. 129.99 3563439 F| Reg. 74.99 3529932 é a | 493343 F Limited lo existing inventery No roin cheks.

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