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Circulaire actuelle RONA - Valable à partir du 13.02 au 26.02 - Page n° 7

Circulaire RONA 13.02.2025 - 26.02.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

SAVE 530 “FUSIO" PULL-DOWN KITCHEN FAUCETS Chrome finish 12365940 <505793> COINS COURANTS B Matte black finish TSH SOS J Br ess |E\ > DANS DONNE SAVE COLLECTION 00535174 <489777> 39.00 B Stainless teel finish 00535173 <489776> American Sanderd SAVE 20° "SOPHIE" PULL-DOWN "| kiTcHEN Faucers À Chrome finish pars are 185.00 B Brushed 6 F on ALL ALLEN+ROTH and LANDON & CO. stainless steel kitchen sinks nickel finish nan Shaun: 31" x 20" 72295004 <500060> 479-99 407.00 Faucet not included. ü, , AE oz: °n ALL kitchen 20% crganizations SAVE 5x on ALL CLOSETMAID wire shelvings GET UP TO 9 À QUARTZ COUNTERTOP Pen NEA] _'NSTAATON PROJECT save save SAVE on HONEYWELL 25% 20% 20% o° humidifiers wes 6499 48.69 SLIDE DIMMER " * SMOKE AND Dm | CARBON Singe pole, way. MONOXIDE 2 gras COMBO ALARM t Fhotclcre Vred g k j s PV ZAR actus Dani Lan batir) Mesgre Per Ne en K ss or Aria ‘ 04805718 <472578> 19-99 15.99 2-pack Show: HARDWIRED P Shaun: CD BRKC | ousn5719 <u72366> 32-99 26.39 ETN | 656a iso <assooo> 57-99 45.99 DEWALT CHOOSE 1 ITEM 0027188 <473898> Wu 00275942 <39S2T> 00275917 <380423> 00277944 <S0S84t> DEWALT 00276178 <a01406> BED [ \ 5449 15% : $599 on PORTABLE GENERATOR MASTER FORGE 3073501 <420361> barbecues CRUE NAT Shoun: Propane 60975002 <489220> FROM "LIVINGSTON" SEED PACKS 299 sorte varietis on MIRACLE GRO indoor plant potting mix — ARE Premium Seed Searting 10685849 <40379u: rt Show 9 © À Seed start aNSORS <S1E> 7.99 mab Pa Shaun: 47515089/539 LIVINGSTON DEP AABIE> AO the rogulir price in th flyer. Excapt for Web-arclusive, spacial order or claaranea products. Cannot be combined th any othar offer. 8

SAVE 530 “FUSIO" PULL-DOWN KITCHEN FAUCETS Chrome finish 12365940 <505793> COINS COURANTS B Matte black finish TSH SOS J Br ess |E\ > DANS DONNE SAVE COLLECTION 00535174 <489777> 39.00 B Stainless teel finish 00535173 <489776> American Sanderd SAVE 20° "SOPHIE" PULL-DOWN "| kiTcHEN Faucers À Chrome finish pars are 185.00 B Brushed 6 F on ALL ALLEN+ROTH and LANDON & CO. stainless steel kitchen sinks nickel finish nan Shaun: 31" x 20" 72295004 <500060> 479-99 407.00 Faucet not included. ü, , AE oz: °n ALL kitchen 20% crganizations SAVE 5x on ALL CLOSETMAID wire shelvings GET UP TO 9 À QUARTZ COUNTERTOP Pen NEA] _'NSTAATON PROJECT save save SAVE on HONEYWELL 25% 20% 20% o° humidifiers wes 6499 48.69 SLIDE DIMMER " * SMOKE AND Dm | CARBON Singe pole, way. MONOXIDE 2 gras COMBO ALARM t Fhotclcre Vred g k j s PV ZAR actus Dani Lan batir) Mesgre Per Ne en K ss or Aria ‘ 04805718 <472578> 19-99 15.99 2-pack Show: HARDWIRED P Shaun: CD BRKC | ousn5719 <u72366> 32-99 26.39 ETN | 656a iso <assooo> 57-99 45.99 DEWALT CHOOSE 1 ITEM 0027188 <473898> Wu 00275942 <39S2T> 00275917 <380423> 00277944 <S0S84t> DEWALT 00276178 <a01406> BED [ \ 5449 15% : $599 on PORTABLE GENERATOR MASTER FORGE 3073501 <420361> barbecues CRUE NAT Shoun: Propane 60975002 <489220> FROM "LIVINGSTON" SEED PACKS 299 sorte varietis on MIRACLE GRO indoor plant potting mix — ARE Premium Seed Searting 10685849 <40379u: rt Show 9 © À Seed start aNSORS <S1E> 7.99 mab Pa Shaun: 47515089/539 LIVINGSTON DEP AABIE> AO the rogulir price in th flyer. Excapt for Web-arclusive, spacial order or claaranea products. Cannot be combined th any othar offer. 8

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