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Circulaire actuelle Zehrs - Valable à partir du 06.03 au 12.03 - Page n° 4

Circulaire Zehrs 06.03.2025 - 12.03.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

MW te Palmolive ; Chips aie be aid Panchen DOC 37:=@ |7° LB PC OR BLUE MENUS PC" PACIFIC LARGE RAW FRESH ASC ENTREES OR BOWLS. Wnire SHRIMP SELECTED VARIETIES. — ‘OR COOKED PEELED revs ioreninccocrworn CRUES YoourT SELECTED VaRsETIES « REAL VRAIE CASCADE 20-405, Cascade ¢ FABRIC SOFTENER = CUSTOMER RELATIONS 1-866-541-6315. VISIT FOR STORE HOU! (Quantities afr seection ef ems. maybe fied and may not be avatabe ln all toes, For Inquiries on product valabilty at your store please contact Customer Relatons atthe above phone rams. No Rachecks OR Substttens on Searance fens or where quate are advertaed 2s lated. Adwertisnd regular pricing and product selection avr, coos. pater, ste). mx vary by sore lection, We ae ect cbigated to se ems ted on eners et mages typograghy or photography. Pring Al references t “Save, Was, Now. Sawngs. ete." sm comparison to ous own regular prces Coupons must be presenting and redeemed at tne of p ‘Savings on Gems showe may vary in ach store locaton eplecable taxes, Gepests. or emreoreertal surchanges ave entra. No sales to retad cufets. @/™ The Trademarks, service marks and logos dsgtayed en ths fer are tademares of Loblaws Inc. and overs Al rights reserved © 2025 Loblaws Ine (MasterCard and the MasterCard Brand Mark are registered trademarks and PayPass 6 2 trademark of MasterCard Intemational Incorporated President's Chace Gank a licensee of marks. PC Optimum” program ss provided by Presdeet’s Chace Servic lnc. Presdert’s Chace Financa) MasterCard ss provided by Presdest’s Chance Bart. Prendeet’s Chore Franca’ personal banking sereces are peowded by Die Grect barkung Govon of Singin Franca GPC, President's Chace, PC Frnancal and President's (race Franca ae segstered raderars of Lobiaws lnc Teacernarhs used under Icence We reserve the rght to leit quanttes to rrasonatie tamdy requrements MEMBERS ONLY: Tres cers ae crty arable vabe PC Optnere™ program members. Menten fee To reste asa PC Optimum” mente see hse or wst Wear ret blige fo award pits tases on errors oF magnets Mo Cash value See Dehes ca tor Sal program details Mcuseg redermcton restnctons Meerut recergton 10 10.000 pots These offers cannot be comened wit any otter coupons. Gscounts oF promotions and no adjusts oP pre prechases. We teserve i madly or cancel these offers without netice Product avaabilty may vary by store. While supplies last We reserve the ght to ent quantities. “Receive the points speciied when you spend te qsaitying dolar amount cn the Gaptayed participating productis! ancior categoryiies) before taxes and after redemptions and al coupons and Gscovets are Geducted in a srgie tarsacton, “* Vaid for fyer curation. after whch Te price wel be The same for both PC Otmum™ ang fon-PC Opirrum™ members. Tunes aggicable on fhe purchase amount after Gscourts. PC Optrum™ eee eee erate ete an eee eaees bamer (OUTDOOR SEASONAL: For your lca e's hours and fra lt ot Zetes lcs that 00 NOT paricgne in Bis yer vst wren cal Cstomes Relat at 1-86-41 selection of items may be erated and may not be aeadable in al stores. (tcnor seasonal tems j2 ¢ lean are garden) may ony be avatabie al select store locations Sareea tun pcg, wts Bet rvmtabelty We reserve De nytt heat Or qusrttes © resarabie famyregaremer’s Rarchecas may be naiade fr cat of socn tens clung Ceararce tens or where get ate lentes We reserve Re ght posttte Pe ot of stock tem for a fronds ne ony anceck Avertied pa pg ad rte! selecton lve, Co. pta se] may arb soe son leer ea tS “Nowe wn conprst perc to ax own reguar prces Savings on hems averted witin fyer may vary by store location. Coupons must be presented and redeemed at hme of purchase We are net obligated to sel Moms based on errors of mages Z : ‘ypagraghy oF phetograptny Appbeabie taxes. epee. or enirnemental sorcharpes are extra. Mo Sales i etal autets. @1-™ The trademarks service mares and logos daplayed in hs fyer are wademarks of Loblaws inc ando@ens AE | 9 ‘ight reserved. C2025 Lobos ic. SPRUCE OROP te ald i-tare at pariciating cations between Feta 27 - March 19.200 before applicable tones ad whe quarts tat Cer apples cy select prods. er ay be mostied ancior cancelled eho notice See e-store tor ful Geta, rtd. €

MW te Palmolive ; Chips aie be aid Panchen DOC 37:=@ |7° LB PC OR BLUE MENUS PC" PACIFIC LARGE RAW FRESH ASC ENTREES OR BOWLS. Wnire SHRIMP SELECTED VARIETIES. — ‘OR COOKED PEELED revs ioreninccocrworn CRUES YoourT SELECTED VaRsETIES « REAL VRAIE CASCADE 20-405, Cascade ¢ FABRIC SOFTENER = CUSTOMER RELATIONS 1-866-541-6315. VISIT FOR STORE HOU! (Quantities afr seection ef ems. maybe fied and may not be avatabe ln all toes, For Inquiries on product valabilty at your store please contact Customer Relatons atthe above phone rams. No Rachecks OR Substttens on Searance fens or where quate are advertaed 2s lated. Adwertisnd regular pricing and product selection avr, coos. pater, ste). mx vary by sore lection, We ae ect cbigated to se ems ted on eners et mages typograghy or photography. Pring Al references t “Save, Was, Now. Sawngs. ete." sm comparison to ous own regular prces Coupons must be presenting and redeemed at tne of p ‘Savings on Gems showe may vary in ach store locaton eplecable taxes, Gepests. or emreoreertal surchanges ave entra. No sales to retad cufets. @/™ The Trademarks, service marks and logos dsgtayed en ths fer are tademares of Loblaws Inc. and overs Al rights reserved © 2025 Loblaws Ine (MasterCard and the MasterCard Brand Mark are registered trademarks and PayPass 6 2 trademark of MasterCard Intemational Incorporated President's Chace Gank a licensee of marks. PC Optimum” program ss provided by Presdeet’s Chace Servic lnc. Presdert’s Chace Financa) MasterCard ss provided by Presdest’s Chance Bart. Prendeet’s Chore Franca’ personal banking sereces are peowded by Die Grect barkung Govon of Singin Franca GPC, President's Chace, PC Frnancal and President's (race Franca ae segstered raderars of Lobiaws lnc Teacernarhs used under Icence We reserve the rght to leit quanttes to rrasonatie tamdy requrements MEMBERS ONLY: Tres cers ae crty arable vabe PC Optnere™ program members. Menten fee To reste asa PC Optimum” mente see hse or wst Wear ret blige fo award pits tases on errors oF magnets Mo Cash value See Dehes ca tor Sal program details Mcuseg redermcton restnctons Meerut recergton 10 10.000 pots These offers cannot be comened wit any otter coupons. Gscounts oF promotions and no adjusts oP pre prechases. We teserve i madly or cancel these offers without netice Product avaabilty may vary by store. While supplies last We reserve the ght to ent quantities. “Receive the points speciied when you spend te qsaitying dolar amount cn the Gaptayed participating productis! ancior categoryiies) before taxes and after redemptions and al coupons and Gscovets are Geducted in a srgie tarsacton, “* Vaid for fyer curation. after whch Te price wel be The same for both PC Otmum™ ang fon-PC Opirrum™ members. Tunes aggicable on fhe purchase amount after Gscourts. PC Optrum™ eee eee erate ete an eee eaees bamer (OUTDOOR SEASONAL: For your lca e's hours and fra lt ot Zetes lcs that 00 NOT paricgne in Bis yer vst wren cal Cstomes Relat at 1-86-41 selection of items may be erated and may not be aeadable in al stores. (tcnor seasonal tems j2 ¢ lean are garden) may ony be avatabie al select store locations Sareea tun pcg, wts Bet rvmtabelty We reserve De nytt heat Or qusrttes © resarabie famyregaremer’s Rarchecas may be naiade fr cat of socn tens clung Ceararce tens or where get ate lentes We reserve Re ght posttte Pe ot of stock tem for a fronds ne ony anceck Avertied pa pg ad rte! selecton lve, Co. pta se] may arb soe son leer ea tS “Nowe wn conprst perc to ax own reguar prces Savings on hems averted witin fyer may vary by store location. Coupons must be presented and redeemed at hme of purchase We are net obligated to sel Moms based on errors of mages Z : ‘ypagraghy oF phetograptny Appbeabie taxes. epee. or enirnemental sorcharpes are extra. Mo Sales i etal autets. @1-™ The trademarks service mares and logos daplayed in hs fyer are wademarks of Loblaws inc ando@ens AE | 9 ‘ight reserved. C2025 Lobos ic. SPRUCE OROP te ald i-tare at pariciating cations between Feta 27 - March 19.200 before applicable tones ad whe quarts tat Cer apples cy select prods. er ay be mostied ancior cancelled eho notice See e-store tor ful Geta, rtd. €

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