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Circulaire actuelle Zehrs - Valable à partir du 13.02 au 19.02 - Page n° 4

Circulaire Zehrs 13.02.2025 - 19.02.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

LESS THAN 2 $4.99 A. LAY’S OR RUFFLES. honey garlic oxaes ore es or pone mielet ail °6 GAY LEA BUTTER «520, iD CHEESE BARS «00c0n 300-320608 * SHREDS 250.3200525 0% Fee Townes SELECTIO VARIETIES, wee famanaa Sno ay fea SALTED BEN A JERRY'S 47) 08 MAGNUM “5 SELECTEO vaRIETIES m ACTIVIA. a 12100608 YOGURT \ex100: SELECTEO VARIETIES | DRESSING ‘SeLECTHO VARIENES ri abe CUSTOMER RELATIONS 1-866-541-6315. VISIT FOR STORE HOU! (Quantities and/or section f Mes. may be Heited and may not be avatate ln all stores, Fox lncqies om product availabilty at your store please contact Customer tations atthe above phone number. cis OF Substations on Cearaace fens or where quantes are advertaed 2s lated. Advertised regular pricing and product selection Mav, cous. pater, ste). max vary by sore lection, We ae ect cbt to se es based on eres er mages ‘typography ce photagraghy Priceg. All references to “Save. Was. Now. Savings. et" w comparson tou own regular ces Couporss mest be presenting and redeemed at bre of purchase Savings o8 ems shown may vary in each store location, Aoplicable taxes, depots. or emevoreectal surcharges ave extra. No sales to etal cuets. @™ The rademarks, service marks and logos cisgtayed ix this yer are tademarks of Loblaws Inc. and others. Al rights reserved © 2025 Loblaws Ine ‘MasterCard and the MasterCard Brand Mark are registered rademarts and PayPass 5 3 trademark of MasterCard Intemational Incorporated Presdent’s Chace Bank a licensee of marks. PC Optimum” pragram i provided by President's Chace Services, tec. Pressdert’s Chace Financal MasterCard os prowded by Presdeet's Choice Bark Prendert’s Chace Financaal personal bantung sereces are prowded by the Grect baring Genion of Semple Firancial @PC, Presents Croce, PC Financ! and Presents Croce Francal are sngsteres rademaris of Lobenes inc Trademarks used under hence We reserve Dh night to leret quanttes to reasonable tamdy requrements, PCOPTIARAM MEMBERS ONLY: Trese cre re ety arate ts vad PC Optra grayan members Menterg s Fee Tovepste as aPC Optimum meee ste @-shrt er rst pLugun ca We at net ciated to xa poets tase en errs or mesgrets No Cash value See rites ca tx Nl program Getas ecuding redemption restnctons Miremue redemption 10.000 ports These ofters cannot be combined wih any other coupons, GScOUnts oF promotions and no adqsire prec prachases. We reserve i madly oc cancel these offers without netice. Product avaabilty may vary by store. While supplies last We reserve the ght tp lent quantties. “Receive the points specified when you spend the qsaltying dolla amount cn the spayed paricmateg pects) andi categories) before taxes and ae resents and a coupons and dscouats are eductnd © a sng trarsacton, “Vaid fr yer craton, shar which Te pce wil be ie same fe bth PC Optimum” ang ren-PC Operum™ meses Tats agoicabe cn De purchase amet ster dscouts. PC Optorum™ member pricey ret apicable ay sce PAK pron Sx partceatny sores ecertag ender Pe Lotieas he baer our For your local store's hours and for 2 lst of Zetws locations that D0 NOT participate in thes ther. wit or call Customer Relations at 1-086-541-4315. Quantities and/or selection of items may be —™, erated and may not be avadable in al stores. (htccor seasonal tems j2 ¢ lean and garden) may ory be avastabie at select store locations Please check you local store for pricing. irmets ant avastabalty We reserve The rift to bent Or te reasonabi tardy requements. Racchecks may be salable fr out ct stack heme excluding Crarace tems or where qanties are advered 2 lentes. he reser Pe é gray oF phetogranhy Acpicabie taxes, Gepnsts, or envrvementa surcharpes Bre extra. Na sas to retal ates. @s™ The trademars, service marks aed ngos Cghayed in ths yr are racers of Loblaws ln. and eters A rights reerved. ©2025 Lablows nc. $PRICE DIOP ctr raid in-sre at parting Incas between February - February 26, 2025 belore applicable tames and while quate lst ie agpies ety to sect products. Oe may be mosied ancl canceled mito natice Se i-store fr tat etal, PEFC

LESS THAN 2 $4.99 A. LAY’S OR RUFFLES. honey garlic oxaes ore es or pone mielet ail °6 GAY LEA BUTTER «520, iD CHEESE BARS «00c0n 300-320608 * SHREDS 250.3200525 0% Fee Townes SELECTIO VARIETIES, wee famanaa Sno ay fea SALTED BEN A JERRY'S 47) 08 MAGNUM “5 SELECTEO vaRIETIES m ACTIVIA. a 12100608 YOGURT \ex100: SELECTEO VARIETIES | DRESSING ‘SeLECTHO VARIENES ri abe CUSTOMER RELATIONS 1-866-541-6315. VISIT FOR STORE HOU! (Quantities and/or section f Mes. may be Heited and may not be avatate ln all stores, Fox lncqies om product availabilty at your store please contact Customer tations atthe above phone number. cis OF Substations on Cearaace fens or where quantes are advertaed 2s lated. Advertised regular pricing and product selection Mav, cous. pater, ste). max vary by sore lection, We ae ect cbt to se es based on eres er mages ‘typography ce photagraghy Priceg. All references to “Save. Was. Now. Savings. et" w comparson tou own regular ces Couporss mest be presenting and redeemed at bre of purchase Savings o8 ems shown may vary in each store location, Aoplicable taxes, depots. or emevoreectal surcharges ave extra. No sales to etal cuets. @™ The rademarks, service marks and logos cisgtayed ix this yer are tademarks of Loblaws Inc. and others. Al rights reserved © 2025 Loblaws Ine ‘MasterCard and the MasterCard Brand Mark are registered rademarts and PayPass 5 3 trademark of MasterCard Intemational Incorporated Presdent’s Chace Bank a licensee of marks. PC Optimum” pragram i provided by President's Chace Services, tec. Pressdert’s Chace Financal MasterCard os prowded by Presdeet's Choice Bark Prendert’s Chace Financaal personal bantung sereces are prowded by the Grect baring Genion of Semple Firancial @PC, Presents Croce, PC Financ! and Presents Croce Francal are sngsteres rademaris of Lobenes inc Trademarks used under hence We reserve Dh night to leret quanttes to reasonable tamdy requrements, PCOPTIARAM MEMBERS ONLY: Trese cre re ety arate ts vad PC Optra grayan members Menterg s Fee Tovepste as aPC Optimum meee ste @-shrt er rst pLugun ca We at net ciated to xa poets tase en errs or mesgrets No Cash value See rites ca tx Nl program Getas ecuding redemption restnctons Miremue redemption 10.000 ports These ofters cannot be combined wih any other coupons, GScOUnts oF promotions and no adqsire prec prachases. We reserve i madly oc cancel these offers without netice. Product avaabilty may vary by store. While supplies last We reserve the ght tp lent quantties. “Receive the points specified when you spend the qsaltying dolla amount cn the spayed paricmateg pects) andi categories) before taxes and ae resents and a coupons and dscouats are eductnd © a sng trarsacton, “Vaid fr yer craton, shar which Te pce wil be ie same fe bth PC Optimum” ang ren-PC Operum™ meses Tats agoicabe cn De purchase amet ster dscouts. PC Optorum™ member pricey ret apicable ay sce PAK pron Sx partceatny sores ecertag ender Pe Lotieas he baer our For your local store's hours and for 2 lst of Zetws locations that D0 NOT participate in thes ther. wit or call Customer Relations at 1-086-541-4315. Quantities and/or selection of items may be —™, erated and may not be avadable in al stores. (htccor seasonal tems j2 ¢ lean and garden) may ory be avastabie at select store locations Please check you local store for pricing. irmets ant avastabalty We reserve The rift to bent Or te reasonabi tardy requements. Racchecks may be salable fr out ct stack heme excluding Crarace tems or where qanties are advered 2 lentes. he reser Pe é gray oF phetogranhy Acpicabie taxes, Gepnsts, or envrvementa surcharpes Bre extra. Na sas to retal ates. @s™ The trademars, service marks aed ngos Cghayed in ths yr are racers of Loblaws ln. and eters A rights reerved. ©2025 Lablows nc. $PRICE DIOP ctr raid in-sre at parting Incas between February - February 26, 2025 belore applicable tames and while quate lst ie agpies ety to sect products. Oe may be mosied ancl canceled mito natice Se i-store fr tat etal, PEFC

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