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Circulaire actuelle Zehrs - Valable à partir du 30.01 au 05.02 - Page n° 4

Circulaire Zehrs 30.01.2025 - 05.02.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

PC" CHEESE SLICES: SELECTED VARIENES, S00 on SHREDS 202200 Tk AE! ‘YOGURT «so suxecreo vanienes ee seuecTto vanene} "OSE shes at Spi DESSERT «79m a. ‘ipple cut Sur creat = rs ‘onion = : NOVELTIES 5 a5 saceriovanrned : PS : 5 eke anh LessTHAN, SR79EA, PSN NATURE VALLEY Senscoeserry pI WAVLU RG VALLEY Sa CRUNCHY SELECTED VARIETIES monet | =bs Ea Kou € 3 HIGH PROTEIN HYPERPRO’ 2/S $5.99 EA. PC" BLUE MENU" OR PC" SELECTEO VARIETIES 1230355 0, 2S eS deanaioere Meas sul re BUY 2 (oom GET 1 FREE ra— ale) (Quantities and/or setection f ems. may be feited and may not be avatate in all stores, Fox lncqies on product availabilty at your store please contact Customer atons atthe above phone number. 3 OF Seb crc te ware es 8 aeons ss ston. eer escent tt Salouawuee dena ypegraghy or phatograghy Prong Al retererces t0 “Save Was. Whom Szmngs. etc" s comparsor to ou own regular orces Coupons Mest be seesenting and redeemed at NSE 08 ems Showa may vary In Fach store loc aber are temas of Loins ie. ad cers. Al sghseeserved. © 2025 Loblaws lnc rh 2 icensee of mars. PC Optenum” program s prowdnd by Presteet’s Choe Services Grect barking Govesion of Semple Financial @PC, President's Chace, PC Financal and Presctent’s Goce Feancal ae mepsteres vasenar Coates to easonatie fay regaremets PCOPTIANAA MEMBERS OMLY: These cers ae ntyaralaie to ald PC Optiare™ program members. Membership fee. To regater as aPC Optman”™ member ve in-store cr vist pcan ca We ae rot obigated to award pits sed on errs carne be perhtors. Wo mew mal cnt Sas cen stn ec say mw by ev. le mye. ur BS qa eho Bp sect wae ys wd be eating es amon ba Capel pcg pte se cnn) ts ts wd sr ones ad cps ecto ded Ayer eration, afer which he pice wil be he same for beth PC Optimum and non PCO CUTDOGA SEASONAL: Fryar ware’ hrs an era tel 2 can Bat DONO pce eer wal wo eaca eat ner ans tS lensed and may not be svadable in a stores. Cxtcoor seas tems fe ¢ lawn ard gar) may ty be arable at sect store locations. Pease check your local soe far pricey * cert em Se rong recheck Abert reg pricing and produc selection aver cot pers, se may ary by sie caer Aes ou yes Sore “ts cope | Sere 1b or oon regular prices, Savings on ems aéversed within fyer may vary by store lecaon. Coupes must Cf purchase. We are nck cbigates to sel tems based on errs or msgs i repesreserent C25 bias be. $PRICE DROP ce ai reat prtopatng ixater beeen arary 2 Frtrary $25 be acpcabl tases ad whe artes ast Oe apples oy salt rats et ay be moti andi canceled witout neice See in-store fer tu Gets oF mesgrets No Cash value See retes ca tr Sal program ets cg redemoton restnctons Miremum rdemetion 10.000 ports These offers COMIN WD any ORR COLORS, SCOUTS OF PUMICE Bnd NO AORSITINNNS OF PrRRCK — Paste tl opp st ees panna cg pc ype onan tye vans | ad ucts bso ony nosenes cess ny ee ok as hee ecoes corec tet eatin oneter nae nee NEeaaE mace eente | COS ‘ypoyragy ce photapaphs Aeplcable tees. depts, er eneronmetal saasyes are eta No sales etal ets. @/"™ Ti is yer are ademas of Leben ne and ters. | ZEH BACK

PC" CHEESE SLICES: SELECTED VARIENES, S00 on SHREDS 202200 Tk AE! ‘YOGURT «so suxecreo vanienes ee seuecTto vanene} "OSE shes at Spi DESSERT «79m a. ‘ipple cut Sur creat = rs ‘onion = : NOVELTIES 5 a5 saceriovanrned : PS : 5 eke anh LessTHAN, SR79EA, PSN NATURE VALLEY Senscoeserry pI WAVLU RG VALLEY Sa CRUNCHY SELECTED VARIETIES monet | =bs Ea Kou € 3 HIGH PROTEIN HYPERPRO’ 2/S $5.99 EA. PC" BLUE MENU" OR PC" SELECTEO VARIETIES 1230355 0, 2S eS deanaioere Meas sul re BUY 2 (oom GET 1 FREE ra— ale) (Quantities and/or setection f ems. may be feited and may not be avatate in all stores, Fox lncqies on product availabilty at your store please contact Customer atons atthe above phone number. 3 OF Seb crc te ware es 8 aeons ss ston. eer escent tt Salouawuee dena ypegraghy or phatograghy Prong Al retererces t0 “Save Was. Whom Szmngs. etc" s comparsor to ou own regular orces Coupons Mest be seesenting and redeemed at NSE 08 ems Showa may vary In Fach store loc aber are temas of Loins ie. ad cers. Al sghseeserved. © 2025 Loblaws lnc rh 2 icensee of mars. PC Optenum” program s prowdnd by Presteet’s Choe Services Grect barking Govesion of Semple Financial @PC, President's Chace, PC Financal and Presctent’s Goce Feancal ae mepsteres vasenar Coates to easonatie fay regaremets PCOPTIANAA MEMBERS OMLY: These cers ae ntyaralaie to ald PC Optiare™ program members. Membership fee. To regater as aPC Optman”™ member ve in-store cr vist pcan ca We ae rot obigated to award pits sed on errs carne be perhtors. Wo mew mal cnt Sas cen stn ec say mw by ev. le mye. ur BS qa eho Bp sect wae ys wd be eating es amon ba Capel pcg pte se cnn) ts ts wd sr ones ad cps ecto ded Ayer eration, afer which he pice wil be he same for beth PC Optimum and non PCO CUTDOGA SEASONAL: Fryar ware’ hrs an era tel 2 can Bat DONO pce eer wal wo eaca eat ner ans tS lensed and may not be svadable in a stores. Cxtcoor seas tems fe ¢ lawn ard gar) may ty be arable at sect store locations. Pease check your local soe far pricey * cert em Se rong recheck Abert reg pricing and produc selection aver cot pers, se may ary by sie caer Aes ou yes Sore “ts cope | Sere 1b or oon regular prices, Savings on ems aéversed within fyer may vary by store lecaon. Coupes must Cf purchase. We are nck cbigates to sel tems based on errs or msgs i repesreserent C25 bias be. $PRICE DROP ce ai reat prtopatng ixater beeen arary 2 Frtrary $25 be acpcabl tases ad whe artes ast Oe apples oy salt rats et ay be moti andi canceled witout neice See in-store fer tu Gets oF mesgrets No Cash value See retes ca tr Sal program ets cg redemoton restnctons Miremum rdemetion 10.000 ports These offers COMIN WD any ORR COLORS, SCOUTS OF PUMICE Bnd NO AORSITINNNS OF PrRRCK — Paste tl opp st ees panna cg pc ype onan tye vans | ad ucts bso ony nosenes cess ny ee ok as hee ecoes corec tet eatin oneter nae nee NEeaaE mace eente | COS ‘ypoyragy ce photapaphs Aeplcable tees. depts, er eneronmetal saasyes are eta No sales etal ets. @/"™ Ti is yer are ademas of Leben ne and ters. | ZEH BACK

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