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Circulaire actuelle Zehrs - Valable à partir du 23.01 au 29.01 - Page n° 4

Circulaire Zehrs 23.01.2025 - 29.01.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

12 PIECE PRE-PACK 8 SAUCED WINGS 725: + 12" TAKEAND BAKE PIZZA sio-7396 en pb S SELECTED VARIETIES 2iSI2S56.HA/ 254401.1A 320 8) ae CRACKER Siaeeeones* ETS 1 ee <= PC’ GREEK YOGURT StECTEO VARIETIES Gores $s MINUTE RICE SELECTED VARIETIES Lan AKG DRY SHAMPOO: SRUCTEO VARIETIES 90 SES Denar a SOFTENER >: 431, BEADS 379008 GAIN SHEETS 120-200 SELICTEO vamenits i] ‘Quantities and/erselecton of ees may be ented a5d may fot be availabe in all sores. For ingles on preduct avatabilty at your store please contact Customer Relatons at the abowe phone number.) Rancresks 0 cn Garance tems or where quatbes art advertaed as Seed. Advertised regu pricing and product selection aveux, cour. paters, style) maz. ary by store lection, We ae oct cbigated to se tems ted on errs et meagre a "Sm ComparSOF 1 ou own regular OMCeS Coupons Must be presented ant redeemed at tre of purchase Savings ge Aems shown may vary in each store locaden. ‘Applicable tunes, Gepesits, or errvironmental surcharges ave extra No sales to retad cults. @/"™ The trademarks, service marks and lous Gsplayed i thes Myer are trademarks of Loblaws Inc and cers. Al rights eeserved © 2024 Loblaws inc MasterCard and the MasterCart Brand Mark ave restered trademarks and PayPass $ a Trademark of MasterCard Intemational Icorporated President's Chace Bark a kcensee of marks. PC Optmum™ program s provided by Presdieet’s Chace Services, tee. President's Chace Francal MasterCars ss prowded by President's Chace Bark Presdert’s Chace Financ personal banking sereces are prowded by De Grect barkung Grveson of Semple Financial GPC. Pressdent’s Croce, PC Financaal and Presents Chace Francal are regsteres Tagemarts cf Lobes Inc Trademarks used under licence We reserve Dat net to hervt quantbes to rrasanatie tamdy requrements PC OPTIMNAA MEMBERS OMLY: These cers av erty aatatie 1 va PC Optenars™ pogeam members. Memterp i ee To reper as aPC Cptman”™ mente see l-storeer wt pptenam ca We ae not ebligte to award pits tase en errs ‘or mesgrets No Cash value See rehes ca tor Nal program detats eckudeg redemption restrictions Minemue regemotin 10.000 ports These otters Cannct be Comned with any otter COL. OSCOUtS OF promChons and MO BRS ITINNTS OF preeCK, purchases. We reserve madly oc cancel these offers witout retice Product avatabiley may vary by sore. While supplies last We reserve the right to ent quantities. Receive the points speciied when you spend the qsaltying dolar amount cn the Gaptayed partcpating products! ancior categoryies! before taxes and after redemotons and af coupons and dscovets are deducted m a sngie transaction, "* Vaid for fiyer duration. shir whch Te price wil be The same for both PC Optimum” ang rot-PC Optraan” members. Taxes applicable one purchase amount afer Gscouets. PC Open” member pricing «net applicable tary pce match programs fo parcipatng sores operate unde he Lote Ie. bane. UDOREASOMA es ica xe’ sd tt ts aos Bat DO WF prion he at ca a Cats eon a 415. ame anderen ems maybe —< erated and may not be avaiable in al stores. Cuttcor seasonal tems je ¢ lean ard girder) may only be avatabie af select store locations Please Check your local store for pricing. iemets ans avastabaity We reserve The rag to bent Or quantibes to rrascrabie tardy requrements Ranchecks may be svalabie tor out of stock Gems exciuting Clearance tens or where quanttes are adverbaed 25 lentes We reserve The night t mestie Be out of stock dem for at Ai reps erent C2 Lbizs.$PRUCE DROP ce av re at parteatng caters Dever Jarary2- Frerary$ 12S bere acpabl tases and wale artes at ae ates om sect produc. Oe may be mosiied andir cance witout notice Sew store tr tu Geta.

12 PIECE PRE-PACK 8 SAUCED WINGS 725: + 12" TAKEAND BAKE PIZZA sio-7396 en pb S SELECTED VARIETIES 2iSI2S56.HA/ 254401.1A 320 8) ae CRACKER Siaeeeones* ETS 1 ee <= PC’ GREEK YOGURT StECTEO VARIETIES Gores $s MINUTE RICE SELECTED VARIETIES Lan AKG DRY SHAMPOO: SRUCTEO VARIETIES 90 SES Denar a SOFTENER >: 431, BEADS 379008 GAIN SHEETS 120-200 SELICTEO vamenits i] ‘Quantities and/erselecton of ees may be ented a5d may fot be availabe in all sores. For ingles on preduct avatabilty at your store please contact Customer Relatons at the abowe phone number.) Rancresks 0 cn Garance tems or where quatbes art advertaed as Seed. Advertised regu pricing and product selection aveux, cour. paters, style) maz. ary by store lection, We ae oct cbigated to se tems ted on errs et meagre a "Sm ComparSOF 1 ou own regular OMCeS Coupons Must be presented ant redeemed at tre of purchase Savings ge Aems shown may vary in each store locaden. ‘Applicable tunes, Gepesits, or errvironmental surcharges ave extra No sales to retad cults. @/"™ The trademarks, service marks and lous Gsplayed i thes Myer are trademarks of Loblaws Inc and cers. Al rights eeserved © 2024 Loblaws inc MasterCard and the MasterCart Brand Mark ave restered trademarks and PayPass $ a Trademark of MasterCard Intemational Icorporated President's Chace Bark a kcensee of marks. PC Optmum™ program s provided by Presdieet’s Chace Services, tee. President's Chace Francal MasterCars ss prowded by President's Chace Bark Presdert’s Chace Financ personal banking sereces are prowded by De Grect barkung Grveson of Semple Financial GPC. Pressdent’s Croce, PC Financaal and Presents Chace Francal are regsteres Tagemarts cf Lobes Inc Trademarks used under licence We reserve Dat net to hervt quantbes to rrasanatie tamdy requrements PC OPTIMNAA MEMBERS OMLY: These cers av erty aatatie 1 va PC Optenars™ pogeam members. Memterp i ee To reper as aPC Cptman”™ mente see l-storeer wt pptenam ca We ae not ebligte to award pits tase en errs ‘or mesgrets No Cash value See rehes ca tor Nal program detats eckudeg redemption restrictions Minemue regemotin 10.000 ports These otters Cannct be Comned with any otter COL. OSCOUtS OF promChons and MO BRS ITINNTS OF preeCK, purchases. We reserve madly oc cancel these offers witout retice Product avatabiley may vary by sore. While supplies last We reserve the right to ent quantities. Receive the points speciied when you spend the qsaltying dolar amount cn the Gaptayed partcpating products! ancior categoryies! before taxes and after redemotons and af coupons and dscovets are deducted m a sngie transaction, "* Vaid for fiyer duration. shir whch Te price wil be The same for both PC Optimum” ang rot-PC Optraan” members. Taxes applicable one purchase amount afer Gscouets. PC Open” member pricing «net applicable tary pce match programs fo parcipatng sores operate unde he Lote Ie. bane. UDOREASOMA es ica xe’ sd tt ts aos Bat DO WF prion he at ca a Cats eon a 415. ame anderen ems maybe —< erated and may not be avaiable in al stores. Cuttcor seasonal tems je ¢ lean ard girder) may only be avatabie af select store locations Please Check your local store for pricing. iemets ans avastabaity We reserve The rag to bent Or quantibes to rrascrabie tardy requrements Ranchecks may be svalabie tor out of stock Gems exciuting Clearance tens or where quanttes are adverbaed 25 lentes We reserve The night t mestie Be out of stock dem for at Ai reps erent C2 Lbizs.$PRUCE DROP ce av re at parteatng caters Dever Jarary2- Frerary$ 12S bere acpabl tases and wale artes at ae ates om sect produc. Oe may be mosiied andir cance witout notice Sew store tr tu Geta.

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