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Circulaire actuelle Zehrs - Valable à partir du 27.02 au 05.03 - Page n° 5

Circulaire Zehrs 27.02.2025 - 05.03.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

Va.sm6 SERVESOUP | StuECTEO vaneTECg 40 « wr Foore.xe p mere ee Te rama = uel rire had owe PC’ ORANGEJUICE 251.08 SIGGI'S: 50/7500 stuacTeD Vamenes, SELECTED VARIETICS ROTI =. ganvatoa SUGAT SUCTE gant eee ee ee ‘Quantities and/or section of ems may be tated and may ect be available i all stores. Fe inqaes on product avail at your store please contact Customer tations at the above phone number. io Rarchecks OR Subst on earnce tems o where quate ae adverts Sted. Advert regular ring aed product selection Mavour, colo, paters, sie). ma vary by store lection, We set ect cblqate to se tems tase on ers ot mags tynogranhy oF phetograghy Prong Al references to “Save, Was. Now Sawegs. rfc " = @ compara 1 ou own regula’ prceS Coupons Must be presented and redeemed at tre of purchase Spvings om Rams shown may vary in each store locaton, Agplcable tes, cepts, er envoneental surcharges ae extra. No sales cea ets 9 The trademarks, service mars aed logos Gsplaye i Dis yer ae tademarts of Lions ic and ces. Al rights reserved. © 2025 Loblews lnc (MasterCard and the MasterCast Brand Mark are regsternd trademarks and PayPass 3 Yademark of MasterCard international corporate’ Presidest’s Chace Bark a icensee of marks PC Optra” program « provided ty President's Cnoce Services (he Presdert’s Croce Frnancal MasterCard os provided by Presdent's Chace Bari Prendert s Chace Financial personal bankung sereces are prowded by Die Grect bankang Corson of Sangin Franca GPC, Presdent s Choce, PC Financial and Prescert's Croce Franca are segsteres rademarks of Lobnes Inc Trademarks used under icence We reserve Te night to ket quanties to reasonable tamdy requrements, PC OPTIMMAA MEMBERS OMLY: These cers ave ntyavafabe 1 vad PC Optenara™ proyeam members. Memberp& te Toregater as a PC Optman”™ meter see e-str e tpeugienam ca ie arent bigate to aad pois based on errors (or mesgreets No Cash value See Dees ca tor ful program Getats mckudeg redemption restnctors Miremum eegemeton 10 000 ports These otters Cannot be comoned wit any other coupoes. Gscounts oF promotions and no aGusirents of prrecus purchases. We reserve i modty or cancel These offers without notice Product avalabilty may vary by store. While supphes last We reserve the right to lent quantities. “Recewe Pe ports specified when you spend he qualifying dolar amount on the splayed participating praductis) andlor categoryiesi before taxes ang afer redemptions and al coupons and Gscozts are Ged.cted 9 a srigie transaction. "* Vaid for fiyer Curation. after which Te orice wel be The same for both PC Optimum” ang (noe-PC Optimum” members Trees appicable on the purchase amourt ye PEFC lerited and may not be avaiable in a stores. Cuttvor seasoral tems jeg tenn and garden) ay oly be avaabl at select stove locations. Pease check your local sre fr pricing. mits and avataby We reserve he right tb lent (qanttes to reasonable tay requeemerts, Ranchecks may be svaatie fer ct ct sack hes exciting Garaece tems or where guaetiies art advertaed 2s ite We reserve Te nght to wbettate he cut of stack tem for an ecuvaleet Mem n eu providing a riecheck. Advertised regular pricing and product selection (lawour, colour, patterns, style} may vary by store lacation. Al efevences i cur yee to “Save". "Was", “Mow” ete. in comparison to out oun requar prces. Savings om items advertised wit fyer may vary by store location. Cougars mest be presents and redeemed at ‘ypopracty or shatagraghy. Appicable tunes, Cepsts, x enertementl surcharges are extra. No sales to etal cutets. @/™ The trademarks, ven fights reatrved. C2025 Loblaws ic. SPRUCE DROP ter valid in-store at particpating locations between February Z7 - March 19, 2005 bene applicable tame and while quantities last OSler apples ont to select products. Ore may be motte’ ansir canceled witout notice See -store fr tetas

Va.sm6 SERVESOUP | StuECTEO vaneTECg 40 « wr Foore.xe p mere ee Te rama = uel rire had owe PC’ ORANGEJUICE 251.08 SIGGI'S: 50/7500 stuacTeD Vamenes, SELECTED VARIETICS ROTI =. ganvatoa SUGAT SUCTE gant eee ee ee ‘Quantities and/or section of ems may be tated and may ect be available i all stores. Fe inqaes on product avail at your store please contact Customer tations at the above phone number. io Rarchecks OR Subst on earnce tems o where quate ae adverts Sted. Advert regular ring aed product selection Mavour, colo, paters, sie). ma vary by store lection, We set ect cblqate to se tems tase on ers ot mags tynogranhy oF phetograghy Prong Al references to “Save, Was. Now Sawegs. rfc " = @ compara 1 ou own regula’ prceS Coupons Must be presented and redeemed at tre of purchase Spvings om Rams shown may vary in each store locaton, Agplcable tes, cepts, er envoneental surcharges ae extra. No sales cea ets 9 The trademarks, service mars aed logos Gsplaye i Dis yer ae tademarts of Lions ic and ces. Al rights reserved. © 2025 Loblews lnc (MasterCard and the MasterCast Brand Mark are regsternd trademarks and PayPass 3 Yademark of MasterCard international corporate’ Presidest’s Chace Bark a icensee of marks PC Optra” program « provided ty President's Cnoce Services (he Presdert’s Croce Frnancal MasterCard os provided by Presdent's Chace Bari Prendert s Chace Financial personal bankung sereces are prowded by Die Grect bankang Corson of Sangin Franca GPC, Presdent s Choce, PC Financial and Prescert's Croce Franca are segsteres rademarks of Lobnes Inc Trademarks used under icence We reserve Te night to ket quanties to reasonable tamdy requrements, PC OPTIMMAA MEMBERS OMLY: These cers ave ntyavafabe 1 vad PC Optenara™ proyeam members. Memberp& te Toregater as a PC Optman”™ meter see e-str e tpeugienam ca ie arent bigate to aad pois based on errors (or mesgreets No Cash value See Dees ca tor ful program Getats mckudeg redemption restnctors Miremum eegemeton 10 000 ports These otters Cannot be comoned wit any other coupoes. Gscounts oF promotions and no aGusirents of prrecus purchases. We reserve i modty or cancel These offers without notice Product avalabilty may vary by store. While supphes last We reserve the right to lent quantities. “Recewe Pe ports specified when you spend he qualifying dolar amount on the splayed participating praductis) andlor categoryiesi before taxes ang afer redemptions and al coupons and Gscozts are Ged.cted 9 a srigie transaction. "* Vaid for fiyer Curation. after which Te orice wel be The same for both PC Optimum” ang (noe-PC Optimum” members Trees appicable on the purchase amourt ye PEFC lerited and may not be avaiable in a stores. Cuttvor seasoral tems jeg tenn and garden) ay oly be avaabl at select stove locations. Pease check your local sre fr pricing. mits and avataby We reserve he right tb lent (qanttes to reasonable tay requeemerts, Ranchecks may be svaatie fer ct ct sack hes exciting Garaece tems or where guaetiies art advertaed 2s ite We reserve Te nght to wbettate he cut of stack tem for an ecuvaleet Mem n eu providing a riecheck. Advertised regular pricing and product selection (lawour, colour, patterns, style} may vary by store lacation. Al efevences i cur yee to “Save". "Was", “Mow” ete. in comparison to out oun requar prces. Savings om items advertised wit fyer may vary by store location. Cougars mest be presents and redeemed at ‘ypopracty or shatagraghy. Appicable tunes, Cepsts, x enertementl surcharges are extra. No sales to etal cutets. @/™ The trademarks, ven fights reatrved. C2025 Loblaws ic. SPRUCE DROP ter valid in-store at particpating locations between February Z7 - March 19, 2005 bene applicable tame and while quantities last OSler apples ont to select products. Ore may be motte’ ansir canceled witout notice See -store fr tetas

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