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Circulaire actuelle Costco - Valable à partir du 05.12 au 31.12 - Page n° 5

Circulaire Costco 05.12.2022 - 31.12.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

Valid Dec. 5, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2023 4 WEEKS SAVE $3.50 Lubriderm fragrance free lotion 2x 710mL 126321 Inwarehouse s1298 Instant savings -5350 PRICE 510.49 Available for delivery at a higher price. Valid Dec. 5, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2023 4 WEEKS SAVE $12 Elizabeth Arden ceramide eye capsules 2x 60 capsules 1598551 Imsarehouse 52998 Instant savings -$1200 PRICE s37.99 Available for delivery at a higher price. Vaïié Dec. 5, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2023 4 WEEKS SAVE $6 L'Oreal Telescopic, Lash Paradise and Noir Balm mascara pack 013 8mL 85 mLand77 mL 1675332 Imsrarenouse 52998 Instant savings =$5 00 PRICE 523.00 Available for delivery at a higher price. # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER Valid Dec. 5, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2023 4 WEEKS SAVE $23 Waterpik waterflosser combo pack Nano and Utra 1233836 É inarehouse 5300 instnt savings -52300 PRICE 566.99 Available for delivery at a higher price. # VIEW ONLINE OFFER Valid Dec. 5, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2023 4 WEEKS SAVE $8 Sponge Towels Pret paper towels LIL 1654338 . inarehouse 52509 instant savings -$5.00 PRICE s17.99 Ë Available for delivery at a higher price. Valid Dec. 5, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2023 4 WEEKS SAVE $3.50 Colgate Total Advanced Plus toothbrushes pack of8 1362287 Imwarenouse s1298 Instant savinge “S350 PRICE 59.40 WAREHOUSE ONLY OFFER Valid Dec. 5, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2023 4 WEEKS SAVE $5.90 Charmin Ultra Soft 2-ply bathroom tissue 30 205 shegts 1623623 Imsarehouse 52289 Instant savinge -$590 PRICE 52299 Available for delivery at a higher price. Vañd Dec. 5, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2023 4 WEEKS SAVE Mare Anthony coconut oil and Shea butter shampoo and conditioner 2=1L 943404 Imararehouse st8c Instant savings -5 00 PRICE s13.09 Available for delivery at a higher pric: # VIEW ONLINE OFFER Vaiié Dec. 5, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2023 4 WEEKS SAVE $5 Finish Powerball All in 4 Ultra dishwasher detergent pack of 140 tabs 3826666 Imsrarehouse 521.90 Instant savings -5 00 PRICE 516.99 Available for delivery at a higher price. # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER ] Valid Dec. 5, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2029 4 WEEKS SAVE $2.50 Dawn Powerwash dish spray 473 mL.+ 2 ref AS Se Qu et Imwarehouse s11.40 Instant savings -6250 PRICE 58.99 Available for delivery at a higher price. Valid Dec. 5, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2023 4 WEEKS SAVE $6.50 Ivory Snow liquid laundry detergent 113 washloads 1653524 Imwarehouse 529.49 s Instant savinge -$550 PRICI 52299 —— Available for delivery at a higher price. Vaïié Dec. 5, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2023 4 WEEKS SAVE $3.80 Gain Coldwater liquid laundry detergent 121 washioads 2226089 Imavarehouse stars Instant savings -5380 PRICE s14.99 Available for delivery at a higher price. # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER Valid Dec. 5, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2023 4 WEEKS SAVE $5.50 Tide Advanced Power ultra concentrated liquid laundry detergent with OXI 89 washioads 1507482 Inarehouse 52590 Instant savinge -$5 50 PRICE 521.40 Valid Dec. 5, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2023 4 WEEKS $4 Downy April Fresh ultra concentrated fabric softener 251 washloads 1686016 Imsarehouse s189 Instant savings -$400 PRICE stag Available for delivery at a higher price. Vaiid Dec. 5, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2023 4 WEEKS SAVE Bounce dryer sheets 2 160 sheets 1572430 Imsvarenouse s130 Instant saings -5300 PRICE 510.99 Available for delivery at a higher price. # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER Valid Dec. 5, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2023 4 WEEKS SAVE $3 Febreze Air Effects variety pack 4x 2509 8827185 Inarehouse s1298 Instant savings 5300 PRICE 510.99 # VIEW ONLINE OFFER Terms and Conditions Vaiid Dec. 5, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2023 4 WEEKS SAVE $3 S Dog Delights chewy chicken sticks dog treats to 1280258 Imsarenouse GE Instant saings -5300 PRICE 510.99 Available for delivery at a higher price. # VIEW ONLINE OFFER On Costeo members in good standing may use iese instant sauings. These instant saings are only vai at our warehouse cations in Quebes* Some lems may not be avaable at Costco Business Centre cations. Te instant Saving are val for {ne specified period on) Rave no cash rédemption value and may not be combined th any ter frs a singe unless otherwise species Selection and priing may vary by warehause and are suject 0 change hou noice. fer imite o inventory in arehouse. em clour may fr from ture Prices may be subjects éditions! fees such as environmental handing recychng or ispasal faes Coste reserves fhe ngnt le im quanbes purchased and to comect aors © Registered iraemank of Pnce Contes Intemaonal Inc. used under kcense. “Pharmacies in Costeos Quebec calins are independent oumed and operled by phamacsis. Opt-Club aplical centres in Costcos Quebec Icalions are own! and operaied by Melssa 8. Goyer Independent apiian. For information on environmental fees, visit y Mimi

Derniéres circulaires

Valid Dec. 5, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2023 4 WEEKS SAVE $3.50 Lubriderm fragrance free lotion 2x 710mL 126321 Inwarehouse s1298 Instant savings -5350 PRICE 510.49 Available for delivery at a higher price. Valid Dec. 5, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2023 4 WEEKS SAVE $12 Elizabeth Arden ceramide eye capsules 2x 60 capsules 1598551 Imsarehouse 52998 Instant savings -$1200 PRICE s37.99 Available for delivery at a higher price. Vaïié Dec. 5, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2023 4 WEEKS SAVE $6 L'Oreal Telescopic, Lash Paradise and Noir Balm mascara pack 013 8mL 85 mLand77 mL 1675332 Imsrarenouse 52998 Instant savings =$5 00 PRICE 523.00 Available for delivery at a higher price. # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER Valid Dec. 5, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2023 4 WEEKS SAVE $23 Waterpik waterflosser combo pack Nano and Utra 1233836 É inarehouse 5300 instnt savings -52300 PRICE 566.99 Available for delivery at a higher price. # VIEW ONLINE OFFER Valid Dec. 5, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2023 4 WEEKS SAVE $8 Sponge Towels Pret paper towels LIL 1654338 . inarehouse 52509 instant savings -$5.00 PRICE s17.99 Ë Available for delivery at a higher price. Valid Dec. 5, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2023 4 WEEKS SAVE $3.50 Colgate Total Advanced Plus toothbrushes pack of8 1362287 Imwarenouse s1298 Instant savinge “S350 PRICE 59.40 WAREHOUSE ONLY OFFER Valid Dec. 5, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2023 4 WEEKS SAVE $5.90 Charmin Ultra Soft 2-ply bathroom tissue 30 205 shegts 1623623 Imsarehouse 52289 Instant savinge -$590 PRICE 52299 Available for delivery at a higher price. Vañd Dec. 5, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2023 4 WEEKS SAVE Mare Anthony coconut oil and Shea butter shampoo and conditioner 2=1L 943404 Imararehouse st8c Instant savings -5 00 PRICE s13.09 Available for delivery at a higher pric: # VIEW ONLINE OFFER Vaiié Dec. 5, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2023 4 WEEKS SAVE $5 Finish Powerball All in 4 Ultra dishwasher detergent pack of 140 tabs 3826666 Imsrarehouse 521.90 Instant savings -5 00 PRICE 516.99 Available for delivery at a higher price. # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER ] Valid Dec. 5, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2029 4 WEEKS SAVE $2.50 Dawn Powerwash dish spray 473 mL.+ 2 ref AS Se Qu et Imwarehouse s11.40 Instant savings -6250 PRICE 58.99 Available for delivery at a higher price. Valid Dec. 5, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2023 4 WEEKS SAVE $6.50 Ivory Snow liquid laundry detergent 113 washloads 1653524 Imwarehouse 529.49 s Instant savinge -$550 PRICI 52299 —— Available for delivery at a higher price. Vaïié Dec. 5, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2023 4 WEEKS SAVE $3.80 Gain Coldwater liquid laundry detergent 121 washioads 2226089 Imavarehouse stars Instant savings -5380 PRICE s14.99 Available for delivery at a higher price. # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER Valid Dec. 5, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2023 4 WEEKS SAVE $5.50 Tide Advanced Power ultra concentrated liquid laundry detergent with OXI 89 washioads 1507482 Inarehouse 52590 Instant savinge -$5 50 PRICE 521.40 Valid Dec. 5, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2023 4 WEEKS $4 Downy April Fresh ultra concentrated fabric softener 251 washloads 1686016 Imsarehouse s189 Instant savings -$400 PRICE stag Available for delivery at a higher price. Vaiid Dec. 5, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2023 4 WEEKS SAVE Bounce dryer sheets 2 160 sheets 1572430 Imsvarenouse s130 Instant saings -5300 PRICE 510.99 Available for delivery at a higher price. # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER # VIEW ONLINE OFFER Valid Dec. 5, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2023 4 WEEKS SAVE $3 Febreze Air Effects variety pack 4x 2509 8827185 Inarehouse s1298 Instant savings 5300 PRICE 510.99 # VIEW ONLINE OFFER Terms and Conditions Vaiid Dec. 5, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2023 4 WEEKS SAVE $3 S Dog Delights chewy chicken sticks dog treats to 1280258 Imsarenouse GE Instant saings -5300 PRICE 510.99 Available for delivery at a higher price. # VIEW ONLINE OFFER On Costeo members in good standing may use iese instant sauings. These instant saings are only vai at our warehouse cations in Quebes* Some lems may not be avaable at Costco Business Centre cations. Te instant Saving are val for {ne specified period on) Rave no cash rédemption value and may not be combined th any ter frs a singe unless otherwise species Selection and priing may vary by warehause and are suject 0 change hou noice. fer imite o inventory in arehouse. em clour may fr from ture Prices may be subjects éditions! fees such as environmental handing recychng or ispasal faes Coste reserves fhe ngnt le im quanbes purchased and to comect aors © Registered iraemank of Pnce Contes Intemaonal Inc. used under kcense. “Pharmacies in Costeos Quebec calins are independent oumed and operled by phamacsis. Opt-Club aplical centres in Costcos Quebec Icalions are own! and operaied by Melssa 8. Goyer Independent apiian. For information on environmental fees, visit y Mimi

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