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Circulaire actuelle M&M Food Market - Valable à partir du 13.10 au 19.10 - Page n° 10

Circulaire M&M Food Market 13.10.2022 - 19.10.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

TWO OF A KIND Hi 3 VARIETIES TO CHOOSE FROM | 2 CS Apple Crisp Blossoms 500 | ; SE 99 K599 L= } Lavalicious Chocolate Cakes Lemon Blueberry Cakes Caramel Sea Salt Cakes A1 5 5700 EC $G°° 099 $ “ ». , L I jurmet | Dry Cured Jarkey® OXO Wooden Gourmet Sausage Jar Opener Spoon Pan Scraper memdership card, or sign up for à fre memaerstip in sicee or made, 1 take advartage of Mess excessive offers, Products and prices may vary by region Lits or restrébons may appt Products may not de eux Uy as shown MAM Food Market Express and other mon-tradmonai stores offer à hemited range of products. Iharefoce Special pricitr 26 pesations ara eat raid at MEM Food Market Express er oïer ean-traditona stsres. Some lustratiens in thés fyer do not eécessaniy represent Prices of products that feature the MEM Fo08 Market Rewards Special logo are exclusive to mortbers of de MAM Food Market Bears program. Simply present pour 5% EF © items où sale and are for design onty, We reserve the right Lo cerrect any errors. Commercial resaie of our products is prohibited. Trade-marks, service marks arc d AGED 10508 displayed in Mis fiyer are trade-marks of MEM Meat Shaps Li4. and oters. Any cupication fnciudng posting onfine) mifiout 1e mritten consent of MEM Meat COMPANIES Sops Lid. is prehibited. ©2072 MAM Meat Shops LA Pa ren AOC-QCEN

Derniéres circulaires

TWO OF A KIND Hi 3 VARIETIES TO CHOOSE FROM | 2 CS Apple Crisp Blossoms 500 | ; SE 99 K599 L= } Lavalicious Chocolate Cakes Lemon Blueberry Cakes Caramel Sea Salt Cakes A1 5 5700 EC $G°° 099 $ “ ». , L I jurmet | Dry Cured Jarkey® OXO Wooden Gourmet Sausage Jar Opener Spoon Pan Scraper memdership card, or sign up for à fre memaerstip in sicee or made, 1 take advartage of Mess excessive offers, Products and prices may vary by region Lits or restrébons may appt Products may not de eux Uy as shown MAM Food Market Express and other mon-tradmonai stores offer à hemited range of products. Iharefoce Special pricitr 26 pesations ara eat raid at MEM Food Market Express er oïer ean-traditona stsres. Some lustratiens in thés fyer do not eécessaniy represent Prices of products that feature the MEM Fo08 Market Rewards Special logo are exclusive to mortbers of de MAM Food Market Bears program. Simply present pour 5% EF © items où sale and are for design onty, We reserve the right Lo cerrect any errors. Commercial resaie of our products is prohibited. Trade-marks, service marks arc d AGED 10508 displayed in Mis fiyer are trade-marks of MEM Meat Shaps Li4. and oters. Any cupication fnciudng posting onfine) mifiout 1e mritten consent of MEM Meat COMPANIES Sops Lid. is prehibited. ©2072 MAM Meat Shops LA Pa ren AOC-QCEN

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