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Circulaire actuelle M&M Food Market - Valable à partir du 03.11 au 09.11 - Page n° 10

Circulaire M&M Food Market 03.11.2022 - 09.11.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

SUSTAINABLE SEAFOOD Lightly Crusted Lemon Pepper Sole INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED Seasoned Breaded Cod Cod Fillets 5" s47°° é SE99 _— | CRT Lightly Crusted Garlic . and Herb Haddock Potato Crusted Cod Tartar Sauce membership card, ae sign u for à free membership in stcee ce caline, 0 taken avantage of Mess extiusive offers. Products and prices may vary by region. Limits or restrictions may apohy. Products may not be exsctiy as shown. MAM Food Market Exgress and other mon-tradmionai stares offer à bmited range of products: tharefons special pricing and pesemotions an sot rad at MEM Food Market Express or other man-tradiional steres. Some Blustratiens in thés Myer do not necassaiy represent Prices of products that feature Me MEM Fo08 Market Rewards Special logo are exclusive to menbers of 2e MAM Fo0û Market Rewards program. Simply present pour »# EF © items on sale a2d are for design ceiy, We reserve the right Lo cerrect any errors. Commercial resaie of our products is pronibited. Trade-marks, service marks and ELAGED Logos displayed in Mis flyer are trade-marks of MEM Meat Shops Lid. and oters. Any cupication Gnciuding posting oatine) without Be written consent of M&M Meat VE © COMPANIES Sops Li. is prehibited, ©2072 MEM Meat Shops LA ne “Registered Trademark of the Canadian Cekac Association. Used under license. ONE-QCEN

Derniéres circulaires

SUSTAINABLE SEAFOOD Lightly Crusted Lemon Pepper Sole INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED Seasoned Breaded Cod Cod Fillets 5" s47°° é SE99 _— | CRT Lightly Crusted Garlic . and Herb Haddock Potato Crusted Cod Tartar Sauce membership card, ae sign u for à free membership in stcee ce caline, 0 taken avantage of Mess extiusive offers. Products and prices may vary by region. Limits or restrictions may apohy. Products may not be exsctiy as shown. MAM Food Market Exgress and other mon-tradmionai stares offer à bmited range of products: tharefons special pricing and pesemotions an sot rad at MEM Food Market Express or other man-tradiional steres. Some Blustratiens in thés Myer do not necassaiy represent Prices of products that feature Me MEM Fo08 Market Rewards Special logo are exclusive to menbers of 2e MAM Fo0û Market Rewards program. Simply present pour »# EF © items on sale a2d are for design ceiy, We reserve the right Lo cerrect any errors. Commercial resaie of our products is pronibited. Trade-marks, service marks and ELAGED Logos displayed in Mis flyer are trade-marks of MEM Meat Shops Lid. and oters. Any cupication Gnciuding posting oatine) without Be written consent of M&M Meat VE © COMPANIES Sops Li. is prehibited, ©2072 MEM Meat Shops LA ne “Registered Trademark of the Canadian Cekac Association. Used under license. ONE-QCEN

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