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Circulaire actuelle No Frills - Valable à partir du 01.09 au 07.09 - Page n° 2

Circulaire No Frills 01.09.2022 - 07.09.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

_ WE KNOW LOCAL GROWER FEATURE HORODYNSKY The dedicated team at Horodynskÿ Farms;-irinnisfil; Ontario-has-been-growing fresh onions (red, yellow and pink) since 1973. Led by Boris Horodynsky, who still manages most of the business that bears his name, this farm sits on more than 600 acres of fine, organic soil and uses state-of-the-art equipment for harvesting, sorting, packaging and distributing their high-quality produce. , à BA s FARMER'S MARKET” ( sèt CARROTS cr YELLOW ONIONS RAY product of Ontario, Canoda no.1 grade = SA À <aroîtes ou oignons jaunes N N oi NA î KV SOOP2TODI LORIE! LA Chers : CAROTTES | LANear Le 1 FARMER'S MARKET” YELLOW NECTARINES ©» BLUE PLUMS produét of Oniario, “Canada ne. 1 grade nectarinés à er jaune ou prunes.bleue: TNT LA ROMEO EX Aroogiand ORCHARD RUN A PAULA RED APPLES = BLUE GRAPES produet of Onterio, Caneda Fancy grades & ÿ product of Ontorio, Canada no. 1 grode ponimes re raisins bleus ES xo 20817000 LA s. SMALL WHITÉ POTATOES or pre MAS EGGPLANT or FIELD CUCUCMBERS x Cünoda no. 2e Mode GREEN PEPPERS or GREEN ONIONS pe pommes de terre product of Ontario product of Canada … s ou tomates = aubergine ou poivrons verts concombres ou oignons verts Fred ras ADI LA SPA NEO A OS AM! LA Ÿ ) Ê Ç Foodiand 7: FARMER'S MARKET" BROCE OL + MINI CARROTS , CROWNS | product oOntüria, of Conode ” * Cancda na, 1 grode 3 \ ‘ol opt corisidre ou rodis fist ? ASE LA ! “ En JAIISELA |

Derniéres circulaires

_ WE KNOW LOCAL GROWER FEATURE HORODYNSKY The dedicated team at Horodynskÿ Farms;-irinnisfil; Ontario-has-been-growing fresh onions (red, yellow and pink) since 1973. Led by Boris Horodynsky, who still manages most of the business that bears his name, this farm sits on more than 600 acres of fine, organic soil and uses state-of-the-art equipment for harvesting, sorting, packaging and distributing their high-quality produce. , à BA s FARMER'S MARKET” ( sèt CARROTS cr YELLOW ONIONS RAY product of Ontario, Canoda no.1 grade = SA À <aroîtes ou oignons jaunes N N oi NA î KV SOOP2TODI LORIE! LA Chers : CAROTTES | LANear Le 1 FARMER'S MARKET” YELLOW NECTARINES ©» BLUE PLUMS produét of Oniario, “Canada ne. 1 grade nectarinés à er jaune ou prunes.bleue: TNT LA ROMEO EX Aroogiand ORCHARD RUN A PAULA RED APPLES = BLUE GRAPES produet of Onterio, Caneda Fancy grades & ÿ product of Ontorio, Canada no. 1 grode ponimes re raisins bleus ES xo 20817000 LA s. SMALL WHITÉ POTATOES or pre MAS EGGPLANT or FIELD CUCUCMBERS x Cünoda no. 2e Mode GREEN PEPPERS or GREEN ONIONS pe pommes de terre product of Ontario product of Canada … s ou tomates = aubergine ou poivrons verts concombres ou oignons verts Fred ras ADI LA SPA NEO A OS AM! LA Ÿ ) Ê Ç Foodiand 7: FARMER'S MARKET" BROCE OL + MINI CARROTS , CROWNS | product oOntüria, of Conode ” * Cancda na, 1 grode 3 \ ‘ol opt corisidre ou rodis fist ? ASE LA ! “ En JAIISELA |

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