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Circulaire actuelle No Frills - Valable à partir du 22.09 au 28.09 - Page n° 5

Circulaire No Frills 22.09.2022 - 28.09.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

®& optimum | ha TE) pts | LaGrille | t Ex ha + (ere ttil Lire 7 { il: RER NT | ie 7 1-0 ‘ le 7 in points = a tO = À . 1 1 ro À #11 # ve " hat's lil ie ce $12 in point: every SI! 1 fo olgat: LÉ RTL Le (PA ile * Het Li 0 ge pts ST Re Re | el R TT AT lie From September 22-28, 2022 oely, ot across 45004 locations in Conoda, 1e PC Optimum” Points Days event will provide PC Open” members wéh the opportunity to eorn PC Ops speciol chers and promotions ocrcss al locations where PC Optimumi” points can be eomed. For a list of participosng locotions and complete program Must be o registered PC Oplimum” member lo lood and get ihess offers. 1 points theough Find a cheaper price and era. QUR PRICE apobes based on errors of n por, dis

Derniéres circulaires

®& optimum | ha TE) pts | LaGrille | t Ex ha + (ere ttil Lire 7 { il: RER NT | ie 7 1-0 ‘ le 7 in points = a tO = À . 1 1 ro À #11 # ve " hat's lil ie ce $12 in point: every SI! 1 fo olgat: LÉ RTL Le (PA ile * Het Li 0 ge pts ST Re Re | el R TT AT lie From September 22-28, 2022 oely, ot across 45004 locations in Conoda, 1e PC Optimum” Points Days event will provide PC Open” members wéh the opportunity to eorn PC Ops speciol chers and promotions ocrcss al locations where PC Optimumi” points can be eomed. For a list of participosng locotions and complete program Must be o registered PC Oplimum” member lo lood and get ihess offers. 1 points theough Find a cheaper price and era. QUR PRICE apobes based on errors of n por, dis

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