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Circulaire actuelle Peavey Mart - Valable à partir du 16.09 au 22.09 - Page n° 11

Circulaire Peavey Mart 16.09.2022 - 22.09.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

SAVE $10 5 7° 50’ Air Hose Hybrid polymer air hose, Temperature range -40" to 65°C. 300psi working pressure. Lighiweight & easy to handle. Reg. 67.99 253154 4797 M18T" FUEL Bare Brushless Cordless 2 Gallon Compact Quiet Compressor Compact for easy corrying & less fatigue while ransporting, 3509968 Le E Bore ook do not include bañeries. SAVE $2 ] 842 Protorch 16.10z Ideal for professional or heavy welding ‘3 wel os euting iron & steel Reg. 20.49 3530657 174? Marson Quality since 1918 Welding Fabricators Gloves Full groin cowhide polm. Split leaiher back. Welding gauntet with Kevlr stiching Sizes M-XL Style P5840-2757. 714824-26 AE 39°? Easy Weld Black Maïte ADF Helmet Fecture a lightweight, impact resistnt, freproof shel for increased comfor & prolection 3558486 E 15% Steel Metal Stoc ÆOSTEIES SAVE $30 229°° 0.5hp 1 Gallon Quiet Series Compressor Features a Quiet Series Design, combining strong performance with lower noise. Reg. 259.99 240V induction motor, Pressure 3516054 gouge & on/off switch, Reg 1,099 99 1 679 Es 755110 20 Gallon Compressor 1.6hp cost iron, Vevin cyinder, oùl lubricaled pump. 135psi maximum pressure, 6. 2cfm at AOpsi, 5.3cim ot 90psi. Vertical Reg. 829.99 231697 { 2 Pack Radiator Genie All purpose water & air cleaning wands. À, Adhutiolle pressure & on Reg. 67.99 P 276499 SAVE 15% SAVE $10 @ÿ GEARWRENCH 93“ 129°° : © Wireless Hearing 20 Piece 9 = Protection RAcenns 9° = Bus ok enioge te Ç Wrench oo z ruse includes a 10 piece _ O7 =‘ DE ANR & a 10 piece merric set. À su er © C 1002673 = o SAVE $70 L_ SAVE $130 : oo TES VE 124 ES 719 mr O’Canada 140 Easy-Mig Welding Helmet Welder O'Canada graphics. Solar powered lens. Large 3.82" x 1.73" viewing area & Mo arc sensors Reg. 194.99 275204 60 Gallon Compressor Vertical. Cas iron, Min cyinder ailubricoted pump. Heavy-duiy Full cdhusteble drive system reduces he chance of wire tongling & erushing Welds up to 5/16" steel Reg. 849.99 253683

Derniéres circulaires

SAVE $10 5 7° 50’ Air Hose Hybrid polymer air hose, Temperature range -40" to 65°C. 300psi working pressure. Lighiweight & easy to handle. Reg. 67.99 253154 4797 M18T" FUEL Bare Brushless Cordless 2 Gallon Compact Quiet Compressor Compact for easy corrying & less fatigue while ransporting, 3509968 Le E Bore ook do not include bañeries. SAVE $2 ] 842 Protorch 16.10z Ideal for professional or heavy welding ‘3 wel os euting iron & steel Reg. 20.49 3530657 174? Marson Quality since 1918 Welding Fabricators Gloves Full groin cowhide polm. Split leaiher back. Welding gauntet with Kevlr stiching Sizes M-XL Style P5840-2757. 714824-26 AE 39°? Easy Weld Black Maïte ADF Helmet Fecture a lightweight, impact resistnt, freproof shel for increased comfor & prolection 3558486 E 15% Steel Metal Stoc ÆOSTEIES SAVE $30 229°° 0.5hp 1 Gallon Quiet Series Compressor Features a Quiet Series Design, combining strong performance with lower noise. Reg. 259.99 240V induction motor, Pressure 3516054 gouge & on/off switch, Reg 1,099 99 1 679 Es 755110 20 Gallon Compressor 1.6hp cost iron, Vevin cyinder, oùl lubricaled pump. 135psi maximum pressure, 6. 2cfm at AOpsi, 5.3cim ot 90psi. Vertical Reg. 829.99 231697 { 2 Pack Radiator Genie All purpose water & air cleaning wands. À, Adhutiolle pressure & on Reg. 67.99 P 276499 SAVE 15% SAVE $10 @ÿ GEARWRENCH 93“ 129°° : © Wireless Hearing 20 Piece 9 = Protection RAcenns 9° = Bus ok enioge te Ç Wrench oo z ruse includes a 10 piece _ O7 =‘ DE ANR & a 10 piece merric set. À su er © C 1002673 = o SAVE $70 L_ SAVE $130 : oo TES VE 124 ES 719 mr O’Canada 140 Easy-Mig Welding Helmet Welder O'Canada graphics. Solar powered lens. Large 3.82" x 1.73" viewing area & Mo arc sensors Reg. 194.99 275204 60 Gallon Compressor Vertical. Cas iron, Min cyinder ailubricoted pump. Heavy-duiy Full cdhusteble drive system reduces he chance of wire tongling & erushing Welds up to 5/16" steel Reg. 849.99 253683

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