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Circulaire actuelle Peavey Mart - Valable à partir du 16.02 au 23.02 - Page n° 13

Circulaire Peavey Mart 16.02.2023 - 23.02.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

277? 201B WITH TANK EXCHANGE : 6997? 20LB WITHOUT TANK EXCHANGE ::0 A ne CE Re Lacs To qualify for an exchange tank purchase, you must bring in an empty 20lb, 25% SEASONAL CLEARANCE init enising iventory, No rain cheds. ] 2 99 E Electric Heate: for a Of Kerosene Hecters ESS or Reg. 29.99-499.99 Reg. 299.99-799.99 2017%6, 99, 201937, 215059, 240223 Serenity Pellet Stove 3" exhaust. ne controller included. Buit in for. Clean gloss airwash system, Thermal overload protection Salety shut off. Auto ignifion. 1500 sq. of heating coverage. 401. hopper capaciy. Reg. 1,699.99 80602418 “Disount oprhies1o reguiar prices items on, SAVE $3 OE de WE 12% Clear Kerosene 3.78L Hs Ë CLEARANCE sp Æ SE $20 # 159% Airmax Wood Stove Fan Maves up lo 175 cu. R. of air per minute. Available in black. Gold available in select locations. Reg. 179.99 323648, 49 Ideal fuel for catolyrc stoves & kerosene heaters. Rog. 1599 440902 Éd pi SAVE 20% DER SAVE 35% F SAVE 25% D ze SAVE $20 @PG PINESRES 6 mn 110 14, 77 39% Fuel In À Can Bar & Chain Pet Friendly Ice 4 15,000 Lumen 50:1 or 40:1 Oil 3.78L Melter 3.5kg ca Garage Bulb Reg. 874 Reg. 17.99 Salt free ice meer. Foldable 3552855, 57 144029 Reg. 19.99 Reg. 59.99 7e) 3563442 Lime etäng inerte. No roi he SAVE 20% x SAVE 15% € SAVE 15% 5} SAVE $20 tillsonbrands. Buddy Heaters MF Heateñ Strong Box Totes (ee) — 67 ] 2 99 æ AAssorted options & styles available. (Hyu 5 Tier Shelf Lans Salt Box LA, Made from black plostie, 6 cu. ft. . ne nr Holds up to 4OOlb. \ À Description Reg. Reg 7999 _ Fe À L 3512370 A5 14.49 11.99 4 Tier Shelf 440401 | er. 1501572 65 VA 14 PE 4 “Discount opples lo regulor priced items onh. 2013679 to 214 1799 Contaisnatinthded Desert > 2389 "2268 "26687 "5258 & & 679°<e M187M FUEL M127" FUEL Bare M187" FUEL Brushless Ro ue QUIK-LOKTM 10° p Brushless Cordless Cordless 16” Chainsaw Kit 5500/6800W LES Pole Saw Attachment 7 6” Hatchet Has he power o cut Generator Powered by ihe MT 814 FUELTM # Pruning Saw ii cuis Éce, piah:bullôn sort Power Head with QUIK-LOKT4 / Weighs less ihan Slbs. no includes battery. Ecsily Compos sie 150 cut per charge. en 3514859 on vols & total run time & is compatible wilh our d QUIK-LOK'" Attachment System. 3502817 D A1 _ te on L Bore tool do not include batieries Reg. 929.99 3523618

277? 201B WITH TANK EXCHANGE : 6997? 20LB WITHOUT TANK EXCHANGE ::0 A ne CE Re Lacs To qualify for an exchange tank purchase, you must bring in an empty 20lb, 25% SEASONAL CLEARANCE init enising iventory, No rain cheds. ] 2 99 E Electric Heate: for a Of Kerosene Hecters ESS or Reg. 29.99-499.99 Reg. 299.99-799.99 2017%6, 99, 201937, 215059, 240223 Serenity Pellet Stove 3" exhaust. ne controller included. Buit in for. Clean gloss airwash system, Thermal overload protection Salety shut off. Auto ignifion. 1500 sq. of heating coverage. 401. hopper capaciy. Reg. 1,699.99 80602418 “Disount oprhies1o reguiar prices items on, SAVE $3 OE de WE 12% Clear Kerosene 3.78L Hs Ë CLEARANCE sp Æ SE $20 # 159% Airmax Wood Stove Fan Maves up lo 175 cu. R. of air per minute. Available in black. Gold available in select locations. Reg. 179.99 323648, 49 Ideal fuel for catolyrc stoves & kerosene heaters. Rog. 1599 440902 Éd pi SAVE 20% DER SAVE 35% F SAVE 25% D ze SAVE $20 @PG PINESRES 6 mn 110 14, 77 39% Fuel In À Can Bar & Chain Pet Friendly Ice 4 15,000 Lumen 50:1 or 40:1 Oil 3.78L Melter 3.5kg ca Garage Bulb Reg. 874 Reg. 17.99 Salt free ice meer. Foldable 3552855, 57 144029 Reg. 19.99 Reg. 59.99 7e) 3563442 Lime etäng inerte. No roi he SAVE 20% x SAVE 15% € SAVE 15% 5} SAVE $20 tillsonbrands. Buddy Heaters MF Heateñ Strong Box Totes (ee) — 67 ] 2 99 æ AAssorted options & styles available. (Hyu 5 Tier Shelf Lans Salt Box LA, Made from black plostie, 6 cu. ft. . ne nr Holds up to 4OOlb. \ À Description Reg. Reg 7999 _ Fe À L 3512370 A5 14.49 11.99 4 Tier Shelf 440401 | er. 1501572 65 VA 14 PE 4 “Discount opples lo regulor priced items onh. 2013679 to 214 1799 Contaisnatinthded Desert > 2389 "2268 "26687 "5258 & & 679°<e M187M FUEL M127" FUEL Bare M187" FUEL Brushless Ro ue QUIK-LOKTM 10° p Brushless Cordless Cordless 16” Chainsaw Kit 5500/6800W LES Pole Saw Attachment 7 6” Hatchet Has he power o cut Generator Powered by ihe MT 814 FUELTM # Pruning Saw ii cuis Éce, piah:bullôn sort Power Head with QUIK-LOKT4 / Weighs less ihan Slbs. no includes battery. Ecsily Compos sie 150 cut per charge. en 3514859 on vols & total run time & is compatible wilh our d QUIK-LOK'" Attachment System. 3502817 D A1 _ te on L Bore tool do not include batieries Reg. 929.99 3523618

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