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Circulaire actuelle Real Canadian Superstore - Valable à partir du 01.06 au 05.07 - Page n° 17

Circulaire Real Canadian Superstore 01.06.2023 - 05.07.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

We're not all talk. Save for real with PC Optimum", St Club Size, Ad Match and so much more. een) TS Le: Unchodes cearance LA LT DRAP EN PTE ET Sineaté Hi Fr ice LART ETS ELLE CRETE AE CÉUAEEES See flyer for ae TELE EME ETES d GUCES He EVA IENT | CEE y more, MONET ES io ot at low prices. everyday DUT Prices effective June 1st until Juiy Sth, 2023 in Ontario unless otherwise stated. Quantities and/or selection of items may be limited and may not be available in all stores. Items in this flyer may not be available at the following Ontario locations: Leamington, Midiand, Ajax, Windsor (Dougall Avenue), Peterborough, Mississauga (Mavis Road), CRETE EE EU ENT EEE EC TURC LE ES ALLIE CS EE ET EST Ie No rainchecks or substitutions. Advertised regular pricing and product selection (colour, pattern, style) may vary by store location. We reserve the right to limit quantities to reasonable family requirements. We are not obligated to sell items based on errors or misprints in typography or photography. Pricing: all references to “save, was, now, savings, etc." is in comparison to our own regular prices. Applicable taxes, deposits, or environmental surcharges are extra DE CET ue CET ME AE RTE Eee LE CT A CELL LOS RECRÉER LE ET EL ET ONE POELE VEN ELEC OA TOUS ECS ES ENTER OSEO CRT ER OCR CE 4227 TETE ae Pam 006 208 0e 07 CE RS LE EL

Derniéres circulaires

We're not all talk. Save for real with PC Optimum", St Club Size, Ad Match and so much more. een) TS Le: Unchodes cearance LA LT DRAP EN PTE ET Sineaté Hi Fr ice LART ETS ELLE CRETE AE CÉUAEEES See flyer for ae TELE EME ETES d GUCES He EVA IENT | CEE y more, MONET ES io ot at low prices. everyday DUT Prices effective June 1st until Juiy Sth, 2023 in Ontario unless otherwise stated. Quantities and/or selection of items may be limited and may not be available in all stores. Items in this flyer may not be available at the following Ontario locations: Leamington, Midiand, Ajax, Windsor (Dougall Avenue), Peterborough, Mississauga (Mavis Road), CRETE EE EU ENT EEE EC TURC LE ES ALLIE CS EE ET EST Ie No rainchecks or substitutions. Advertised regular pricing and product selection (colour, pattern, style) may vary by store location. We reserve the right to limit quantities to reasonable family requirements. We are not obligated to sell items based on errors or misprints in typography or photography. Pricing: all references to “save, was, now, savings, etc." is in comparison to our own regular prices. Applicable taxes, deposits, or environmental surcharges are extra DE CET ue CET ME AE RTE Eee LE CT A CELL LOS RECRÉER LE ET EL ET ONE POELE VEN ELEC OA TOUS ECS ES ENTER OSEO CRT ER OCR CE 4227 TETE ae Pam 006 208 0e 07 CE RS LE EL

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